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For about the millionth time I just saw another post indicating that Christians are hypocrites and certainly that shows proof enough to debunk Christianity as a whole . The old game of " Hey , look over here , I just saw a Christian sinning" . And of course what follows is that person's assertion that Christianity must be false because that Christian guy just did something un-Christian . HOGWASH , and I'll explain why .
Christians are not above sin . We all sin . Christians and non-Christians alike . The difference being that we are 'supposed' to recognize our sins and repent from them . We don't get it perfect and sometimes really mess it up , but because an individual screws-up doesn't make his Christian religion any less of a true entity .

I'm just wondering . . . . How Many Atheists Can Understand That ?
Or. . .Is It Your Goal To Destroy Christianity ?

2007-08-21 05:21:14 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Khard - How could this be misconstrued as being an attempt to 'undermine' atheism ? There is no belief system to undermine .

2007-08-21 05:29:18 · update #1

38 answers

Well the Bible does say 'That a little Child shall lead them', because Children are simple enough to understand the things of God.

And Earnest, their Goal could be to pull Heaven down to Earth, but as in Babel, it's not going to happen, because 'The gates of hades shall not prevail, sayeth the Lord'

And the Lord Spoke and the Earth was Created.

Also 'No weapon formed against Him shall prosper',

Just thought I'd add that for those who don't know*

2007-08-21 09:21:17 · answer #1 · answered by ? 6 · 1 0

I don't think anyone who doesn't have a standard can hold one accountable.

It would be like a homeless person complaining about a home owner whose grass is too high to suit him.

I sure don't judge atheistism by what I see here.
I know too many atheists that are reasonable human being and we can have reasonable conversations about religion. Unlike Yahoo where the lowest dregs of atheistism come out.

There goal is varied as their are people.

If they start on their typical rants I hit the big ingore because they have no new arguments just rehash junk.

One reason I avoid spiritual question and answers as I can.

2007-08-21 06:21:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Personally I would never label an entire group of people with such a narrow description, hypocrites. However the book they base their religion on is almost non stop, from beginning to end, contradictions, hypocrisy and plagiarism from many other religions.

It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that they may be lacking in some areas when it comes to comprehending the actual nature of reality.

2007-08-21 06:31:18 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Luckily Christianity can not be destroyed because even if only one believes it is still alive here on earth and when Christ returns to earth He will defeat all enemies of Christianity.
But as a friend of mine said years ago who was basically raised an agnostic but then found Christ in his life while in college, he would much prefer to be a Christian and on judgment day be called to answer for his sins than to be an atheist who denied God their whole life and wake up on judgment day and see God waiting to judge their life.

2007-08-21 06:15:33 · answer #4 · answered by ALASPADA 6 · 1 1

naturally, every atheist that responds to your question will say they understand, but honestly a lot of us are actually out to debunk christianity on a scientific basis. but id just like to use my two cents to say that before a person is a christian, a buddhist, an atheist... we're all human, subject to human flaws and emotions that sometimes lead even the most pious christian to sin. i would hope that atheists, many of whom claim to understand human nature better then anyone else, can comprehend this most fundamental concept. unfortunately, some of them give the rest of us a bad name by trying to make people believe a true christian has to be morally perfect.

while i dont believe in christianity spiritually, i cant really condone the way some atheists are using human error to diss christians. but i also want to make it clear that youre rounding up atheists in very much the same way. atheism is simply an absence in the belief of the concept of God. it is not to rebel directly against a society dominated by christians, but sometimes egocentricity (a human flaw) makes us forget that.

2007-08-21 05:48:12 · answer #5 · answered by Mr. Gentleman 3 · 1 2

whoa there dude.

let's go back to WHY Atheists call Christians out for being hypocritical, if you would please humor me.

Christians have this way of insinuating that anyone who is not a Christian must be either A) stupid, B) willful, or C) lazy. Non-Christians hear, day after day, the judgemental talk of Christians. We deal with laws that are unjust but that are laws because of Christian "values."

Non-Christians are attacked by Christians each and every day. Have you ever simply looked over the Yahoo Questions from Christians and read, with an objective eye, the way Christians talk to people of other beliefs?

I am sorry to say this, but Christians are receiving back what they put out. If you want Non-Christians to be respectful toward Christians, then you have to return that respect.

Each of us are responsible for our own faith walk. If your side would remember that, you wouldn't be on the receiving end of such talk.

Many of the Christians here on YA have simply blown all witness for Christ by the way they talk to Non-Christians. It is sad that you cannot see both sides.

If you want to admonish someone, take your fellow believers to task FIRST. The rest of us are tired of defending ourselves against you all, too. It would be so wonderful if none of us had to defend ourselves - if we all could be respectful of each other.

2007-08-21 05:39:22 · answer #6 · answered by yarn whore 5 · 5 2

Not an atheist, but decided to answer anyway...what I understan is that christians often use the excuse that they are not perfect and everybody sins when they do something wrong instead of just saying, "I was wrong and I am very sorry". Maybe that in and of itself does not make one a hypocrit, but it does make you a very difficult person to be around. The hypocrisy comes in when you as a christian are pointing out everyone elses mistakes and yelling, "repent!".

2007-08-21 05:31:36 · answer #7 · answered by NONAME 5 · 2 2

Well, yes, it IS our goal to destroy Christinsanity, we would like all peopole to become rational in their thinking and stop murdering each other over differences in their imaginary friends. No, one example does not make every believer a hypocrite - it's the parade of examples that demonstrate that the claim that religion makes people better (more moral, etc.) is false. Statistically, believers, and in the US Christians, commit more crimes and fill our jails more than atheists by a significant ratio.

Granted, this does not prove any of the religion's OTHER claims are false - yet, one must wonder, couldn't an omniscient, omnipotent, omnbipresent god do a better job of designing his creations and getting them to follow his ruiles? It's as if he WANTED people to commit what he calls sins, as he DESIGNED us to crave sex, food, etc. Of course, that's if you actually believe a god exists; I don't, and not just because believers are more criminal than the rest of us.

2007-08-21 05:32:03 · answer #8 · answered by Brent Y 6 · 4 2

I certainly understand your argument. I think it's every bit as irrelevant as pointing to one sinner as justification for condemning all of Christianity, but I do see your point.

Personally, I am a "liberal" atheist, in that I agree that God can exist in the subjective experience of believers. I even accept that religion does bring some comfort to those who embrace it. My goal is not to destroy religion, but to force it to realize that the universe does not operate as Christians imagine. Prior to Galileo, every educated man accepted Aristotle's view that subjective experience forms the basis of reality. This included Jesus Christ, His disciples, the founders of the early Church, the men who wrote books of the Bible, and St. Augustine who invented the concept of the soul, about 390 AD. Aristotle's Solipsism totally dominated Western Civilization for twenty-one-hundred years and shaped how the founders of Christianity viewed reality. Solipsism is the source of Christianity's and Islam's failure to construct theologies which are consistent with how reality actually operates.

The truth is, the scientific revolution begun by Galileo and Newton was inevitable because religious dogma erroneously asserted that subjective experience formed the basis of reality. This is clearly false. It is the physical realm which forms the basis of reality, as can be clearly and unambiguously proven. This is precisely why religion is unable to prove the existence of its deities -- they are "spiritual" entities which can only exist in subjective experience. After the scientific revolution began (about 1590), Christians blithely assumed their spiritual God could also exist in physical reality. After all, He was God and was considered omnipotent. He could exist anywhere He wished, right?

Wrong! Objective reality is purely physical and it never bothered Christianity's founders that God (the Father) never appeared as a physical entity, simply because the founders believed that the physical was an mental illusion constructed by the mind. After humanity determined that the physical is actually quite real, Church leaders simply declared that God existed there too, and never provided one iota of evidence to back their claim. The truth is, God is a spiritual entity and is incapable of a physical existence. Rather than admit that the scientists were correct about the nature of reality and that God must necessarily be defined as a spiritual being, organized religion apparently prefers to remain dogmatically inflexible and drive those who seek the truth into atheism.

There is no way I, and millions of other scientifically literate people, can accept God's existence, if we are forced to accept, without tangible evidence, that a purely spiritual entity can also exist in physical reality. If Christianity continues to contradict Science regarding the nature of reality, it will continue to repel educated people in droves. What is so terrible about admitting that a spiritual entity is limited to a spiritual existence, when the alternative is a lie which will inevitably destroy Christianity?

2007-08-21 06:51:47 · answer #9 · answered by Diogenes 7 · 0 1


Look, I understand that not all Christians are the same. Some are idiots. Some are kind people. But the point is, Christianity is still a dangerous religion because of its illogical nature, hypocrisy and invitation to accept nonsense as fact.

My parents are Christians. I love them. But I still think their religion is dangerous.

I think some religions are fine because they promote independent thinking, logic and the asking of questions (Buddhism, for example) And there is no message of hate, violence, doom or recruitment as is found in the Abrahamic religions.

I would rather not have Christianity exist, correct. Actually, we'd be better off without any of the Abrahamic religions. We need people to THINK on their own, not blindly follow dangerous religions (look at our wars today). It's the manner of thinking that makes religions like Christianity dangerous.

2007-08-21 05:32:55 · answer #10 · answered by spike_is_my_evil_vampire 4 · 3 3

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