no... if so, why do we have murderers and rapist, the lowest level of scum? and we have good men and women spend their lives trying to do the right thing. people giving their lives to help others. question, if you could only save one of two people, one a cold blooded murderer and child molester and the other, a good man, a hero firefighter, which one would you save? but then to say that it is to say some people are born bad, and others born good, could this be true? is a killer made or is he born, is a hero made or is he born? answer that and you will have your answer. mine is, no, we are not "equal".
2007-08-20 09:13:33
answer #1
answered by RuG™ 3
According to the Constitution of the US, but not according to the bible. God creates some for Holy purposes, and He creates some for "profane" (look that word up) purposes.
All men are not created equal. Read your bible.
2007-08-20 09:26:13
answer #2
answered by NXile 6
I believe He loves us all equally. we are all equal in his eyes. i must admit some of us have special gifts that make us stand out. I believe Our abilities mean nothing to God because He can do it all.
So who really cares that Donald Trump is so hot in real estate or that tom brady is such a popular football player. They don't have sh it on God.
2007-08-20 09:08:11
answer #3
answered by sheila, TTC 3
2007-08-20 09:01:00
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yes, but some are more equal than others.
2007-08-20 09:04:44
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
theres nothing abt equality !! he jus created men !! its men who turned into others ups and downs !! u be either side of it ! in life u will have chance to get to the bright side !! BUT REMEMBER it will not come to u u will have to hunt it !! and u feel safe dont forget to lend help to others
tc and dont stay confused
everything will be alright
bye ...
2007-08-20 09:05:32
answer #6
answered by darenever 1
yes, we humans are the ones who devalue or value certain ones more than others. we decide who we think is equal, greater, or less. but, that is all our opinion. god made all of us in equal standing with him
2007-08-20 09:55:57
answer #7
answered by toshiomagic 3
That is wrong in two different ways.
1) God didn't create men
2) Men aren't equal (they should be afforded an equal amount of liberty unless they are criminals, but they have different physiology).
2007-08-20 09:02:31
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No, who said that! Everyone is different and has different qualities but we each have an important role to play in the body of Christ.
2007-08-20 09:06:12
answer #9
answered by Andy 2
Equal in dignity and certain inalienable rights.
2007-08-20 09:04:48
answer #10
answered by Anonymous