2007-08-20 14:44:15
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Since you mean good, i won't be too hard on you..
you ARE being critical on all religions...
As for Islam ...
Muslims don't accept Muhammed as the only true Prophet.. Why muslims accept Jesus and Moses as prophets. The only difference is that we accept Prophet Muahmmed (saws) as the FINAL prophet.
And Suicide bombers will NOT RECIEVE and eternal state of many wifes (where did u get that info from??) Martyrs who die in the name of Allah (what i mean is fighting a war in the name of Islam, ususally happened back then in the Prophets time, example : Battle at Uhud, look it up)
Suicide bombers who die for NO REASON WILL GO STRAIGHT TO HELL, because :
1) they gave up their own lives for no main prupose
2) they claim they did it in the name of Islam, but there was no war, nothing they had to fight for..
Islam does no harm to others, but instead tries to make all muslims better human beings and closer to Allah (swt)
I hope i cleared a few things about Islam
thxs -- May Allah (swt) put you on the straight path.
2007-08-20 16:20:11
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Allow me to answer your claims concerning Catholicism:
You "can't" accept or "won't" accept?
You "can't" accept or "won't" accept?
Our merciful God does not "send" anyone to hell. People send themselves to hell. When people choose to have nothing to do with God in this life, God respects the choice they've made through the Free Will that God has gifted them, and allows them to spend eternity away from Him as well.
2007-08-22 03:49:33
answer #3
answered by Daver 7
On Muslims: We don't believe that Muhammad (SAW) was the only true Prophet. We believe that he was the last Prophet. Most people who are not extremists do not believe that suicide bombers will go to heaven. They commit suicide and murder, both of which are profound sins. They do not die in jihad, either, because jihad (in the sense of war) can only be declared by a caliph (Muslim leader) for the purpose of defending the religion of the people. This is how someone dies in the way of God and becomes a martyr. Since there is no longer a caliphate, it would be tough to justify any wars as jihad.
I think you are so critical because you don't know the facts about these other religions, either. Before you criticize someone or something, you should try to learn some facts about them. As I do not belong to any of these other religions, someone else will have to speak for them.
2007-08-20 14:50:56
answer #4
answered by Anne 2
Yes. Muslims believe in a lot of prophets, not just Muhammad. But Muhammad is supposed to be the last prophet. And suicide bombers have nothing to do with jihad.
You say we must have a reason and purpose for our existence. What is that reason?
2007-08-20 14:46:08
answer #5
answered by Sam 6
I am Muslim, so I will help you understand what we really believe about the topics you have just given:
The idea that only Mohammed is the only true prophet is false. That is not even Islamic. I don't know where you got that one from. As Muslims, we are required to believe in many other prophets, including Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (may peace be upon them). These prophets are major in Islam and are extremely significant. Jesus is even more mentioned in the Qu'ran than Mohammed. Prophet Mohammed (may peace be upon him) was merely the final messenger of Islam. There is no such thing as "the only prophet" or "the one true prophet" in Islam. All of our prophets are "true".
Also, suicide is against Islam is every single way. Committing suicide for any reason is strictly forbidden. The killing of ANY innocent person is also strictly forbidden in Islam. These suicide bombers are earning themselves one-way tickets to hell. As a Muslim, condemn the actions of these terrorists, and their actions are anything but Islamic, and paint a false image of Islam around the world. Not to mention the bias, partial media's goal to undermine Islam using misleading, slanted information, gross exaggerations, demeaning insults. and false accusations. I denounce terrorism with all my heart. Those who committ such terrorism are going to hell.
Islam NEVER advocates harm against ANYONE, UNLESS you are attacked. We are given the right to self-defense. If we are attacked first, then we are given permission to fight back. What, should we just stand there? We should never make the first move and attack anyone who is innocent--ever. Those who do are in for a sever punishment.
2007-08-20 14:54:33
answer #6
answered by Omer 5
Ouzibilliahi Mina Shytan Al Rajeem
Bisimillah Al Rahman Al Raheem
As Salam Alaikum
Peace unto you All inshAllah Tahala
It depends on your outlook on life and what happened in the seals and seeds of your life. Allah SWT the most Forgiving and most Mercyful will always show the guidance.
2007-08-20 15:52:28
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I agree with you. I was raised in a Christian family and have been a Christian all my life, would consider myself still a Christian with modified beliefs I guess. I believe in a God of love and if God is love than there is a lot of things that God just would not do.
2007-08-20 14:49:47
answer #8
answered by Jessy 4
To judge and to criticize is not our jobs as humans...we are here to learn our life lessons and to seek out our own truths.
All of the religions you have stated, have and are serving many well.....
It is ok for you not to believe in their ways, but just because you do not believe, does not make their beliefs any less valid.
The answer my friend, is Tolerance.
The most lovable quality any human being can possess is tolerance. ….
It is the vision that enables one to see things from another’s viewpoint….
It is the generosity that concedes to others the right to their own opinions and their own peculiarities…..
It is the bigness that enables us to let people be happy in their own way instead of our way.
Blessings To You and Yours
I hope you find what it is you seek
2007-08-20 14:49:01
answer #9
answered by trinity 5
Peace to you, my confused and misinformed friend.
As to Roman Catholics, the Pope only has authroity in regards to religious matters and only then when he is speaking "ex catherdra" (i.e., from the chair, meaning his seat of authority).
As to Islam, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is not the only prophet. In the Holy Qur'an, we are told to accept and revere all of the prophets sent by Allah Subhanna wa Ta'ala which inlcudes Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them all), to name only some of them. Both suicide and the acts of terrorism supposedly being perpetuated in the name of Islam are forbidden in the revelations of the Holy Qur'an and in the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be uopn him).
Every religion and every life philosophy has had some followers of the same who have become extremist and have harmed others for their misguided reasons however, virtually, if not literally, every major religion in the world teaches peace, tolerance and love. Sadly, these teaching are not always followed by those who profess their belief in these religions.
There is nothing wrong in someone following the fundamantals of their faith as such are usually the more true teachings of the same. The problem is when one becomes an extremist and is no longer tollerant, understanding and accepting of others and their beliefs.
You are correct that in this life, very few things can be judged in "either/or" terms. It is always best to leave all judgements to God (whether one address God as YHWH, Trinity, Jesus, or Allah Subhanna wa Ta'ala).
I can not and will not try to speak for all religions nor for all followers of the same. However, I will speak for Islam as one who is now trying to practice and live the same and who feels blessed by Allah Subhanna wa Ta'ala for the privilege to do so.
Please, take the time to read the Holy Qur'an. If you are not able to read it in Arabic, please read one of the many fine translations available. Please, take the time to learn about the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). I might reccommned, "Muhammad, a Prophet for Our Times", by Karen Armstrong as a good place to begin. Please, take the time to find the mosque or masjid nearest to you and visit it so as to meet some Muslims and so as to have any questions you might have answered. I assure, you will find yourself welcomed and no one will try to pressure you into converting ( as such is strictly forbidden in the Holy Qur'an.) You may not want to convert and that is fine. However, it will give you more information about Islam and as a better informed person, one who is more knowledgable, you will be a better person.
As salaamu 'alaikym warahmatullahi wabaraktu, my friend.
(Peace and the blessing of Allah be with you.)
2007-08-20 15:09:28
answer #10
answered by Big Bill 7
The question should be, what do you believe in? I myself am Catholic but also believe that everyone should believe in something. If you didn't believe in something what would you use to set you living standards up to? There are too many choices out there not to make one.
2007-08-20 14:51:41
answer #11
answered by Anonymous