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If you ask a random question about Christianity, you will always get a variety of answers from people who all hear from the same god. Why, OH WHY, would he be sending out differing and many times opposing information to his people?

This Christian hears one thing, that Christian hears another, yet the next Christian hears something completely different.

For a group of people who claim to have a relationship with this guy, it seems as though none can get the same answer from him by asking. Sure they can give the same scriptural quote, but I can do that too. Anyone can. I'm talking about people who hear from God. Why are they hearing different answers???

2007-08-20 10:18:19 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

38 answers

It is because their psychotic inner voices aren't in synch with one another. I am sure that their dementia will get them to agree about certain issues, like persecuting Jews, hating Muslims, ignoring any who aren't of those religions, and vehemently bickering with atheists. Those are Christian values.

2007-08-20 10:24:31 · answer #1 · answered by Heidi S 2 · 2 2

Honey, at some point or another i think all christians have wondered the same thing! But like the other lady said, God's message stays the same but the way that it usually ends up getting interpreted from us human beings is a whole other ballgame. I know i can honestly say that i have been so confused at times in my christian walk that i thought i would lose my mind, but eventually through much prayer and searching in God's word i will find peace about whatever it is that troubles me. As to why different people hear different answers, i believe that alot of times people only hear what they want to hear. Many, but by no means all, christians like to play the pick and choose game when it comes to what the Bible says concerning how we live our lives. If they dont like this verse they skip over it and go on till they find one they think will let them by easy. BUt it is not our place to judge others, we are to simply try to do our best to live our lives as God has told us to in his word. God bless and have a great day!

2007-08-20 10:42:07 · answer #2 · answered by irishheart28 1 · 0 0

That's a good question. Why don't you just ask God?

Or perhaps you aren't asking a legitimate question to get information, but rather a rebellious question to challenge God's authority?

Why not show all the Christians how it's supposed to be done by becoming the best Christian ever and that way YOU can give the answers?

Of course, I have to ask what questions are being asked that get different answers from God, when God already gave us the answers in the Bible, and you say that doesn't count since anybody (even you) could do THAT?

I would also have to ask WHO, exactly, is claiming to hear from God?

The question is rather vague, kinda like horoscopes that could apply to anybody at any time. Hmmmmm. So, since horoscopes are "for entertainment purposes only", is your question only for entertainment purposes also?

2007-08-20 10:27:59 · answer #3 · answered by no1home2day 7 · 0 2

the same reason we have so many politians. they all know the way. the democrates say it's this, the republicans say it's that, the independants say it's over here, the leftist say it's over there. you hear it, you either make a judgement on who is telling you the truth or who knows the best way, or you ignore what you here and make up your own mind which way to go. it's the same with christians, some are knowledgeable about the things of God, but put there own spin on religion, etc., some know the way, some don't but it's up to you to find out the difference, because when it's your turn to answer God about what you did with the gift that he gave you , which is eternal life, through His son Jesus, what will you tell Him, that some hypocrite made you so cynical that you didn't even bother to investigate. to find out if what He said was true. or because you were to smart to fall for that stupid crap those so call deceiving christians were trying to feed you. or better still that Jesus stuff is only for weak people or poor or sick people. or you just didn't belive them. what ever they say they are they not the ones who is going to answer for you. satan himself could be sending these so call christians into your path so you will close your eyes to the truth that is evident all day long. will you look for yourself, investigate for yourself, if you're not to afraid or embarrassed to ask the God who made this universe to reveal Himself to you or to quiet your own self, or your own belief, to truly ask Him what is the truth. you are the only one that will answer that question, when He asks you, wheather you belive in Him or not you will decide to be a republican or a democrate or you won't you need to decide if you what to be a child of God, however, you will or you won't, just like casting your vote, only this decision counts for eternatie

2007-08-20 11:10:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I read all the answers before I chose to answer. It's just like all these people every single one of them have thier own answer in a opinion form. God uses individuals to relate to others. His text is consisent, peoples' terms and opinions are all different. I'm not here to bash one single soul just explain a question I saw asked. It is amazing how all those who reject christian beliefs saw something about God and had to put in thier two cents and bash so called christians for bashing them. If you feel bashed by a christian they weren't a Christian! If you deny God that is your choice. I can't make you think differently but by influence would one do so. It's hurtful to see so many people hurt and hate because of someone claiming to Be "Christlike" when in fact Christ died for those of us who wish to enter Heaven. God gave us free will. it's like that game when you tell a secret to someone and tehy pass it on to someone else then they passed it on to someone else and by the time the game ends the story completely changes. That is what happens when you don't go right to the source, you get things mixed up and falsified. Don't claim something is wrong or false till you have hard core fact.

2007-08-20 13:33:26 · answer #5 · answered by MichelleM 2 · 0 1

god has never talk to man and has never given him any information. different people have written the bible over to suit themselves so it is different in all parts of he world and it is different in each church. If god had given man any info it would have the same meaning today as well as 1000s of years ago. we don't need to know how to treat our slaves or disfigure our penis or sacrifice our first born and we don't use the cross to kill people like the Romans did for 100s of years. so people play mind games and make up this guy in our image that counts the hairs on our heads and uses the rainbow as a covenant These are all Mans thoughts not God's

2007-08-20 10:31:05 · answer #6 · answered by wreaser2000 5 · 1 0

Bob i'm gonna answer casually simply by fact the Mullah Brigade has me of their eyesight (they are reporting in simple terms about all of my solutions) Strictly linguistically it would seem so Philosophically they are worlds aside, and that i'm not conversing approximately Trinity, Jesus or whether Mohammed became sinless or not in basic terms what God expects from us is a international aside interior the various teachings. even however as all of us are human beings after all decrease than a million God it shows, someplace by some skill a million of the doctrines has intense flaws You be the decide, i've got suggested too lots already Peace Edit Bob now there's a competent concept to placed up on the suggestion board hear i understand as quickly as I pass the line or come on too sturdy or over the precise yet these days that's in simple terms simply by fact I fluctuate in opinion or debunk a fallacy thoroughly. despite the fact that that's YA alright, it could get "heated" on occasion enable's wish the soup does not get too warm hahaha Peace Edit2 hear Bob I should not be giving out too lots "know-how" yet somebody with a minimum of customary mind will see and understand what i visit assert next the two facets of the fence (Christians and Muslims) have adressed your Q from a lateral view (horizontal axis) meaning that Christians will defrend their God from their scripture and their prophets and Jesus, Muslims will do the comparable with the Koran and pbuh I quite have spoke back you from a vertical view, or opposite, meaning I verify what might God rationally and logically assume from us, and what do the two books say approximately it (Koran and bible element by skill of element) you %, noth by using skill of religion on my own yet that each fiber on your physique and thoughts tells you is the main logic rational and maximum suitable not in basic terms for you, yet for all. Peace

2016-11-13 00:29:03 · answer #7 · answered by vereen 4 · 0 0

In Order to "Hear" from GOD Accurately, there are Things that you must do Diligently (everyday).
Most Children of GOD don't do these Things Diligently.

When you Hear from GOD and don't hear it Correctly (devils mess up the communications)
because you are not Diligent in the Things of GOD, then that is called "Missing It".

Yes, even in the Five-Fold Ministry (Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher)
of GOD, they Miss It Alot!!!

2007-08-20 10:39:33 · answer #8 · answered by maguyver727 7 · 0 0

It's like gettin' high (or so I assume). People using the same drug can have different reactions to it.

Also, beer and stuff. When I get drunk I get sleepy. When my wife gets drunk she gets really friendly. Some people get mad, some people get angry, some get funny.

God, the verses in the Bible, or maybe I should say the religious experience, are the same. Different strokes for different folks. Thing is they all tend to think the way the understand it is divine revelation.

2007-08-20 10:40:36 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No one has ANY right to tell people what they can and cannot belive or what they should or that their beliefs are wrong. You shouldn't be ashamed of what you believe and shame on those who say you should. How dare they!

Agnostic >>

You are missing the point...Christians are to share the good news of Christ with the world....this is an offering of hope to all the people of the world. Jesus Christ did not come to condemn the world but to save it. This is the promise of salvation from God, by faith in Jesus Christ, that we are commanded to share with the world...we cannot force our faith, and we are never meant to.

Jesus died to pay for the sins of the world, and by accepting Christ as Lord and Savior so that we do not have to pay for our sins against God, we are changed by the Holy Spirit of God for the remainder of our lives, to no longer practice the sins we once did. This happens when we accept Christ's pardon from paying our sins...anyone telling someone not to do something because it is a sin is pointless if they do not have faith in Christ. The gift of God is the forgiveness of our sins if we have faith that Jesus Christ died to pay for our sins.

If someone feels that we are forcing our belief because there is a consequence for people who do not believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior, that they would have to pay for their own sins against God, then it means they are either not willing to admit that they are sinners or are simply not willing to give up their sins.

We can't force anyone to believe...they either do or not.

Take Care and God Bless!

2007-08-20 11:04:37 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You know whats ironic?
If/When an adult tries to kill his/her child and say God told me to, they are deemed criminally insane. Yet, Abraham does the same thing but b/c it's a story in the Bible it's OK b/c it was what God told him to do. Yeesh!
Just remember, if you have the faith of a mustard seed, you can move mountains. I haven't seen or heard about any mountains moved so I guess there just isn't a lot of faith.

2007-08-20 10:29:47 · answer #11 · answered by strpenta 7 · 1 0

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