Interesting question, and I don't think that it can be answered as easily as saying "because God knows what he wants for me". What, God wanted you to wear a seatbelt? Then why didn't it get invented when the first automobile came across the assembly line?
There is, i think, a bit of hypocracy in those who live such safe and sane lives when the protection of God through guarenteed eternal life seems such a slam dunk. I don't suggest suicide at all...but why not travel to foreign lands and help those who are really in need? Why, if you are Christian and truly believe in Jesus, are you storing up treasure on earth instead of storing treasure for heaven? It's a serious question I think.
I have done a lot of soul searching in the last 20 years. I am a baptized Lutheran (so automatically, there are Christians that KNOW I am going to hell), and was raised in a family that did not go to church, but read and discussed the Bible several times as I was growing up (meaning, we read it cover to cover, as a family, several times over a period of years).
So, what does hold people back from a more challenging, a more risky way of living? Why don't more people head off into the unknown? I don't think it has anything at all to do with what God has planned for has to do with basic human instinct...the need to be safe...maslow's triangle, so to speak. I think this is true because people obviously had a will to survive before Christianity, or indeed even Judaism was created.
For those who feel they must stay to help others come to Christianity, I would ask, at what price? Much of this bringing to Christ activity is done at the point of the sword...again, history is not kind to organized religions, and Christianity is pretty high on the list of atrocity perveyors. To be willing to die for your faith...that is truly an honorable thing. To be willing to KILL for your faith...indeed, for a faith that has in it's 10 most holy rules Thou Shalt Not Kill...that is astonishing. To be EAGER to kill for your faith...that is evil incarnate. History if full of this kind of faith.
And when you look at history, what peoples were greatly advanced, in ways that would be important to Jesus, by the coming of Christianty as we know it? Was it important to Jesus that native Americans dress like westerners? Was it important to Jesus that they only speak English? Was it important to Jesus that they give up what was rightfully theirs? See, all of this was done in the name of I'm sorry, but the idea of a noble intent just is not proven by the facts when you look at the big picture. Perhaps it works on a small scale, but in my view, it works in SPITE of the religous works because people IGNORE what their religions may tell them, and do what they know to be right at a basic, human level.
2007-08-21 08:17:43
answer #1
answered by Night Owl 5
Actually, God wants us to be bold in life and while we are not suppose to destroy the body because it is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, I personally do not mourn when a family member dies or anybody for that matter. Because death is a fact of life and nothing but death is certain. You and I will one day be stretched out in our coffins, that is inevitable.
I worked on a hog farm once that changed my outlook on death, I had a hard time killing the hogs that were marked for death until one day I saw a hog half eaten and dragging his self around while the other hogs continued to feast. Right then and there I knew it was obviously more humane to end it's life than let that continue.
And I started thinking about a Christians life as I am one. And as a Christian I lose this life and take up my cross daily and deny myself which isn't fun. But when the inevitable happens my life will just begin. The only reason I stay here is to try to bring others with me to Heaven, not to indulge in this existence. And in my younger years I was suicidal and the supernatural events I witnessed that stop me from passing over to the other side only reinforced my belief. But that is just how it is with me. Take care and may God bless you spiritually.
2007-08-21 08:41:02
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
As a Christian what keeps me going is God. When He says it's time to come home believe me I won't say give me a minute I will be merrily on my way. My mother recently passed away and I know the nurses must have thought I was crazy as I kept saying to Mama (I found her already gone in her bed ) no more pain thank you Jesus, thank you God for taking Mama home where she has no pain, no sorrows only joy, good health and her fiery red hair. I have told my own children that when I pass from this life to celebrate. To have a dinner and remember all the good times we had together. I do not want a funeral. The time I have here has been spent trying to bring as many others to Christ as I can possibly reach. I have not always been successful but I keep on trying for the end result is so important that it must be presented to everyone. I have had some crazy crazy jobs. Correctional Officer for 15yrs, school bus driver for a few years, and worked in a munitions plant for a short while.
2007-08-21 08:16:33
answer #3
answered by Nancy B 5
Because God has a plan on Earth that we can be a part of. God is interested in ALL people coming to know Him, plus... I believe what we do in life in some way prepares us for Heaven. You suggest we rejoice at death, let me ask you this... if someone you love takes a trip and you won't see them for a long time, doesn't it still make you sad (even though you will see them again). I have no doubt there are dead loved ones that I will be reunited with, but I stilll miss them and am sad I no longer can fellowship with them on Earth. The key is too stay alive and well as long as we can making sure our life is not lived in vain, making sure we are spreading the good news to all who will listen.
2007-08-21 08:07:15
answer #4
answered by Scott B 7
no, there is not a sliver of doubt, if there is, u need to pray for a better understanding of God's word. I think your question is way to general for a real answer for all christians. I live my life to the fullest, and I know that it is in God's hands. "To live is Christ, to die is gain." Part of the christian lifestyle is denying ones flesh...or our worldly view, and begin living through an eternal perspective. I believe that God calls us into different fields of service, and if the Lord wants me to sit at a desk and crunch numbers while telling my fellow employees about God's never-ending love and the meaning of salvation through Jesus Christ, then I will serve. While on earth, our mission as a believer is to witness to the world, if i were to die the moment i became a christian, i wouldnt have much of a chance to offer people the gift of salvation...with all this said, i am not a pastor by any means, and i would suggest that u go and really seek out answers from those that have studied the bible thuroughly, the whole bible...maybe an assemblies of god pastor. well, i hope this helps out, even if it is just a little. i also hope that you really do seek out Jesus Christ.
2007-08-21 08:19:46
answer #5
answered by one4christ 1
AS you say suicide is a sin, & I do take everyday as another day God has allowed me to live, Life is Preciuos, Not worthless, God is the one that gives life, & it will be God that will be the one that takes the breath of life out of this body, Now I know exactly what you are going to say, is it God then that takes a life out of a person that commit suicide, Yes, Because that person choosed that way.Now any other way you like to twist a statement, You think you may have it on us Christians, Friend, i am not a novice in serving God, I have been serving God for over 37 yrs. Just in case you don't know what a novice is, it is someone young unlearned in the Lord.
2007-08-21 08:12:03
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Because I was put on this earth to full a purpose. If God wants me to have a dangerous job then he will lead me to it. Otherwise I will stay right where I am at. I do rejoice when a loved on dies because I know that they are with my Lord and Savior. But I am also human so I miss them and mourn because they are not here. This life does matter because of the things we say and do affects the future for the ones left behind when we die.
2007-08-21 08:13:04
answer #7
answered by saved_by_grace 7
I just think that when a person dies, God will not calculate in front of you how may times you were present and absent during Sunday mass and how many times you have worked during a Sabbath. Maybe the basis of a real christian is his faith in God, realationship with other people, and the kindness he had shown to other people. The important thing during sunday is the mass. It only takes you at least an hour and that doesn't consume much of a Sunday. (I admit that I rarely go to the sunday mass but that doesn't mean i don't know what is right and it doesn't mean that I love God less than those who go to the mass) And by the way going to the Gym and having an exercise is a way of relaxing and forgeting your job and studies. We also had a misconception that the right way to take part of a sabbath day is to stay home and relax on a couch or a bed. If we think that way, we don't know how to look closer and deeper on things. What it meant is that we must relax and reflect on how our week went. During Sabbath day we must forget work and spend time with our friends, family and to God. Sabbath doesn't require us to be idle.
2016-04-01 09:54:20
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You pose an interesting twist. God/Jesus has given us the Great Commandment to go out among the world and tell everyone about him.
Doing this is risky and yes there are some places in this world that to preach the word of God you will be put to death. In the US we are sheltered from this. Most of the time the risk we have is that someone will be offended or think we are crazy. So I agree with you only to this point. We as Christians should be more bold about telling people about our Savior. Not to condemn those who we talk to but approach with compassion and giving.
God gave us this life so we can prosper and willingly choose to love him. It is his plan not ours.
As for death and funerals I rejoice for those who I know that are going to Heaven as for those who are not or I have doubts I prey for them that God will show them mercy.
As for hanging around as you put it. God has a plan for me my destiny will not be cut short for a nearsighted want or desire to be with my Savior. 80-100 years is a blink compared to eternity.
2007-08-21 08:39:16
answer #9
answered by notw559 2
That's quite a theory you've got going there. Part of the thing between myself and God is that I take care of myself, because I'm one of His children. I never heard of the dream of a dream in the eyes of heaven theory. I've heard, God gives us life and then it's up to us to live that life as fully and God like as possible. I've never claimed perfection. I'm a work in progress and I intend to keep progressing until the day I die. Cant do that if I smoke and drink and drive wrecklessly, now can I?
2007-08-21 08:13:25
answer #10
answered by phlada64 6