Because they have no lives and like to think of themselves as "persecuted." They get a sick satisfaction out of sabotaging every religious question on here and being told they're going to hell by evangelical nutjobs. It's really helpful to the board. Oh, and answering any question about religion without being snotty automatically earns you 5 thumbs down. Just watch.
2007-08-21 05:42:57
answer #1
answered by Amanda 3
I was raised a Christian, I went to church every Sunday, and I read the bible like I was supposed to. I went to Catholic schooling because it was the only decent education in my area. The public schools are awful. I was taught that I didn't matter because I was not Catholic. I was segregated from the other children during mass, communion, and confession. I was taught that Catholicism was the only religion that mattered. When I go to high school, we studied the bible. We studied all different religions. I learned that there were many contradictions in the bible. That the Old Testament and the New Testament show very different sides of God. The Old Testament said to fear the Lord, the New Testament said to love the Lord. I became very conflicted with my Christianity.
One day I was introduced to Wicca. I became a pagan and for the first time in my life I was happy with my religion. The Wiccan Rede is "Bring love to your heart and harm to none". I have followed that to the best of my ability since that day 12 years ago. Wicca is a very eclectic religion, you can have faith in any deity, incorporate any beliefs and make them personal, and as long as you follow the Rede you can be a decent, moral, upstanding person.
I have friends of all religions. We have an agreement that as long as we agree that to each his own when it comes to religion we do not have a problem. I have friends that are Christians and Wiccans. There is nothing in or out of the bible that says you cannot believe in God and Jesus and still want to be at peace with the world, which is what my friends follow.
Many out there of all religions believe that their religion is the only way to live. That if you don't believe in their God then you are damned, or that you are not a chosen one, or for whatever reason you are less than they are because of your beliefs. This reason is why there is so much animosity. Most religions do not preach that all are equal without restrictions; they teach that you are equal as long as you believe what you are supposed to believe.
I end this saying that there will never come a time when everyone will see eye to eye. So in the infamous words...Can't we all just get along?
2007-08-21 06:32:45
answer #2
answered by Storm 3
Personally, I don't bash Christians for "fun" or the sake of bashing. I challenge them to think differently but they won't.
We (non-believers) are tired of the hate, prejudice, witnessing, constant insults that we've received from other Christians not only here but also in our daily life. It's sickening.
Do you think we're making this stuff up? No. You'll see by the other answers here that's exactly how other people feel too.
And I HAVE read the bible. I was a Christian for over 20 years and also graduated college with a degree in world religions (am now Agnostic). I do think I know what I'm talking about.
2007-08-21 05:52:59
answer #3
answered by spike_is_my_evil_vampire 4
Religion and religious beliefs are a touchy subject, right up there with politics. It's sad, but that's the way it is. I am also a Christian, but do not judge other's beliefs. Some people make themselves feel better by putting other's beliefs down, and quite honesty, when you think about it as a whole, who is it really hurting? I have friends that are athiests, but I don't preach to them my beliefs and vice versa. On here, though, you're opening yourself up to alot of opinions, and criticism, it's human nature. Just know that what you believe in is special to you, and ignore hurtful comments. God Bless!
2007-08-21 05:53:31
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Why do bully's pick on other people? Why was Jesus, who was sinless, ridiculed before being crucified? Christianity has been and will ALWAYS be "bashed" by others. All we are suppose to do is pray that God will open their eyes and their hearts to HIM! What you see is people downing something they do not understand. Satan uses ill-informed people for his own pleasure, and his one purpose is to rise above God (reason for Lucifer being kicked out of Heaven in the first place). Next time you see someone bashing Jesus and/or Christianity just quote:
"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." Luke 23:34
2007-08-21 06:36:52
answer #5
answered by pwa2pooh 1
It just seems that way because Christians outnumber other religions on this site.
As far as moral standards go, most religions have set the absolute worst example of moral behavior both in history and currently. Check YOUR facts before getting all up on your high horse missy.
2007-08-21 06:01:27
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I HAVE read the bible, cover to cover, twice - once when I was 12 and later in my 30s. The first time made me an atheist, the second confirmed my earlier opinion. (You might say the bible BEGAT an atheist!)
You speak as if belief werre an admirable quality - it is NOT. Terrorists BELIEVE they are doing their god's work, be they Muslims or Catholics or whatever. Belief is merely accepting ignorance; if you have knowledge, if you have proof, you need no faith nor belief. Bragging about having belief is like saying, "Hey I'm really ignorant, and I'm proud to be that way!"
One should be ashamed to admit belief. Oh, and your so-called "moral standards" have been responsible for most of the world's atrocities and crimes; the prisons are filled with believers. You should be embarrassed, but I'm betting you won't be, because that is the nature of faith: ignore inconvenient facts.
2007-08-21 05:49:45
answer #7
answered by Brent Y 6
If all the little Christian Girls of whom you speak have such a command of language as you appear to have, I'm glad to see that homeschooling is paying off. By respect, I assume you mean that we question their beliefs and you think that's wrong, that we should show differential respect for your faith, without question, without consideration. Well, sorry, not here, not anywhere, not ever. I am rarely rude to people on this site, and usually only in cases of extreme stupidity on the part of the questioner. Christians on this site, however, routinely threaten eternal hell for all of us who don't believe as they do, and all without any evidence whatsoever. So, tell me, who is more respectful?
2016-05-18 23:42:59
answer #8
answered by ? 3
Unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world. Our first parents (Adam and Eve) lived in a perfect world but looks like they got bored and wanted some excitement! So here we are in the ring where it's free for all (and exciting too!). We are engaged in a warfare where the enemy is out to get you and you can't afford to get cozy saying 'it doesn't matter what you believe in' because people will attack you for what you stand for. And you have to take up your arms and fight them with all your might. That doesn't mean you have to be disrespectful and say things that people say when they have no argument. Truth is on your side. You have nothing to fear!
2007-08-21 06:18:46
answer #9
answered by Andy Roberts 5
I don't attack Christians, but I do point out inaccuracies in what they say. The fundamentalists attack my religion with every question I ask. The majority are out to convert every non-Christian out there, and they treat us far worse than we treat them. I don't want to be converted, and I politely say so, but they won't leave me alone, or anyone else.
I resent your generalizing that non-Christians have no moral standards. My religion says "Harm none and do as you will." If that's immoral, you let me know.
2007-08-21 05:47:42
answer #10
answered by Alana 3
because after all the whining and "oh poor us" you say...and I quote..."at least we believe in something and have some moral standard." that is why......listen to yourself first. that last line you typed is exactly why alot of folks have problems with you. That last line was rude, insutling and insinuating that if you are not Christian you have no moral standard. Tell that to the Budhists, the Hindu, Muslims, etc. Dont you realize how you answered your own question by reading your own words? I feel sorry for you........
2007-08-21 05:54:42
answer #11
answered by Anonymous