Why is it that when an Atheist asks a Christian a question, and vice versa, when it comes time to choose the best answer, they always choose someone who shares their beliefs? Example...Atheist asks "Christians why do you believe such and such" then lots of Christians answer the question and the person who gets best answer is always some Atheist who either just agrees and confirms the Atheists' beliefs or says some sarcastic remark to answer...Same thing the other way around...I'm not siding w/either at the moment but if you are strong enough in your beliefs to ask a question to someone w/ a different belief, why not stick to your question guideline and give the best answer to the person who really was answering your question...If you address a question to an Atheist you can't give best answer to a Christian of your beliefs! It just doesn't make sense, and leads me to believe that religeous questions are not meant to be resolved, only to ruffle the feathers of the opposite believers...
10 answers
asked by
blah blah blah
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
When you ask a question that you think you know the answer to the best answer will always correspond with your belief because in your mind it is the correct answer also.
2007-08-20 10:28:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
that my dear is why people avoild talking about politics and religion, because both are bound to cause dissension and people will almost always side with someone who shares their views. Then there are people who are rational and really think things through before choosing the best answer- they often are the serious seekers looking for truth or at least a sense of inspiration in the answer. Me, I'm just an opinionated Pagan minister. Hope this helps.
Reverend Patricia Norwood AD OOS Reformed Druidic Wicca
2007-08-20 10:32:21
answer #2
answered by Evelyn N 2
Basically, atheists bait Christians, and Christians bait atheists; Christians should know better, and turn the other cheek, and atheists have a damned cheek for butting in on questions that shouldn't concern them, given their beliefs, or rather lack thereof. Mind you, the same goes for people who ask atheist/agnostic questions - the same rebellion rears its ugly head when the answers come round - those with religion bashing those without and vice versa!
Then we get to the thumbs and then to the voting - highly political, if you ask me!
Good......got that of me chest!
2007-08-20 11:25:24
answer #3
answered by Modern Major General 7
Not true! I am a Christian, and atheists have given me best answer several times. A pagan has given me best answer. So has a Wiccan.
I have given all of the above best answers, too, and I have also given them stars for having interesting questions.
I have never asked a question to "ruffle the feathers" of anyone.
2007-08-20 10:35:51
answer #4
answered by batgirl2good 7
Or, the other thing that happens is, that they never chose a best answer because all of the answers are the same and opposing the initial erroneous statement made by the questioner.
2007-08-20 10:27:01
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
i'm specific while Rankers are decrease back in the SPL with their 'great on line casino, floating pitch & all that different dazzling stuff from the land of milk & honey MurrayMint promised you lot you would be giggling all a thank you to the gullable land of the club deck.
2016-10-16 06:31:17
answer #6
answered by ? 4
I don't. I choose the answer I asked for, not the one that adheres to my belief.
Why ask a question, then award something that was not the answer?
2007-08-20 10:33:01
answer #7
answered by mathaowny 6
Good Point. It's just human nature to side with what you believe in.
2007-08-20 10:55:55
answer #8
answered by *Shayla* 4
Well it's the same as the whole thumbs up thumbs down thing. People are always going to support whoever supports them...
2007-08-20 10:28:24
answer #9
answered by All I Hear Is Blah Blah Blah... 5
You just now noticed this?
2007-08-20 10:29:40
answer #10
answered by Randy G 7