Unfortunately there are millions of people who believe inspired nomads who also believed that menstruation was from the devil, got it right with creation.
Look up Transitional fossils Mr A
2007-08-20 10:37:49
answer #1
answered by ɹɐǝɟsuɐs Blessed Cheese Maker 7
The matter that evolution is most acceptable theory in the scientific community but still there is no strong evidences make it more probable than intelligent design. It’s interesting that the new scientific theory view that the universe including the article, energy, space and time happened at one time it had a specific beginning and this only lead to 2 explanations the universe created from scratch or will divine creativity of the universe from scratch.
2007-08-20 12:10:25
answer #2
answered by Chem 3
It's partly fact and the rest is an educated guess based on the evidence available, rather than 'made up' like Creation theory and Genesis are. So a big YES to that.
2007-08-20 10:39:51
answer #3
answered by Citizen Justin 7
They are two entirely separate subjects. Creation describes the origin of the universe where nothing had existed before. Evolution describes ongoing changes in living organisms, on one planet in one solar system of one galaxy among millions. Evolution didn't even begin until billions of years after the Creation.
2007-08-20 10:45:59
answer #4
answered by PaulCyp 7
evolution is not partly so. we were created by God, Yes things over time will evolve and change , but not into new spedicies. A dog in colder weather may get a heavier coat, thank you God for that. Isnt HE GOOD? BUt that dog wont ever become a cat or a fish or a human. SO no, the theroy of evolution is just that. YOu cant get something from nothing. even the gasses that so called exploded, you know the big bang theory.. WHere did they come, they always existed??? WEll God says He always existed and made it all. How come you cant belive that YOu cant get something from nothing. If I gave you a car and told you it just fell out of the sky from a huge explosion, you wouldnt believe me. SOmeone had to design that car and make it. But you can believe that all of this beautiful world just came into being, tho you dont know where any of the matter came from God made all the matter, He made the gravity, He made it all.
PPL need to take off the blinders and just SEE. JEsus is coming soon. lets be ready.
2007-08-20 10:46:36
answer #5
answered by full gospel shirley 6
No. People choose to ignore the evidence that there is about creation. It's all around us. It's in the Bible. People say its a load of croc and that someone made it up or whatever. In everything you see on this earth, there is design and planning all over it. A cell phone is designed and made. A house has blueprints and is then built according to that plan. Why then, is it so impossible for us to believe there is a God, and he was the master creator behind all there is? Because we as humans know that if we admit there is a God and he is the same one that made the Earth and everything that is, that we are wrong. Mankind is in rebellion against God. If people deny his existence, it means they dont have to fess up to how they are living and they can believe whatever they want.
All of us will stand in front of that God who created the world one day. You are accountable for what you choose to do with your life. On that day when you stand in front of God, he will judge you for what you did in your life.
Are you ready for that?
2007-08-20 10:51:09
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Creation is more probable than evolution, cos you evolutionists believe that creatures evolved, yet you cant pinpoint the original FORMATION of the organisms. What will you say, that they all popped out of the primordial soup? Someone who discredits the creation fact and supports the evolution fiction tell me.
2007-08-20 10:46:43
answer #7
answered by ironsheep 3
Most of evolution is repeatable in laboratories. The rest is well documented as what occured. Aids is a great example of evolution.
2007-08-20 10:43:53
answer #8
answered by meissen97 6
Aliens dropping humans off on earth as a science experiment is more rational than god did it. With the amount of stars in the universe the chances or extra terrestrial life is almost 100%. There is no proof or evidence of god whatsoever.
2007-08-20 10:41:26
answer #9
answered by Pauls Imaginary Friend 2
whrs the proof 4 evolution, i wanna know. people in anatomy, biology, whtev, whn u look and the workings of the human body, how can u think that it just "evolved"? dont u thnk tht there is a creator out thr, that had the mind 2 create all of this? and besides, thrs a whole book that proves creation. its called the bible. the first book of the bible, genesis, is all about the creation of the earth. it really makes me mad whn i watch nature shows and they have to bring in some crap about how this animal "evolved" 200 billion years ago. the earth isnt even tht old!
2007-08-20 10:47:53
answer #10
answered by linke'sgirl 3
Pardon my present ignorance of that belief; but why do you say evolution is more probable than creation? (Keep in mind; just because 'creation' was in seven nights and days; does not mean it was 7 24 hour periods; see Gen. 1 definition of night and day).
2007-08-20 11:49:09
answer #11
answered by 7