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Would you be willing to tell me why or why not?

2007-08-20 14:22:05 · 6 answers · asked by ? 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I am having the hardest time picking a best answer on this one. All of your answers speak to some part of me. I no longer "fit" into my religion but there are still parts of it that I love. There is also so much I love about other beliefs and much of the church would tell me they are incompatible but I know they are perfectly compatible...outside the church.

Well now that I have given you way too much info...

Please vote!

2007-08-23 04:28:48 · update #1

6 answers

Yes, at times. Ever since I was a kid, I've always seemed to have opinions that are rather leftist in comparison to those usually advocated by my religion. I'm criticized by my non-religious friends for going to church (or by my religious friends for going far too often), but am also berated by my fellow churchgoers for being "too liberal". I've had a tough time accepting all the doctrines of my religion (in fact, I'm quite opposed to some of them), but still feel that it's a very beautiful and meaningful religion, and don't want to be marginalized just because I don't think exactly like everyone else around me. People tell me that I need to accept all of the teachings of my religion or get out, but I don't feel that such a reactionary approach is necessary. I'd rather engage in some dialogue, instead.

2007-08-20 14:43:48 · answer #1 · answered by solarius 7 · 2 0

I have a hard time with "war." King David fought wars that killed thousands and thousands of men. Not only that, but the winner got to go and kill every living thing in the village. Everything. Including the animals. Nothing was left. All gone. I have a hard time with that. My conclusion is this - I am truely unable to fully grasp the battles between good and evil. The consenquenes of winning, or losing, are monumental. Before I knew the Lord, I was a hard hearted, selfish, arrogant, prideful slag. Mine was a privideged life. He showed me how ugly I was and I was truely ashamed. Now I am filled with so much compassion and mercy, that I have to be on guard as not to be snared by those who are very crafty. War and death because of war. That splits me.

2007-08-20 21:55:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I would have to say yes some times. I do how ever feel it is because I have been feeling a little lost lately. I am not always thinking about things I should. I have days that Gods word is all I can think about. It truly consumes me. Then I have days that I don't think about it at all. I can also say that the days that I am thinking of God all the time. I seem to be in a good mood and stronger on the inside... I hope that I answered your question.

2007-08-20 21:31:38 · answer #3 · answered by mrs.mom 4 · 1 0

when I was a teenager and went to a non-denominational church with pentecostal leanings, it sure did. It is amazing that when I withdrew from the church and sought a higher power of my understanding, which happens to be Druid and American Indian based, my personality ceased feeling split, but found the wholeness of being within the connections of all things.

Hi Feona (wink ;}~)

2007-08-20 21:32:42 · answer #4 · answered by carpathian mage 3 · 1 0

not really I am a combination of things, a pagan , a Witch, and an agnostic. I find the three of us live happily inside me!

2007-08-21 02:05:40 · answer #5 · answered by Lady Morgana 7 · 1 0

Absolutely not! 100% Pagan and Proud of it! ( Born great the first time)

2007-08-20 21:38:09 · answer #6 · answered by Fae 4 · 2 0

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