I was born into a catholic family. Things went fine until my Mother miscarried, and asked our local priest for permisson to have a medical procedure done to prevent any further pregnancies. The loss of her 6th child in the third trimester was devastating to her.
Instead of offering consolation and advice, the priest was aghast, and threatened to excommunicate her. This in effect doubled her pain.
When she became pregnant for the 7th time, she was in distress the entire time. She eventually collapsed mentally when she reached the third trimester of that pregnancy, but the baby lived. Mother, however, was never quite the same.
After all of this, my father forbade us to return to church.
So we stopped attending any churches at all, I was about 10 years old.
When I was 44, I had been sitting next to a Christian lady at work for nearly 3 years, and had overheard her talking about her church on numerous occasions. Having somewhat of an eye for color and design, I became involved in providing artistic aid to this lady and her church friends for various church events, although I refrained from ever visiting the church itself.
Suddenly, my family suffered a disaster. My sister's two children, both boys (actually young adults), were both killed in a single car accident. (Wet road at night, no drugs or alcohol involved...)
I had to go to my sister's aid in Texas (I live in Ohio), and while making my hasty arrangements, the lady I sat next to offered to help. When I was ready to go, she said she would pray for me and my family. I thanked her for her kind gesture, and went on my way.
That trip lasted a week longer than I planned because both my sister and brother-in-law were not doing well at all. I stayed and helped them through. My final act of service to them was to go to the funeral home one last time and get my nephews' ashes. I brought them home and put them in their room, which actually brought some sort of comfort to their parents.
With that, I felt I was done in Texas and returned home. I still had a few issues, but something had changed in my mind. I began questioning God, mostly to ask WHY????? Not only for the latest tragedy, but for all of them that I had suffered in my life.
I did not get an answer right away. But almost beneath my notice, things began to turn around in my life. God started showing up at odd times and odd places. For example, I bought a new TV. I would leave it on at night because I lived alone and wanted some noise..... The thing had a timer in it, and if you left it on long enough it would revert to its default channel. Of couse, that channel was the preaching channel.
At first, I would snap THAT off, but once in a while a message was interesting and appealing to me. Sometimes I listened.
One day, another crisis hit, and I decided to take a chance. I prayed for the first time in 34 years. I didn't see any changes right after the prayer, so went on along knowing that disaster was looming over me.
In three days time, however, a blessing arrived at my doostep in the form of a white FedEx envelope. Inside was $3,000.00, winnings of a contest they said I had entered and won. Indeed. I still do not remember entering any contests.
Anyway, the need was for $2,700.00, which I paid, and was contemplating what I would do with my $300.00 windfall. Then I remembered one of those "God Channel" lessons I had listened to, and it referred to 10% being given back to God as a tithe.
I took the money and gave it all to the lady at work. I did not share details, but said that I was sure her church would be able to use it for something.
Blessings continued. I continued giving back to God.
Eventually, I did go ahead and visit my friend's church, and I met the minister. He is a lively fellow, witty and funny. I was impressed by his demeanor and his confidence in God. I took some classes from him and decided that perhaps it was not God's fault that all my issues came down on me.
I, in essence, apologized to God for blaming Him, and asked to be baptized into the church. This was done promptly.
A world of difference has happened since that day. In the six years since, I am married to my lady friend from work, I was just ordained a Deacon at church, and I teach Bible Classes. I am certified to facilitate Marriage Enrichment Classes. I tutor and am a mentor.
I am currently experiencing joy on a daily basis.
Not that life is perfect. I still have health issues (diabetes and other stuff.) But even so, I am productive, I am comfortable, and I am happy.
That is the "Reader's Digest Condensed Version" of my transformation.
2007-08-20 11:04:54
answer #1
answered by Barry F 5
I come a place where religion and faith have been steadily declining over many years. In fact the only reason I was ever exposed to Christianity (Roman Catholicism) was for a better education. My Parents and the rest of my family never believed in God or Jesus, they just saw it as a way to get ahead.
I attended a R.C. school and even then I never really understood or believed. A while back some evil things were finally exposed about my parents, and we went our separate ways (I was just a child of 12 when I last saw them). I raised myself as best I could but I was a pain in the *** to everyone around me, I was so close to being kicked out of school (only thing that kept me in was the head teacher fighting for me). At 16 I went to college and failed my first year. I no longer had a teacher fighting for me. I did a lot of growing up and returned to college, got a student of the year award two years in a row, etc. I still didn't have God in my life though and I felt alone. I became an seat warmer catholic, I attended church because it seemed like its what I should do.
One night I went to bed and God visited me, he sat beside me and told me that I needed to believe in and trust him, that he would be there with me if I just let him. I said ok, and the next day he made major changes in my life. I had a GREAT job offer, I found the perfect apartment, I was able to at least communicate with my family a little, and almost exactly a year later I had met my future wife.
Im still growing from the experience. Since becoming a Christian I have married a beautiful Christian woman, and now actually have a REAL family, im no longer alone either. I have moved to a completely new continent too. And I put it all down to God trying to make me happy.
2007-08-20 22:34:04
answer #2
answered by Danny N 4
I was an atheist and kind of came to the realization that there was something more out there. So I started looking into religions in general and see what they were all about. Then a friend of mine talked me into going to church and they talked about prayer and what not, so I decided I would pray not for stupid things like money or a car or some other worthless thing. I prayed for a friend of mine who was going through a rough time, and after a couple weeks my prayer was answered and I had this peace that I never felt before. So I went to church after that and continued to pray and continued to see amazing things happen and eventually I became a Christian and I have seen God in so many ways since then.
2007-08-20 17:37:14
answer #3
answered by like the ocean needs the waves 4
I had a friend that said there were evil demons and witches in the world ,and to protect myself i needed to put salt in the window, read my bible, pray and then cross myself , so out of fear i did, and then he showed me how to cross myself in the name of the father son holy ghost Amen, so i started doing it everynight, one afternoon i looked out my bedroom window and saw the peace and beauty of our big old oak tree, green grass, and i said Lord if your real come into my life, and i got a high and a peace that, nothing in this world can give, i walked into the living room with this big smile on my face, and my brother gave me a look like i wonder what drug hes on ;) End of Story Amen
2007-08-26 15:19:03
answer #4
answered by free_mark53 4
when you don't accept the existense of others, then life is difficult in this plannet. accepting is the reality. when all people realise this, there is no difficulty, we can have a peaceful life. but some are not accepting. they think that the world is only meant for them and not for others. then we turn to lord seeking wisdom to such people so that life of everybody become peaceful.
2007-08-28 01:59:40
answer #5
answered by sristi 5
1) Gullibility
2) Vulnerability
3) Weakness
4) Fear
5) Loneliness
2007-08-24 16:01:57
answer #6
answered by I, Sapient 7
I was born in an Apostate family.
There was something, events great and events small that drew me to Jesus.
Looking around and oberving things great and small made me to realize a God that is not idols and fables.
But I do not take Christianity as religion, it is a matter of reflecting Christ in us.
2007-08-28 04:52:51
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I didn't grow up in a "Christian" home. In fact, I was taught all my life that Jesus was some kind of liar and deceiver, etc.
After high school, I found myself getting involved in a life of drugs, starting with marijuana and very soon moving on to LSD. I would mix LSD with speed, LSD with booze, LSD with both speed AND booze, and once even added some downers on top of it all.
I had been involved this way for several years when someone asked if he could pray for me. (It's a long story how that came about).
I figured that he's just praying to a dead man, so I knew nothing would happen.
Well, he prayed, and within a few moments (I lost complete track of time), I had what can only be referred to as a "revelation" that Jesus really IS the Son of God! (By "revelation", I mean that every cell in my body was reverberating with this message.)
After a moment, when I finally got over the shock of this news, I was finally able to respond, "uh - oh no - wow! - uh - oh - OK" - kinda like that.
The moment I said "OK", the power of God began to clean me up. The drugs, booze, cigs (I use to chain smoke Camels non-filtered cigarettes when I would get high) - all these things dissipated from my body, washed out by God.
I no longer needed them, I didn't want them. My life had been completely turned around in a moment of time (well, maybe 3 seconds).
I felt clean in my heart (conscience) for the first time, and I truly felt the presence of God in my life. My life has never been the same!
2007-08-20 17:38:25
answer #8
answered by no1home2day 7
I was raised in a CHristian home, but it was NOT very Christian. If anything, this should have turned me off forever....and it did, for awhile...but then I began to realize...Jesus came for Sinners...our Gift from God is His Grace, and we do not have to be perfect to come to Him. He forgave us...We must forgive one another. Christians who act all proud and judgmental are not 'getting' what Christianity IS!
IT is GIVEN to all who desire it. How DARE we ridicule others. (steps off soapbox)
2007-08-28 10:18:18
answer #9
answered by Deb 5
I grew up in a home where my parents were believers though not really committed to Christ. It seemed that my mother was more committed to the beliefs of her denomination than to Jesus Himself. In their later years, dad would sit and read the Bible. He became closer to the Lord before he passed and mother, before she passed, realized that Jesus himself, not religion was her Lord and Savior.
I, on the other hand, was much like my mother while growing up. Then one day, I told God, "If you are here, please help me love you like you want me to." He did. Just because I asked Him to. He brought a realization to me that it is not my religion or what I do that pleases Him. It is my relationship with His Son, Jesus that causes Him joy.
2007-08-20 17:39:25
answer #10
answered by 4HIM- Christians love 7
I sneaked a prayer of salvation from a passerby who was witnessing in our neighborhood when my family wasn't home.
I didn't think much of it at first because it was so taboo at home. Part of me at that point (young) was doing it because of that fact.
He revealed to me that He had heard my prayer and claimed me as His own years later during a time of great duress and spiritual bankruptcy.
I had no other choice at that point than to recognize His sovereignty and His place in my life. Neither I nor my life has been the same since- with much gratitude.
2007-08-20 17:38:51
answer #11
answered by Mrs.M 4