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After reading both the Quran and the Bible. I have come to the conclusion that to reconcile with God takes alot of effort and decipline while the Contemporary God of Christians, Muslims and Jews seems to be a God who they think wants all these mindless followers to start following a their form of religion which they consider will grant them benefits from God. They will even say their forefathers were worshipping the same God. So they think they know it all and hence spiritually block themselves. While the God that Moses, Jesus and Muhammed prayed to on the other hand required lots of truth, conviction, hardwork and humanatarian efforts and there lives are a living proof of it. Even, At the same time even having such a great relationship with God, they prayed alone and long hours of the night. This God certainly is a different God then the God people follow. Are they following the God of Moses, Jesus and Muhammed or a God that there Ego has imposed on them. Your comments please?

2007-08-20 09:10:56 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

Asalamu Alaikum

You are right that people are so tied up in the hubaduna (love of this world and what is in it) they are not doing all that they should to please God/Allah (SWT). People all too often worship their money, there spouses, the opinions of other and mostly ego and power. They put those things before God so in that way yes, people have lost sight of God and most people do not follow Gods teachings.

But that said there are many people who do have the intention to serve God/Allah (SWT) I am not a prophet, I can never compair to the piety of the prophets of Allah (swt) they are Amazing people who were set up as examples. We can only do our best.

Can I put my own the glass is half full view point. Every night of Ramadan our masjid is full to capacity with people(men and woman) praying taraweed prayer until 11:00 or later at night dispite having to be at work the next morning. Every Friday our Masjid is full and people are out the door and onto the patio for Friday prayers dispite the fact that we live in the US and Friday is a work day and bosses are not very cooperative at letting people off work. Every night there are plenty of people at every prayer dispite the fact that most of us have to drive at least 15 mins to the nearest Masjid.

All that said this Ramadan is likely to be different as this year two of those ego worshipers have distroyed our masjid community.

I don't know how to answer that question except to say, Start with you. That is what I do. I am not perfect but I try to set the best example for my children. I left my full time job to tutor Hifz kids in academic subjects a couple hours a week so they would not fall behind. But it allows me to spend more time with my kids and study Islam more. I go to all the Masjid Islamic classes I can to learn more. I pray faithfully 5x and extra prayers as much as I can. I am not perfect sometime I loose my tounge, May God forgive me. But I start with ME.

I believe that if you live in a glass house (and we ALL do) we can not throw stones. Improve yourself because your actions are the only thing you will be responsible for on the last day.

2007-08-20 15:12:02 · answer #1 · answered by lovingmomhappykids 4 · 0 0

As a Muslim, I don't believe in the phrase "other God", unlike many (not all) Christians. There is only one God, the Supreme Being and Creator of the Universe. The are many opinions on Him, but different perceptions won't make Him more than one. And there is nothing in the Quran & hadith that state Allah call Himself God of Islam or God of the Muslims.

We never replace God with God according to our ego. But yes, we tend to change our opinions and believe on God according to our ego and somewhat change what His Holy Prophets Moses, Jesus and Muhammad taught us but that still mean we are praying to the same One God..

2007-08-20 17:13:53 · answer #2 · answered by Adi Keladi 5 · 0 0

In many ways we have replaced God/Allah with ourselves or our own ego. This is a form of idolatry that we should be sorry for and confess. We follow the teachings of Jesus when it is convenient to our lives and schedules.
However, there are times when we have to look to ourselves and interpret the teachings as they apply to us.

My priest gave an example from his personal life where some 40+ years ago in Brooklyn, he heard his mother and her friends talking about this Martin Luther King Jr. person and all the trouble he was causing. He confronted her by saying that when changes come he'll be on one side of the argument and she will be on the other. This goes against the 4th Commandment but he just knew that it was the right thing to do.

You are correct in saying that our forefathers spent the majority of the time praying, but my argument would be that there wasn't much else to do except pray and have children.

2007-08-20 09:34:30 · answer #3 · answered by CGAA72 3 · 2 0

You can say anything you want - whether you are convinced or not. It is your brain - your tongue and your right to do what you want and feel doing. Only thing is that your right should not trample upon the rights of others. Period. You are perfectly welcome to join any faith/religion/cult/asylum, etc. Having said that, I would also say that are you sure that what you have found is the Ultimate Truth - that being a Muslim is what will count for you as the ultimate thing? Then go ahead. Otherwise explore other ideologies/faith. Particularly, the most tolerant and the most non violent ones. Study Jainism/Buddhism/Sikhism/Hinduism as well. Personally I consider Islam as the most violent cult that has ever existed. Good luck.

2016-05-18 01:34:36 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

All Messengers of Allah (pbut) worshipped the same God, Allah S.W.T. Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God, just different names. Jews call God Yahweh. Christian call God Jehovah. Muslims call God Allah. All names refer to One God, who has given the Scriptures to Daud, Musa and Isa (pbut) the Zabur (Psalms), Taurat (Torah) and Injil (Gospel). He then revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad (saw) for the whole mankind.

To those who say Muslims worship a different God, never include yourself in the monotheistic religions. You are believing that there is a different God, when every three religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam commands to worship one God. To those who say Muslims worship the sun and moon god, Allah S.W.T Created the sun and the moon. He is the One God, no the sun or moon god. You've been reading to much fantasies.

May Allah S.W.T guide us all..

2007-08-20 12:47:17 · answer #5 · answered by @hm@d {War Against Noub!} 4 · 0 0

In the beginning God created Adam and Eve. He walked with them in the Garden of Eden and taught them the correct religion. Adam and Eve transgressed the laws of God and were cast out of the Garden and became mortal. They had children, grand children etc. Satan came among the children of Adam and convinced them that there was an easier way to live, one where they could indulge in all forms of physical and carnal debauchery. He taught them a different religion and they organized churches of their own, worshiping gods of their own creations.

Years later when the family of Noah were the only ones following the true religion God cleansed the earth of wickedness with the flood.

After the flood the family of Noah and his 4 sons and daughters in law increased and they spread over the land. They all started with the true religion but as they spread out and time separated them from the flood Satan once again entered the picture and the process of apostacy from the truth began again.

Point. All religions descend from the time of Noah therefore they will all share some common themes. Only those who tried to keep the true religion and teachings of God were blessed with the direction and instruction of living prophets to help them undedrstand God's will. The rest were of man and satan.

There is only one God. The God who created us and all around us. But, man and satan have so perverted the ways of God it is almost impossible to know who God is.

Almost impossible, because there are now living prophets again on the earth with the true Church and understanding of God. But few there are who will descover it because they have been blinded by satan and the craftiness of men.

Read the Book of Mormon and prove it for yourself.

2007-08-20 09:39:29 · answer #6 · answered by greenthumb 2 · 1 0

This may not be theologically perfect, but I believe this is how a major change took place from the Older Moses faith to the Christian faith today:
As far as all of the effort it takes to reconcile with God, in the Old Testament, (Moses) the Israelites were required to do many painstaking ceremonies and sacrifices in order to cleanse themselves and to be forgiven. They had to kill innocent and perfect animals. When Christ came, he was a perfect man, and when he died, he was able to be the final sacrifice that replaced the older requirements. Since he was human, (as well as God) and innocent and perfect, he was able to take place of the animal sacrifices that were only temporary and needed repeating.

2007-08-20 09:32:16 · answer #7 · answered by jb 1 · 0 0

The One True God, The Creator, The God of Abraham and Moses, The God those of The Church know to be The Truth.... is NOT the so-called god of islam

2007-08-20 09:21:19 · answer #8 · answered by ? 5 · 1 0

I have heard conflicting accounts on this one. I do believe that the God of Moses and the God of Jesus are the same Being, because both Moses and Jesus were Jewish; they just had different viewpoints on Him. I have heard that Allah (Muhammad's God) is the same as the Jewish and Christian God, but I have also heard that Allah is a demon who possessed Muhammad. Apparently, Muhammad used to have cold sweats and tremble violently when the Qu'ran was being told to him. But I'm not 100% sure if that's credible info or not.

2007-08-20 09:15:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Jesus and Moses worshiped the same God (Technically, Jesus is God), but Muhammad worshiped a different one.

It depends on who you are talking about, there are a lot of fake Christians out there but there are also some true ones as well.

2007-08-20 09:22:46 · answer #10 · answered by superninfreak777 2 · 1 1

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