I have seen Christian converts to Islam question the Trinity?. Some have gone has far has attack Christanity has a pagan religion. My question to you is why do you think has a human being(you are not God) you will understand the Trinity. Do you guys think you are more powerful than God to understand God himself?. Why are you using a human perspective to understand trinity. If God wanted to test your faith wouldn't it seem logical for God to give you an opportunity in the form of Trinity. If God gave you everything as straight forward like you wanted to see how can God test your faith towards him?
For User ID manhornz: I. Read Matthew Chapter 7 verse 15. It says" beware of false prophets, who come to you in Sheep's Clothing but underneath are ravenous wolves" you have not yet provided me with a rebuttal so why should I leave my faith. Did Abraham question his faith when God asked him to sacrifice his Son, which would seem the most illogical thing from a human perspective to do?.
12 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
I want only Christian converts to Islam to answer. but it seems like everyone else is answering here. If you are christian convert to Islam could you please identify?
12:24:35 ·
update #1
Arab Muslim:The sacrifice of Abraham is also stated in the Quran? Also Jesus referred to himself in several places in the New testament and also mentioned the holy spirit. He also mentioned to stay away from false prophets.
Aisha: Why do you feel threatened, why are you begging everyone to stay in islam and saying it is the right thing to do?
12:28:23 ·
update #2
12:30:45 ·
update #3
Also Chrisitans don't have three Gods. Chrisitans only have one God. Our God is the Trinity it is the God the father, God the son, God the holy spirit.
12:32:55 ·
update #4
Rebuttal to ArabMuslim: "thou shall not have other God's before me". The closest explanation I can give you is you cannot worship money other dieties.example Pagan Gods such horus etc. If our God was different why would Muslims consider Christians to be the "people of the book". The Quran also states woman to be source of temptation(evil). There are several hadiths that show woman inherently to be evil( source of temptation). That is why women are supposed to cover out of modesty, if not they are inherently evil as a source of tempetation. Blood sacrifice that you mentioned: The Old Testament(torah bascially) and the Quran show us that God wanted Abraham to sacrifice his son has a test of faith. That is why Muslims still sacrifice sheep during the hajj pilgrimage. Jesus said he was God read the gospel of John and matthew, they were the disciples that lived with Jesus. Peace of mind: This would be the most logical thing for converting.
13:12:50 ·
update #5
Arab Muslim: I forgot to add something about blood sacrifice. Muslims and Jews still follow the concept of blood sacrifice (sacrificing sheep). Christians( new testament) do not follow this because our faith is tested through the trinity etc that humans are not capable of explaining. Muslims and Jews still follow the practice of sheep sacrifice which was meant to be a faith test for Abraham.
13:19:44 ·
update #6
FINALLY WHY DOES THE QURAN SAY JESUS WAS CONCEIVED THROUGH THE INTERVENTION OF GOD. WHY WOULD GOD SEND JESUS(muslim prophet) without the father. If he could do that why can't he be the son of God. Why did God take Jesus directly into heaven while all prophets had a human death.
13:53:44 ·
update #7
I agree. The trinity, as long as eternity, are impossible to comprehend. God is .... well.. God. As I said before, if he had the same mental capacity as me.. we would be in serious trouble. Its just one of those things that God understands, and will explain to those who wish to know when we meet him at his throne In heaven.
2007-08-20 12:16:24
answer #1
answered by S L 3
PLEASE READ THIS! (Sorry it's long) I don't mean to be rude but how can the fundamental bedrock of Christianity be incomprehensible; and while faith is always an important component of religion I think there needs to be sound reason/logic to support it.
I'm not undermining faith; in fact, believing in God (aside from scientific reasons) will take faith. But you have to remember the unicity and omnipotence of God at the same time.
How blasphemous it is to claim that the holy Father has a son! A son?? He is God; He begeteth not, nor was He begotten and there is NONE like unto Him.
Why have we elevated a reverred prophet to such a Godly level? Who did Jesus pray to? If God is the son, the Spirt and the father (:-S) then why would one "form" of God pray to His "other form?" It makes no sense. The Bible does not condone this practice of God's trinity. It says:
Matt 23:10 Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.
Deut 6:4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:
Mark 10:18 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.
Mark 12:29 And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:
Exod 8:10 And he said, To morrow. And he said, Be it according to thy word: that thou mayest know that there is none like unto the LORD our God
2007-08-20 12:26:25
answer #2
answered by justmyinput 5
that's not Islamic in any comprehend.It sounds like it quite is adultery and it quite is punishable by skill of death. there is not any relationship in Islam. with the intention to take a 2nd spouse the 1st spouse could word of what's happening and supply her consent. you probably did not point out that. regardless of your faith, as a spouse, you would be entitled to the comparable scientific care. As for the flaws with regard to the Catholic Church, the Church does not realize Islam as a valid faith. hence it would be no distinctive than marrying somebody who became a pagan. hence you would be violating Christianity. there is likewise the added element that the church defines marriage as between one guy and one lady, you at the instant are not entering into such an association so its conceivable that they does not even view it as a marriage wherein case we are lower back to sq. one, that's fornication with a heathen.that's been an prolonged time because Catholic college for me, yet i think that keeps to be frowned upon.
2016-11-13 00:48:20
answer #3
answered by ? 4
I reverted to Islam from Christianity because I did not understand how God could exist in three different forms and because the First commandment says "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me". I also reverted because I didn't like how the Bible makes women out to be sinners and says they'll go to Hell because of Eve and how the women are cursed with pain in child birth and menstrual cycles and denies women rights. How could God be three people? Why would God need blood sacrifice in order to get people to Heaven? Why would God need to come to Earth in the flesh and then kill himself? Jesus(PBUH*) never said he was God. If God killed himself then who would run the show? I reverted to Islam because it answered all my questions that Christianity didn't and it gave me peace of mind and because it made the most sense to me.
2007-08-20 12:23:25
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I prayed for guidance, and God guided me to Islam. I asked God to help me understand the Trinity, and He guided me to Islam.
When I was a young teenager, I took a two-year Bible study course, and it raised some questions in my mind. The teachers, professors of divinity at the University of Michigan, and ordained Episcopal ministers, counseled those of us who had questions and doubts, to pray for guidance, and I did.
(You can read more about my experience at http://www.geocities.com/hayatanneosman/How-I-Came-to-Islam.html )
I came to Islam after years of research, reflection, and prayer.
In reference to your suggestion about the Trinity, I don't believe that God tries to trick people by expecting them to believe in something that's logically inexplicable. In fact, I believe that God and guides us to the Truth, if we sincerely ask, and are humble enough to accept the Answers.
Prophet Abraham, God bless him and grant him peace, did ask God for proof, according to Islamic tradition.
You can read more about Prophet Abraham, God bless him and grant him peace, in Islam, here:
By the way, Islam teaches that Prophet Abraham, God bless him and grant him peace, did not actually have to go through with sacrificing his son. God sent an angel with a sheep to be sacrificed instead. God doesn't require human sacrifice.
As for the New Testament, Prophet Jesus clearly does describe the advent of Prophet Muhammad, God bless them both and grant them peace. Even as a young man in his twenties, long before he received the mantle of prophethood, Prophet Muhammad, God bless him and grant him peace, was known in Makkah for his honesty and wisdom. His local nickname was "Al-Amin," which means, "The truthful one."
I remember the verse, but I don’t know which version of the Bible it is from. Jesus, God bless him and grant him peace, is quoted as saying to his disciples, “I have many things still to tell you, but you cannot bear them yet. But when he, the spirit of truth comes, he will tell you all things. For he will not speak of himself, but that which he hears, that will he speak, and he will show you things to come.”
(I think this is from John 16: 13-14.)
This verse describes Prophet Muhammad precisely, not only in referring to his reputation in his community, but also by describing the process of revelation. The Angel Gabriel gave him the Holy Qur’an piecemeal, so that the actual words of God were imprinted in his memory. The words are not paraphrased; they are not hearsay; they are God’s actual verbatim message to humankind, in the language in which they were revealed. When Prophet Muhammad recited the Holy Qur'an, when he taught it to his community, he was not sharing thoughts of his own; he was repeating what he had heard from God's Angel Gabriel (God bless God's angels and prophets and grant them peace), and the revelation did include predictions of the future.
2007-08-24 09:13:38
answer #5
answered by HayatAnneOsman 6
hey.. i was born a muslim and i kno it may b hard 4 u please i beg u stay a muslim it is the true religion.... u shud read up on the holy prophet(pbuh) hadith and also the QURAN. YOU'D BE DOING URSELF A WORLD OF GOOD...Trust me
2007-08-20 12:22:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The trinity is explained from Genesis to Revelation it is God and older than man who is created in the image of God.. One man flesh, spirit and soul.
2007-08-20 12:18:43
answer #7
answered by djmantx 7
Asking questions is a good thing. Like, how do we know the Bible and the Koran weren't just written by men with nothing else to do?
2007-08-20 12:17:00
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Yo! For real!
2007-08-20 12:16:41
answer #9
answered by Benjamin Peret 3
I'll never change for I have seen Jesus' spirit and no Islam spirit.
2007-08-20 12:15:54
answer #10
answered by Anonymous