There are many many things wrong with the Catholic Church and organized religion in general! I don't have enough time or typing space to detail all of it. Keep thinking and learning. You'll get there!
2007-08-24 08:53:56
answer #1
answered by I, Sapient 7
Dude, you have seriously bought into the anti-Catholic propaganda. The Church does not do the things you wrote about, nor does She teach them.
Little idols of saints? By this you mean statues?
Well, look up the definition of an idol and then look up the definition of a statue. They are two completely different and separate things.
Worship of the Virgin Mary?
No. Wrong again. Worship of anything BESIDES God on heaven or earth WOULD be idolatry. Read the 2nd commandment and you’ll see that plain as day. Therefore, ALL worship goes to God and God alone.
Also, look up the definition of prayer. You’ll see it is an act of petition, request. It means you’re ASKING for something. Note that there are different types of prayer, not just one. There’s meditative prayer, contemplative, request, intercessory, and worship prayer. Nice variety, don’t you think? So then NOT ALL prayer is said for worship.
If you would like to learn more about what the Church teaches and why, there are a number of resources:,,,,, as well as many others.
Do some serious research so that you’ll know WHAT the Church teaches and WHY before making statements like this.
God bless.
2007-08-20 14:43:08
answer #2
answered by Danny H 6
Fool! Don't try to pass on this "I'm Catholic" nonsense. I do not buy it for a second. And how dare you slander the name of our Blessed Mother and all the other saints?!
We do not worship Mary. We ask her to pray for us. She is Queen of Heaven and earth and is my spiritual mother and yours. These so-called "idols" are merely reminders of people passed. We are not praying to/worshiping statues. Have you ever asked a friend to pray for you? That is what we do with Mary and the saints. They are our spiritual family that extends into heaven.
As far as the Pope goes, yes, he is only a man. But you are wrong to say he was chosen by men alone. The authority of Pope was established by Jesus Christ himself (you are Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church). He is the shepherd of the people of the earth. I will be praying for you and your ignorance.
2007-08-20 10:13:22
answer #3
answered by zauberflote44 2
Nothing is wrong with the Roman Catholic church. All that you have alleged above are lies spread by Protestant and other 'churches' to keep souls from the one true Church founded by Christ Himself on the Rock of Peter (the Papacy). Yes, Catholics pray to the Virgin Mother of God and to the saints. What is the definition of 'pray'? It has two meanings...............1 : to make a request in a humble manner
2 : to address God with adoration, confession, supplication, or thanksgiving
When Catholics pray to the Virgin Mother and to the saints they make their requests in a humble manner. Our Blessed Mother , the Queen of all saints, and the saints are alive and well in heaven and stand perfect and pure before the throne of God. When we have a problem we turn to our friends on earth and in heaven to pray for us. The statues of saints are not idols of worship. . We do not think the statue is God. We pray to the saint represented by the statue whom we know is alive in heaven and hears our prayers.
Mother Mary is not a goddess. Every Catholic knows that. But we love Her and honor Her the most because She carried the Son of God in Her womb. Does everyone have the privilege that God gave Her? If it was not for Her Fiat we would not have Jesus . How grateful must we be to this Gentle Woman. How pleased will God be with those who honor His Mother!
The Pope is the Vicar of Christ. No Catholic in his right sense worships him. But we love and respect him because he is the successor of Peter. Everything he says or does may not be perfect except when he speaks ex-cathedra.
I will give you a link to common misconceptions that Protestants have about the Catholic church and answers to them. Hope it clears your doubts.
Finally, I dont mean to be personal, but I think your mom is a truly devout and blessed woman and her prayers will surely give you the graces to enlighten you one day about the one and true Church that Christ founded on the Rock of Peter, the only ark of salvation. No salvation outside the Catholic Church.
2007-08-21 14:21:02
answer #4
answered by Pat 3
I think ALL Christians-Protestant and Catholic-are victims of lies and mistranslations told over thousands of years.
Just yesterday, I saw a book at Barnes'N'Noble that has the title 'Rosslyn', or something like that, and there was a section in it about how the Catholic Church had a branch at Chartres that was labeled to be a Catholic private school but the school was actually focusing on the Virgin Mary and pretty much teaching she was just as important as Jesus. There was another book I saw titled 'When God was a Woman' but I didn't get a chance to look at it.
Myself, I think something's very wrong with the concept of a singular deity, never mind MALE, being taught as the only creator.
2007-08-20 10:11:03
answer #5
answered by strpenta 7
LOL...........I do not fall to your claim of being Catholic. And I hope you feel "puffed up" by some of the ignorant answers you have received concerning the Catholic faith.
Seek knowledge !
The phenomenon found in some Christian groups. It appears to work like this:
"if you don't believe that faith alone saves, then you must believe that you can work your way into Heaven (something Catholics are constantly falsely accused of believing),"
"if you don't believe in sola scriptura, then you are a follower of the 'traditions of men',"
"if you think we can cooperate in our salvation, then you're saying that Christ isn't enough,"
"if you believe that one can freely turn his back on God, then you're denying God's omnipotence," .
These either/or arguments consist of an "if" statement, coupled with an implied premise that amounts to a false dichotomy, and followed by an invalid conclusion.
Catholic rebuttals to these sorts of assertions often rely on the heavy use of prepositions:
"we are saved by grace, through faith and works inspired by the Holy Spirit's love,"
"the source of Christian Truth is the Church that is guided by the Holy Spirit and which is both the source of and is bound by Sacred Scripture,"
"we are saved solely by the grace of the Cross, with which we must co-operate,"
"God can do whatever He wants, whenever He wants, but He chose to give us free will with which we can freely choose Him," .
It's been said that the Catholic Church is a "both/and" Church; another way of saying it is that, when arguing with Protestants, we are a "Yes, but..." Church:
"Yes, grace saves through faith -- but a faith that works,"
"Yes, Christ is the only way to the Father, but we Christians co-operate with Him in His divine plan and therefore, in a real but limited sense, play a co-redemptive role in salvation history,"
"Yes, we must be born again, but 'born again' refers to Baptism,"
"Yes, Christ is the Spiritual Rock of the Church, but He made Peter the earthly Rock" .
2007-08-21 05:40:49
answer #6
answered by cashelmara 7
I don't know if any answer I give you will explain anything to you, since the tone of your question is so acerbic that it seems like you've already made up your mind that the Catholic church is wrong. I know from experience that all the truth in the world won't change a person's mind when he has a grudge against a person or thing.
Having said that, here I go anyway:
No, Catholics don't worship Mary or saints. We venerate them. that means we respect them and seek their intervention, but we know they're not gods.
And we use statues to remind us of the real person. Nobody who is not mentally ill thinks that the statues themselves are real people who you can pray to.
2007-08-20 10:02:58
answer #7
answered by Acorn 7
Seek some knowledge in Catholicism.
As the obedient, infinitely holy Son of God, the Lord Jesus was a very firm believer in the commandment to honor one's father and mother. Now, what most people don't know about that commandment is that in Hebrew it literally reads, "Glorify your father and mother." This means that, since Christ took God's commandments very seriously, he would glorify his mother Mary, and for us to talk about his mother in a cavalier, irreverent manner is to impugn the glory which Christ himself has given her. As a result, if we were to talk about Mary in an impious manner then we would be offending not only Mary but also Christ by denying his mother the glory that he himself gave her.
"Glorify your father and mother." We are to bring glory to our parents, and that includes not only our earthly, physical mother but our heavenly, spiritual mother as well. We are to imitate Christ, and just as he brought glory to his mother, we are to bring glory to her as well.
This is something Mary herself said at the beginning of St. Luke's gospel (1:48), when she prophesied under the Holy Spirit, "Behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed." That is a prophecy that has come true in the course of Christian history, and it is the basis of Marian devotion, for that is what we are doing when we honor and glorify Mary: we are calling her blessed on account of all the marvelous things God has done for her and all the glorious graces he has given her.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
2007-08-24 06:23:11
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Wow! For someone as young as you are and who has been brought up with those beliefs, you are very insightful. You pointed out some of the reasons for the Protestant Reformation. The Roman emperor, Constantine, started the catholic church. He compromised Christianity with the old Roman religion in order to gain more converts. It is the church's fault, not the people's. The people are being misled, and I'd be willing to bet that the church knows better, a lot like the Jewish priests in Jesus' time. If you started an earnest study of the Bible, you'd find a lot of things in there that most churches ignore, and stuff that they've added over the years. That's a big no-no. Somewhere in the book of Revelation it says we aren't supposed to take anything out or add anything to the Bible. Jesus never claimed to be as great as the Father, and yet many people think so. I could go on, but I'd be opening a huge can of worms. I probably already have. If you ask a JW to help you study, I'm sure they'd be happy to help. They won't pressure you into baptism unless it's what you want. I'm not a JW, but I've studied with them and their beliefs make a lot of sense.
2007-08-20 10:35:36
answer #9
answered by alikij 4
Everyone claims to be the first to show up after a disaster, almost like they planned it....
2016-05-18 02:06:53
answer #10
answered by mirian 3