I think unequivocally we have to say YES.
The idea that you'll have an infinite afterlife as the major religions promise is undeniably seductive to the human consciousness. I am an agnostic, I realize no earthly beings can know what is beyond in any true sense, but this is a question of what it means to be a human.
Athiests, you can't deny that as of lately human civiliaztion has progressed alongside a belief in an afterlife. The egyptians, the foundation of civilization were highly religious for example. They truly believed in an afterlife.
I think the divergence from the past comes in that society is becoming truly global. We will realize its just humanity, as many people in America are lately, but lets not deny the comfort the human has gained from religion, and the comfort it still provides our animalistic minds to this day.
This is really a point to agnosticism. MAYBE something else does exist that we cant touch, if humans could realize this it may help us prevail.
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