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Are they in the bible? How do they play into the idea of divine creation?

2007-08-20 15:44:45 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

dinosaurs might not as giganic as you think. That's only the assumption of scientists.

They are a lot of giganic mammals that we haven't discovered. Some were extict, some still alive ............ like whales.

In the bible, book of job mentions about giganic sea creature called leviathan. No men can kill it.

They are just animals nothing more.

2007-08-20 15:53:58 · answer #1 · answered by ivan_the_terrible 4 · 1 0

The reason why the Bible doesn't seem to mention dinosaurs is because people are confusing scientific fact with evolutionary belief. It is important to understand that no one has ever scientifically proven the age of dinosaur fossil remains. As a matter of fact there is actually more scientific evidence suggesting that dinosaurs died off fairly recently, sometime within the history and memory of mankind. Creation Scientists, who reject the theory of evolution, suspect that dinosaurs did not become extinct until about 3 or 4 thousand years ago. If it's really a scientific fact that dinosaurs went extinct millions of years before man, then dinosaurs don't fit into the Bible. But that's just it. It's not a scientific fact. It's an evolutionary belief. The theory of evolution contradicts the Bible. The scientific facts do not contradict the Bible. So you see, if you confuse an evolutionary belief for a scientific fact, then it will seem like the facts contradict the Bible, when it's not the facts that contradict scripture, it's the beliefs. Creation scientists have found that the one thing that would be most ideal for creating the massive fossil formations that we have today would be a violent worldwide flood catastrophe. Did you know that it is a scientific fact that reptiles never stop growing? They grow throughout their life and never stop till the day they die. In the days of Noah people lived 10 times longer. Instead of dying at 80 or 90, they died at 800 or 900. It wouldn't just be people however, it would be plants, animals, the whole ecosystem. If people lived 10 times longer, so would lizards. If lizards lived 10 times longer (and reptiles keep growing till the day they die) then they would grow 10 times bigger. So instead of having a 3 ft. iguana, like we have today, back then you'd have a 30 ft. iguana. The very first dinosaur ever found was the Iguanadon. It was called that because its skeleton looked just like the iguana, except alot bigger. Guess how big it was? 30 feet! Dinosaurs got so big because they lived so long in the days of Noah. They fossilized because of the flood. Dinosaur remains worldwide are associated with water-laid sediment. Most of them went extinct because of the harsh conditions on the earth after the flood. Those that did not go extinct simply can't grow as big as the used to.

2016-05-18 05:53:56 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I put this forth as something to think about. But the Hebrew words in Genesis 1:2 tohu and bohu show something totally different. Tohu means to lie waste or desolate and bohu means indistinguishable ruin. This does not describe a nothingness that God just spoke and it became a planet. This is a planet that was destroyed. Destroyed by what? Water. This is a total earth wide flood.

In Noah's flood, how many whales were in the ark? How many dinosaurs were in the ark? How many Sharks or Leviathans were in the ark? For Noah's flood to be a world wide flood where all life perished, then all sea life and trees had to perish as well. But they did not. One of the birds brought back a tree branch with it.

There would be dinosaurs mentioned of somewhere in the Scriptures if they existed right? But the fact that we do have remains and footprints but do not have any record of them in Scripture except in the book of Job does lead one to wonder if they were on the first not the second earth.

2007-08-20 16:02:15 · answer #3 · answered by Scott 3 · 0 0

No, dinosaurs are not mentioned in the bible. They couldn't be because people of biblical times didn't know they ever existed. On the rare occasions when a giant bone was discovered, they attributed it to an extinct race of giant humans, not giant reptiles. And, dinosaurs wouldn't be mentioned anyway because they have absolutely nothing to do with the message of salvation, which is what the Bible is about.

How do they relate to Creation? The same as any other species in the evolutionary sequence of animal species God has brought into existence. Nothing special about them. Many forms of animal life appeared and went extinct before dinosaurs existed, and many others appeared and went extinct after dinosaurs were gone. All part of the same ongoing, intelligently designed natural process.

2007-08-20 15:59:36 · answer #4 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 0 1

There are some hypotheses that they may be referenced in the book of Job, but it is not clear cut. Dinosaurs play into the idea of Divine creation just as any other animal, living or extinct.

2007-08-20 15:53:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It has been about 6,000 Years Since Adam and Eve.

Befor that, Billions of Years.

The Book of Ecclesiastes says that there is nothing new under the sun.

Dosen't take Long for the Earth to Erase a Civilization.
After a 100,000 years, not much would be left.

There are alot of 100,000 years in 4 1/2 to 5 Billion Years.

GOD does what HE Wants to!!!
GOD dosen't have to Explain AnyThing to AnyBody.

2007-08-20 15:54:07 · answer #6 · answered by maguyver727 7 · 0 0

They've got an explanation for everything. The Creation Museum has scenes of Adam with dinosaurs in the Garden of Eden.


2007-08-20 15:53:48 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Christians believe that the earth was created in days. However, "day" has more meanings than just one rotation of this earth at this time in its existence. There are planets in our solar system whose day is vastly different than ours. And "day" also has the meaning of a period of time.

Man's arrogant efforts to obliterate the fact that God created the earth by the reasoning that "all life in the universe must live by the natural laws that govern this earth at this point in time" is so pathetically inane as to be laughable. Unfortunately, too many people base their perceptions of God on flimsy scientific assumptions that have little basis in fact. One conclusion that comes from those faulty assumptions is that dinosaur fossils prove that God did not create the earth. The fossils only prove that dinosaurs existed somewhere, sometime, possibly on this earth.

We don't know how long the earth was created, what materials were used, how long the Lord rested, or how long the first man and woman were in the Garden of Eden. We Christians do know, however, that the God did create the earth in six "days", and that He is the Lord over all creation.

For me, when current scientific conclusions differ with the eternal truths of the scriptures, I prefer to wait to see what happens next. Scientific "facts" have a way of fading into obscurity. Scientific posturing has no ability to destroy my faith in a loving, all-powerful, all-knowing God.

God lives, and will reveal Himself to any of his earthly children who humble themselves and ask him to. He keeps His promises to any who truly seek Him.

2007-08-20 16:07:24 · answer #8 · answered by Free To Be Me 6 · 0 0

No not specifically mentioned, However that is NOT surprising.> Not all animals were mentioned. However, I find it odd that you seem to think they are a mystery. They lived and died. Many species do that everyday.

I do think you are trying to chat about creation. So on that note. The bible is NOT dated. NO where does it give the date. It says he created it. It doesn`t say when. Could have been even, many more million years ago than we think now..

Peace and God bless from Texas <><

2007-08-20 15:53:32 · answer #9 · answered by jaantoo1 6 · 1 0

God first created the heavens then the world. He then created the oceans, the seas, and living creatures in this planet. Finally, God decided to create a being through his own image and thus is when Adam, the first man was created.

God made dinosaurs before he decided to put the first man and woman on earth.

2007-08-20 15:57:12 · answer #10 · answered by Go For Broke 3 · 0 0

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