No blanket statement can be made about this. It can be immensely harmful, even to the people involved in it. However, it is not the position of society to regulate behavior that is self destructive, only that which harms others. In general, I would agree with the sentiment that sex is not harmful to the willing and consenting adult participants, but I know there are notable exceptions. Their choices though, if consent and ability to consent are present, are their own where it applies to their own bodies.
2007-08-20 09:07:26
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I disagree. Of course, in your example, it is not completely consensual. All persons involved would have to have consent. The wife is not consenting to her husband cheating.
Promiscuous sex is damaging to society and the individuals involved. They say that when you sleep with a person, you are in essence sleeping with everyone they ever took to bed. So in that sense, if you are promiscuous, you are ruining it for the people who sleep with you in the future. Lets say you've had your fun and want to settle down. Would you be able to give your spouse your all? Or would you be distracted due to what you did in the past? Would you be comparing her (or him) to previous lovers, or disappointed that they don't match up to others in some ways? Would you be so full of guilt or unable to fully attach emotionally?
There is also the disease issue. Very often, one partner is faithful when the other is not. So if one spouse and another person consents to sex, but the other spouse doesn't know or agree, he or she could still be at risk to a disease brought home by the other.
There are the social costs. Cheating withing a marriage degrades the concept of marriage in the eyes of a society, regardless of who consents to it. There is more sexual litter. I know about having to pick up condoms from in and around apartment complexes. There is increased violence over sexual jealousy, increased breakups of marriages and relationships, and increased revenge killings.
Promiscuous sex spreads disease, even with protection. Protection isn't 100% and in some cases, is a false sense of security. So someone thinks they are safe with condoms and has much more sex with other people, who are also sleeping with other people. All it takes is for 1 person in the extended circle to become infected, and eventually, the whole cluster becomes infected.
You are right that the maturity level required for consent varies per person. Some people may never reach that age (profound mentally challenged), and some may be past that age (senility, severe head trauma).
2007-08-20 09:25:22
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
That is called cheating, and i can't agree it does no harm. Of course the wife gets hurt in this case, in more than one way.
However, i do agree sex before marriage for the people who feel that way, there is absolutely no harm done in two mature people who know what they want (and this is not necesarely related to age) to have sex - as long as they know what they are doing, protecting themselves (using condoms and making sure the partner doesn't suffer from diseases), not having children unless they know the can affort it. Thats why i mentioned mature people.... mature people know all this
2007-08-20 09:08:51
answer #3
answered by larissa 6
The first example you list is adultery. Consensual sex need not, and should not, include adultery.
Sex between consenting adults is fine, and need not be promiscuous. I advised my daughter to choose lovers carefully, and would urge all parents to do the same.
We have laws to determine age of consent. Average in the United States is 16.
2007-08-20 09:07:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It doesn't harm anyone if both partners are of age and consenting and there is no deception going on. If a woman lies to her husband about having promiscuous sex, that is harmful.
2007-08-20 09:06:16
answer #5
answered by Acorn 7
Any sex outside marriage involves the forming of soul ties of a thoroughly undesirable nature between the adulterer and the new partner.This has an effect on the psyche whether they realise it or not. This is often how a spouse knows 'somethings wrong' when the other spouse is unfaithful.
2007-08-20 09:11:33
answer #6
answered by cheir 7
Promiscuous sex is wrong not just for religious reasons, but pregnancies happen, diseases happen. And too many people can get hurt, the wife, the kids. Not to mention it's just disgusting. If you're married don't cheat, take it into your own hands if you have to, there is never a reason to cheat and bring a family that much emotional pain and physical pain.
2007-08-20 09:10:39
answer #7
answered by I'm Here 4
Disagree totally!
1. Honor of marriage vows to wife compromised, therefore trust broken, heartbreak happens
2. Babies happen
3. STDs
4. Consenting party wants you to marry them and leave your spouse - could end up being like Fatal Attraction
5. Marriage break-up
I see danger, don't you?
2007-08-20 09:08:04
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
the word promiscuous is a value judgment. how often do you have to have sex to be promiscuous? if you have lots of sex with one person, does that count?
consenting sex between single people does not harm anyone. adultery is of course a different matter.
2007-08-20 09:06:35
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Disagree. Not only are there all kinds of SDT's out there, there's the self-respect issue. A promiscuous person isn't likely to have much in the self-respect department.
2007-08-20 09:07:48
answer #10
answered by Anonymous