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If the Word of God is the Christian Bible completed by about AD100, did God then stop speaking and stop revealing Truth to us? Is the Father-Infinite I AM limited to only about 1200 pages of All Final, All Finished Complete Text called the Bible? Or ?

Who or What is your highest Authority ? Why? How do you fully Know in Spirit and in Truth?

2007-08-20 14:57:12 · 17 answers · asked by ? 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

17 answers

I guess it's a matter of faith for some folks. I don't believe the bible is inerrant, but that doesn't mean there isn't a message for me. (you know, don't throw the baby out with the bath water and all that...)

2007-08-20 15:06:22 · answer #1 · answered by Twin momma as of 11/11 6 · 2 1

Good question, Brother Dave, because it gets at a frequent confusion in Christian thought. The Word of God is Jesus Christ, not the Bible. The Bible is a collection of writings from Jesus' disciples. As John 21:25 explains, "Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."

Couple of implications. First, we need to look to the Fathers of the Church to help us understand the New Testament scriptures. People who knew Jesus and disciples learned what some of the cryptic teachings in the New Testament mean, e.g., about being born again by water and the Holy Spirit. We should listen to them.

Second, Christ is alive forever. That means the Word of God continues to speak to us today.

2007-08-28 21:51:04 · answer #2 · answered by Bruce 7 · 0 0

The bible isn't the Word of God, the bible itself was formed about 1500 years or so after Yeshua's (Iesus) death. The scriptures that comprise the bible were hand picked by Emperor Constantine and a only a few bishops from the West excluding the ones from the East and etc, and they went on to not only hand pick these that they felt could be used and by their own logic destroy what they didn't except, they ALSO edited the scriptures in order to support their agenda, like removing many things and editing name and adding the trinity thing in the scriptures which has been proven in a number of ways to be an addition.

The actual word of God was known as the Logos, or mind of God.

Encyclopedia Britannica (1998 edition) which writes of the word Logos: “In Greek philosophy and theology, the divine reason implicit in the cosmos, ordering it and giving it form and meaning. Though the concept defined by the term logos is found in Greek, Indian, Egyptian, and Persian philosophical and theological systems... The idea of the logos in Greek thought harks back at least to the 6th-century-BC philosopher Heracleitus, who discerned in the cosmic process a logos analogous to the reasoning power in man. Later, the Stoics, philosophers who followed the teachings of the thinker Zeno of Citium (4th-3rd century BC), defined the logos as an active rational and spiritual principle that permeated all reality... Philo of Alexandria, a 1st-century-AD Jewish philosopher, taught that the logos was the intermediary between God and the cosmos, being both the agent of creation and the agent through which the human mind can apprehend and comprehend God. According to Philo and the Middle Platonists, philosophers who interpreted in religious terms the teachings of the 4th-century-BC Greek master philosopher Plato, the logos was both immanent in the world and at the same time the transcendent divine mind... The identification of Jesus with the logos, which is implied in various places in the New Testament but stated specifically in the Fourth Gospel, was further developed in the early church but more on the basis of Greek philosophical ideas... the early Christian Fathers stated that Christ as the preexistent logos (1) reveals the Father to mankind and is the subject of the Old Testament manifestations of God; (2) is the divine reason in which the whole human race shares, so that the 6th-century-BC philosopher and others who lived with reason were Christians before Christ; and (3) is the divine will and word by which the worlds were framed”.

The Church mixed up the whole concept, said a book was the Word of God and that Yeshua was the Logos, both equally wrong.

2007-08-20 22:09:53 · answer #3 · answered by Automaton 5 · 0 1

From one of my favorite authors, Richard Bach, who said in the character of Jonathan Livingston Seagull to one of his more timid students with a broken wing: "You do not need faith to fly. You need to understand flying”.

For me, the metaphor is that whether called the Qur’an, or the Torah, or the Bible, or the Upanishads, or the Dead Sea Scrolls, or the spoken traditions, Mother Nature, or what have you, these are nothing more than manuals, PREPARATORY INSTRUCTIONS for the real lessons. These tools are only mirrors pointing back to THAT inside of us from which the real inspiration comes. They are not the word of God....WE are the word of GOD...MADE FLESH! The "manual" is written (not "in"), but AS our very being. Our own being is the "book" to learn from. That's why we don't have to go anywhere else for the answers we seek.

Living is the practical experience in being the I AM. It wasn't really your driving manual or your Dad who taught you how to drive, any more than those so-called holy books can teach you how to live. You learned how to drive by hearing, feeling, and SMELLING the gears grind in protest....and THEN slowly experiencing, through your OWN UNASSISTED EFFORT, what the tool (called the automobile) is supposed to do when you operate it "masterfully". The same with your very own Spirit, the I AM, which, being your portion of the Creator, Himself, will take you to inner destinations, the likes of which are not to be found in ANY book...or religion.

The books themselves are not the word of God, nor is any religious scripture. Their sole purpose is only to reflect the Divinity of the I AM within OURSELVES.

You are the LIVING WORD of God..... made flesh.

As such, it is NOT scripture that is sacred.

You are.....

2007-08-28 13:52:31 · answer #4 · answered by guthrio 5 · 0 0


Internal evidences of the Bible makes it clear that it was completed before AD 64. (we do not detail it here).

Till Jesus came, God used prophets to give knowledge to the people in bits and pieces. But with Christ the whole salvation plan was revealed to every one. (Heb 1:1-2).

Now all that we are supposed to do is to follow the footsteps of Jesus.

Yes, none can have full knowledge now, but once we are perfected we will see him face to face and will have full knowledge of Truth


2007-08-28 05:11:55 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because you are a bad man you can never understand the bible.
You know, it is called the word of God because it was the will of God that his anointed prophets will write it and to be preach to all nations about those words of God , dictated by God to His prophets. It was revealed by God to them. It was AD 100 or before that time that it was decided by God to dictate it to His prophets inorder to let people know ab out God because He came to know tht mankind are making their own Gods . Some are making the earth as their God, some are making the sun as their God, the cows, the monkey, the trees and leaves, The goatrd, the moon and many others.

To supposedly stop them from worshippings man made God, He decided to maake is laws through his prophets.

The best source of this belief is the Holy Bible, Old and New Testament

2007-08-20 22:15:26 · answer #6 · answered by Jesus M 7 · 0 2

the Word of God is not just a book......it is a Person.....God is the highest authority...and his Holy Spirit is with me....

so I have access to the Word of God even know, whether it is in the Book or not.....The Holy Spirit coming to dwell within each of us continues the Word past 100 AD, and reveals even more truths to us......you could say he is keeping the Word "updated" by being with us....

2007-08-21 10:28:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The Word of God is every adept's insight into the nature of our relationship to reality - whether Buddah, Meister Eckhart, Mohammed, Jesus or dozens of Hindu masters, Lao Tsu etc. etc.- and their personal approach to achieving unity with the All.

It will never end.

2007-08-21 17:21:02 · answer #8 · answered by MysticMaze 6 · 0 0

Let me ask, why all religions have the pretentiousness to be the right ones and that God spoke to them only?
Why do they think that God is so limited to send a few man to write a book about his mind and will?
Religious conceit has no bounds and further believe that God is interested in only their sect! How so?

2007-08-20 22:12:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The word of G-d came from Moses, our Teacher. Christianity is a mixture to truths (word of G-d from Moses) and fallacies which came later.

2007-08-20 23:39:17 · answer #10 · answered by M 7 · 0 1

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