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Islam mean's the submission to the moon-god "Ala" Which also fit into Babylonian belief of their moon god "Sin" Muhammad elevated the Arabia moon god who was a sexual being and had to do with water. Which is why they wash their feet before prayers. Allah had three daughters "E.B."

Could this be why woman are property under Islam and why they have so many wives? And why is the left of Europe and the USA not looking at the truth of this false pagan religion and the media will not as well. And it is OK for Muslims to leave their home land and have sex with non believers of their moon god.

Give me your thoughts.

2007-08-20 11:54:58 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality


For all of YOU PC people read this link.

The one statment who is close talks about the take over of Women and other people.
Also All pagans' do not hold women as the same.

If you are a leftie PC do not bother to add to this this is for people who think with their brain.

2007-08-20 12:20:12 · update #1

18 answers

You are right about Allah being the moon god(i prefer to spell this god with a small "g".He is
supposed to have been worshiped in the
time of Abraham.Then about six centuries later
Muhammad comes along and adopts this moon god to worship.This is not the God of Abraham,Isaac,and Jacob as many believe today.

2007-08-20 12:14:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

No it incredibly is a pass over theory. Muslims certainly worship the comparable God that Christians and Jews worship, yet many Christian extremist attempt and make the Islamic faith out to be some Pagan faith while it incredibly is not. The symbols are falsely interpreted by ability of others as Pagan while they don't look to be; together as some my have Pagan roots it could in hassle-free terms be honest to assert that the Christian go is a Pagan image because of the fact for the early Christians the symbols of their faith have been the dove and fish. not the go it is so extensively seen as their non secular image. Blessed Be to all 24 y.o. Pagan college pupil

2016-10-16 06:46:34 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Islam is not a pagan religion. Whereas the Catholic Church had embraced paganism, Mohammed had established a completely pagan free society in Arabia. There are vestiges of paganism in Muslim practices, and Allah is the name of the family god of Mohammed's tribe.

Islam is basically a Unitiarian sect. One cannot fault its premis that there is one God, it is the bit that Mohammed is his prophet that I have a problem with. The comparable relgions are the Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and the Moonies, in which they tend to define God and the history of religion on their terms. Non of them are devoid of truth, but their is more that relies on logic and reasonable explanation than faith. Their main appeal is that they make sense, something that Christianity is incapable of doing.

Anyway what is it for us to judge whether a religion is good or bad, true or false. Nor is it for us to judge the behaviour of the adherents of other religion. All we are required to do is to live according to the revelation that has been revealed to us

More Muslims are aware that they will be judged by Jesus than it seems are Christians. They seem to think that the worst charge would be making him a god, where as Christ himself makes it clear that treatment of others is paramount in judgement, as that is what defines our faith in God

What each of us has to be certain about is that our names are written in the 'Lambs book of Life' Something of which I doubt that Islam has any concept, or indeed any other relgion for that matter.

2007-08-20 12:41:27 · answer #3 · answered by d00ney 5 · 0 1

All that really matter is that Islam is a religion based on a false God and false Prophet. Muhammad was nothing more than an illiterate pedophile.

2007-08-22 09:13:59 · answer #4 · answered by arikinder 6 · 1 0

You clearly need to pick up a book and learn about Islam. Muslims do not pray to a moon God. If you will look in the Bible you will also find that other prophets wash there feet. Jesus for one not only washed his feet but the feet of others. And the only thing that islam has to do with the moon is that they follow the lunar calandar, which the jews also do.

2007-08-20 12:09:10 · answer #5 · answered by lovingmomhappykids 4 · 2 2

It is based on the other Judeo-Christian religions. It is seen as being a more evolved form of the two. However, Islam means "Submission" not to God. So you might want to read up on your facts!

2007-08-21 08:05:55 · answer #6 · answered by Silver Wolf 3 · 0 1

Oh how ignorant you are. Sometimes people with little pea brains should research many different sites before believing the first thing you read. Before I became a Muslim I read the same garbage. The difference is I learned the truth about Islam not some lies from some evangelical christian site. Get your facts straight. Not one thing you wrote is correct. Peace

2007-08-20 12:23:39 · answer #7 · answered by HijabiMuslimah 3 · 0 3

This web site believes that Islam is a false religion.

2007-08-20 12:04:16 · answer #8 · answered by tsc1976ers 4 · 0 0

Firstly, women/goddesses in pagan religions or nature-based religions are equal to or superior to men. We, as women, lost all of our rights when patriarchy made its way into existence approximately 6000 years ago. Before that paganism made equals of men and women. Why women are property under Islam, I think is simply because men want it so...and yes it is very hypocritical to leave your land and have sex with non-believers. But I believe they do this as a symbol of their needing to conquer other women and they consider themselves righteous in punishing women who are non-believers...their having sex with us Western women is our punishment and we are considered "garbage" for them to use. Europe and USA probably know this truth, they are just ignoring it. It's not high on their agenda.

2007-08-20 12:06:32 · answer #9 · answered by arielena_123 2 · 2 2

You are seriously confused regarding the religion of Islam. I suggest you actually investigate the truth before spewing such ignorance.

2007-08-20 12:01:41 · answer #10 · answered by Rance D 5 · 3 1

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