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There's WAY too many for me to list, but I'm sure others will provide them.

You worship the image of Jesus on the cross wearing nothing but a loin cloth. Yet you whine about shirtlessness in my avatar.

You criticize the Muslims for having certain religious beliefs, yet your religion has beliefs that are equally unacceptable.

You claim that people choose hell, but when I hold a gun to someone's head with a threat, they are not choosing my bullet.

You support freedom of religion when it comes to prayer in school, yet you deny the rights of those who wish to practice non-Christian religions.

You claim that murderers should be punished, yet deny the punishment for women who have abortions, something you claim to be murder.

You claim homosexuality is an abomination because of a verse in Leviticus, yet you ignore the other abominations from Leviticus: wearing polyester-cotton blend clothing, eating shrimp, etc.

2007-08-21 05:09:58 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Leviticus 19:19
" 'Keep my decrees.
" 'Do not mate different kinds of animals.
" 'Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed.
" 'Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.

2007-08-21 05:24:07 · update #1

AMDG, more like looking for an answer to the question: "Why the double standards?" Instead of speculating at ulterior motives, you could have provided an answer. Instead you decided to add nothing worth while to the conversation. You must be proud.

2007-08-21 05:27:09 · update #2

Ready4FridayNights, I missed the part where it says Christians should dictate the rights of homosexuals. All that talks about is inheritance from God. Seems like it is something between God and the homosexuals. How exactly did the Christians get dragged into the mix? Where's the verse that says 'Christains should pass and enforce laws forbidding the marital union between two men or two women."

2007-08-21 05:30:19 · update #3

memyselfandi, you can try to rationalize fingerpointing all you want, but I do not live my life by double standards. If I recognize inconsistencies in my ways, I make apologies where necessary and then change my ways. It's called progress. This is something that is seriously lacking among most Christians. Now that we have that out of the way, would you care to answer my question or nitpick further?

2007-08-21 05:32:25 · update #4

GIGi1925, what you call overgeneralizing, I call making observations based on common and frequent occurences. Of course most of my claims do not apply to ALL Christians. They certainly do apply to MANY Christians. Just because you personally may have slightly different beliefs than some of the things I described does not negate the fact that most Christians are guilty of these and many other double standards. Instead of admitting and acknowleging this well established fact, you and others alike prefer to dodge the question and argue semantics. Why?

2007-08-21 05:36:51 · update #5

k716, this answer is a total cop-out. I have read the entire bible. The parts in reference, I have read MANY times. Nice try, but you lose.

2007-08-21 05:37:49 · update #6

21 answers

Gee, it sounds like you are not a happy camper. Normally I tell people to accept that each of the Three Mainstream religions are going to do whatever they want because they are the Trinity!

Basically these religion will continue to do what they want and practice a double standard until enough people say, "hey wait a minute!" Their members are religious soldiers who fight for their souls daily and they have been brainwashed that this is important. You are fighting against people who don't want to learn "truth" unless it is their religion's truth. You are asking these people to take a leap of faith that you are right and their religion (which they have known longer) wrong. And if they make the wrong choice, they are condemning themselves to hell!

I'm a Pagan Witch who just happens to be gay and I love shrimp. I was raised Pagan and I learned my Witchcraft from my family and believe me when I tell you we are nothing like any of the modern stereotypes and we are also not the Witches of the Bible. We are mostly rural people who see that the earth is a precious resource that must be managed by people who care if the planet is inhabitable for the next generations. Our spells and prayers are highly ritualized positive reinforcements of what we want and need and we won't harm anyone unless they present harm to us.

We have won a few battles with the Mainstream religions, but these are minor. We just got finished fighting the VA to adopt the Pentacle as the symbol of faith for Pagan and Wiccan soldiers who loose their lives in defense of their Country. This has been a nine years battle that when we finally took the VA to court, they settled without a fight since they were legally wrong and they didn't want the bad publicity. So if you haven't heard anything about this you can thank the Trinity!

Good luck.

My website has more info about the VA nonsense!

2007-08-21 06:13:01 · answer #1 · answered by humanrayc 4 · 0 0

To answer your questions. 1. God did not just swoop down and kill the first born sons in Egypt. Try reading the bible for a change. He gave many warnings, and Moses went through many trials in the pursuit of freeing the Jews in Egypt. When the warning went out about the first born sons, the Egyptians were told how to stop it. Everyone had to put the blood of the lamb on their doors. The Egyptians refused. Sometimes being harsh is the only way to make a point. God had tried every other way to convince the Pharoah. 2. Adam did not know about sin. He knew that eating the fruit (not classified as an apple until around the middle ages) was wrong. He did not have knowledge of sin. He and Eve ate the fruit of knowledge and gained the insight to what sin was. It's like telling a kid to not touch a hot stove. He'll know he's not supposed to because you tell him time and time again not to, but that won't stop him from trying until he manages to burn himself. (and no, I'm not saying that's a good thing, but it does illustrate my point) Now that it's done, the kid really knows to not touch the stove. 3. As for believing in Chrisitanity and the different denominations, that's because of human problems. If Joe doesn't like something and goes off with a group of friends and sets up his own church, does that make Joe right? The overall message of Christianity is agreed on by all denominations, human interpretation is what sets them apart. And before you rag on how Christians can't agree on anything, there are diffent denominations in the Jewish religion, the Islam religion, the Buddhist religion, the Hindu religion, and the Pagan religion. So, are they all a double standard because of that? A pagan friend once said to me, "You ask any three pagans a question about their religion, and you'll get ten different answers." His point was that (as is with any religion) human interpretation on the details sets it apart. The underlying message is always the same. And that is of love.

2016-05-18 23:33:19 · answer #2 · answered by harriett 3 · 0 0

The statements in you list are just way too general to bother arguing with you about because no matter what I day you'd just find something to contradict it so I'll take the only thing I can give you a clear an precise answer about.

In Mark 15:11 Jesus says:
"Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man."

By this statement Jesus repealed the dietary restrictions for Christians and declared all animals to be clean. You say you've read the Bible several times but have you actually stopped and thought about it as you were reading (with an open mind)? Did you bother to notice that the leadership in Jesus' day was too bent on following the letter of the law and paid no attention to the spirit of the law? Should we throw out the US constitution because 18th amendment was repealed by the 21st? No such repealing statement exists for the behaviors associated with homosexuality.

2007-08-21 06:30:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


If you are going use use the Constitution to back up your beliefs, please be good enough to quote it correctly.

This is what it actually says.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Really quite brilliantly made points, IMHO. CCC.

2007-08-21 06:48:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Lets see,

1st. I don't worship an image of anything, it is strictly forbidden by God. You shall have no graven images of anything IN HEAVEN OR ON EARTH.

2nd. I don't go around prohibiting women's freedoms. And blowing up people that don't believe in what I believe.

3rd. People choose to live for God or not, it is black and white. There is no inbetween ground. If you know the truth, you accept it or reject it.

4th. I say that Congress shall pass no law that respects, or denies any religion.

5th. I feel that those who murder should be punished, but it is not my job to punish them, it is that of the Lord.

6th. That was the Old law, we have a new law that we live under since the death and ressurection of the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 6:9 syas homosexuals shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.

I hope that this clears things up for you.

2007-08-21 05:26:34 · answer #5 · answered by Joel 2 5 · 1 2

What you call a 'double standard' above I understand because tests have been given to people (past and present) in USA who call themselves Christians and unfortuneately many currently have not passed them. For example; the scriptural old testament is not Genesis-Malachi, but the law of Moses. I will save other points for now.

2007-08-21 05:48:28 · answer #6 · answered by jefferyspringer57@sbcglobal.net 7 · 0 0

One would think that a Christian would be a forgiving, loving, peaceful person. Apparently their Satan got into the religion so their leaders could search diligently to find obscure scriptures to justify barbaric attitudes that aren't from God.

God is love. Anyone that claims to speak for God and judges is a liar for they know nothing of God. I don't say this in judgment.

♥Blessed Be♥

2007-08-21 05:44:03 · answer #7 · answered by gnosticv 5 · 1 0

I see you have quite a few explanations so far....as I expected.

I just wanted to comment. The second one you listed is the one that really drives me crazy. My grandmother (I love her dearly) insists that this is a Christian Nation and that we are having the Muslim way of life shoved down our throats. When I pointed out how the Native Americans probably felt when Christianity was shoved down their throats...she changed the subject. Ah, I do not understand the minds of the religious!

2007-08-21 05:22:19 · answer #8 · answered by KS 7 · 3 1

blah blah blah...
For one thing, you are way overgeneralizing- I do not care what your avatar looks like, i could care less if you go butt naked.
Muslim beliefs and Christian beliefs are incomparable. How many Christians have you seen hijacking airplanes and crashing them into buildings or strapping bombs to themselves and blowing up innocent people? Yeah... none.
People do choose what life they will lead- ever heard of the old saying " you reap what you sow?" There are consequences for every action. I can not control what others do, or my own fate in this life, but I can choose my own destiny after this life.
I do not condone prayer in schools, but I feel like if my child wants to pray before she eats her lunch, she should not suffer ridicule for her beliefs. Everyone of every faith should be allowed to worship freeley, but none should be taught in a public school.
I do not make the abortion laws, it is murder in my opnion, but I do not have to worry about people being punished here on earth for all of their wrongs, they will face God on Judgement Day to explain their actions.
Same goes for Homosexuality- It is not up to me to judge what is right or wrong- thats Gods job.

Any other questions? Stop Generalizing and obsessing over God- If you do not believe, then why are you so eager to discuss Him? Leave us alone to worship how we choose.

2007-08-21 05:31:12 · answer #9 · answered by GiGi! 4 · 1 2

everytime i see ur questions u give me hope. I wish i could say the things u say because i feel the same. I want to thank u for what ur doing. Provoking thought to issues is hard and u have to have balls to do so.

Keep it up

2007-08-21 07:37:08 · answer #10 · answered by pandasex 7 · 0 1

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