Read the Law. Women have to leave and live in the wilderness during their periods, you kill your child for disobeying, slave ownership, etc.
2007-08-21 07:02:47
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Read the story of The Flood where god got mad that his plan didn't work out and he murdered almost everybody.
Read the Book of Job where god makes a bet with the devil and allows the devil to kill Job's 10 children just to see what would happen (of course god gave Job some replacement children at the end of the story).
Read the book of Exodus where god allowed his people be kept in slavery for 400 years, how he finally got around to sending someone to take care of it, how god hardened Pharoh's heart, and how he commited two more mass murders.
Read the book of Genesis where god's children made an honest mistake while their parent was watching and that parent not only threw them out of their homes but punished all their children and grandchildren for all eternity.
Read 2 Kings 22 where god sends two she bears to ripe apart 42 sassy kinds.
Read Deut 13:6-9 where god tells you to murder, with stones, anybody who talks to you about another god.
The bible is full of this stuff.
2007-08-21 14:10:06
answer #2
answered by Alan 7
Many reasons and probably to many to list here but I'll start with a few:
Adam and Eve sin and not only is the totality of humanity judged for it (no access to Eden, born into sin) but all other creatures are subjected to death and decay.
God as creator and designer comes up with a world where you either believe or burn... it would have been just as easy to come up with one where you believe or just have a normal life; why be punished for a choice that was yours to make?
Also God determines that the only way to atone for sin is the spilling of blood, yours, and animals or his son's (wonder what happened to unconditional forgiveness?)
Abraham, in order to prove his faith, was instructed to take his son and sacrifice him -- understand that this meant a long walk to the site on the mountain all the time dreading having to kill his child, only to find a convenient sheep to use in stead. This psychological torture was done as a foreshadowing of the Messiah.
Entire cities were wiped out to the very last baby... granted it stopped the human sacrifices but killed a lot more innocents.
The first born of Egypt were all killed regardless if they were babies or young men... no chance for them... I believe this also applied to animals.
This is just a start...
2007-08-21 14:15:42
answer #3
answered by Pirate AM™ 7
The bible is filled with stories of death and destruction, most on the orders of "god". The cruelty endorsed, or at the very least, condoned, by the biblical god, is intensely barbaric.
2007-08-21 14:06:33
answer #4
answered by manic.fruit 4
Could it be the accounts of barbarism that are portrayed in the bible yathink?
2007-08-21 14:03:13
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Have you read the OT?
Some of the practices - all the warring, all of Leviticus, the descriptions of slaughter, et al - are barbaric by any standard.
2007-08-21 14:06:39
answer #6
answered by ReeRee 6
Because God the Father was an angry tyrant who demanded so much from his people.So they did some nasty things just to get on his good side,I guess!
2007-08-21 19:22:59
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Well, if you HAVE read the Bible cover to cover, then you'de read plenty. The heroes are rapists, murderers, incestuous, drunkards, and baby killers. "Gee...a bunch of angry guys outside my door. Here, I'll give you my girlfriend or daughters to rape and murder if you leave me alone..."
2007-08-21 14:07:06
answer #8
answered by mamasquirrel 5
Have you actually read it? There is alot of love and compassion but, the Bible is also full of incest, murder, hatred, wars, genocide, infanticide, and a lot of other things.
2007-08-21 14:13:05
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Have you read it? It's like a Stephen King novel.
2007-08-21 14:05:01
answer #10
answered by Anonymous