How many of you think religion is such a huge conspiracy like I do?
I personally believe The Bible was written by heaps of different author's who added their own opinions to it over time.
And has this whole Da Vinci Code business made you wonder more about things.
Apparently one guy now things it isn't Mary Magdalene in The Last Supper painting but Mary as in Jesus' mother sitting beside him.
Religion is way too confusing for me at times lol, eventhough I didn't do too bad with it at school.
No hate lectures from Christians thinking I'm being a pagan or speaking blasphemy ethier, you'll just be ignored.
11 answers
asked by
♆Şрhĩņxy - Lost In Time.
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
aaron makes me confused with his poor spelling.
12:43:29 ·
update #1
I think the Da Vinci Code is way over rated, I liked Angels and Demons better as fictional books go. Maybe the model they used for Mary in The Last Supper painting is non other than Mona Lisa, that's why she is smiling like that.
2007-08-20 12:18:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I believe that the Da Vinci Code theories are not theories, they are wishful thinking and sensationalism designed to sell books and movies. There is absolutely no evidence of truth, so I dismiss it as garbage. I loved the book and the movie, knowing full well that it was fiction...just like the Harry Potter movies and books.
The theory that Jesus was married and that one of the figures in Da Vinci's Last Supper was a woman is not "religion" but interpretation, supposition, and controversy.
As far as the Bible goes, that is also fiction written over thousands of years from oral legends and stories meant to serve as a guide to being a good Jew....and then to promote a new cult branch of the Jewish religion.
2007-08-20 12:18:26
answer #2
answered by AuroraDawn 7
Gosh, i did not see this question the day earlier on the instant yet I could desire to assert that if a Christian is primary by ability of his culmination then i don't see how Mr. Obama could desire to in all hazard be a Christian. So the only difficulty i'm able to parent is, he had to do something to settle down all of his supporters who did not like Rick Warren being a ingredient of the inauguration. i think of Rick Warren is merely being utilized by ability of him, too, yet i'm hoping he has the braveness to wish in Jesus' call like Franklin Graham did (while Mr. Bush replaced into sworn in the final time). He replaced into dazzling. God bless!
2016-10-16 06:48:36
answer #3
answered by ? 4
the Da Vinci Code was better known as the book of Judas. Jadas was the one who betrayed Jesus Christ in the 3 years he spent walking with Jesus Christ he knew his who he was yet he betrayed him for 30 pieces of silve. Just as the prophet lsiah had writen over 500 years earlier.Jesus last word's to Judas " Friend,wherefore art thou come?Matthew 26:50. Judas would later hang himself. That's why his book would never be in The Bible. Jesus said what you have done to the very least of my brothren you have done unto me. Look around and see who are those who really believe and those who say they believe. it's really not about religion any way it's about faith.
2007-08-20 12:59:08
answer #4
answered by catsclaw 6
the painting isn't relevant at all to whether religion is a conspiracy. da vinci didn't write the bible, he just painted a picture. his opinion is no more or less valid than anyone elses. and since we don't know who he meant it to be in the picture, we're going off what some bloke reckons some bloke painted.
2007-08-20 12:18:39
answer #5
answered by AJ 5
Revelaton comes from God. The Da Vinci code was never intended to be taken as fact it is obviously fiction.
2007-08-20 12:15:12
answer #6
answered by djmantx 7
The Bible really was written by different authors who added their own opinions.
2007-08-20 12:16:01
answer #7
answered by murnip 6
bible is the christan doctrine which has only truth but da vinci code is mere fiction.we dont get confused reading stupid docoments like da vinci code
2007-08-20 12:24:58
answer #8
answered by aaron 5
Why would Christians give you hate lectures? They LOVE you..the don't HATE you and maybe they're trying to keep you from going to hell..
2007-08-20 12:14:32
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
ive being watching them to lately and confuessing you end up not knowing what to belive for me I belive theres life after death and thats it keep it simple
2007-08-20 13:48:20
answer #10
answered by Anonymous