of course it isn't its in your body
2007-08-20 08:55:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The human being a very complex multifaceted person... we are made up of three amazing parts. The body with its five senses to contact the physical world. The soul made up of our mind, will and emotions and then deep in us is the human spirit whereby we can contact God and have relationship with Him.
Each part in a believer is inter-related in that even though the mind is part of the soul, it functions through the capacity of the brain. Everything in our soul is expressed through our bodies. If we are sad in our emotions we cry with our eyes. If we make a decision with our will of the soul then that is expressed by the body in whatever choice you made.
So in a way if you have brain damage then in a lot of ways your ability to function as a person may depleat in all ways. Our spirit is a part of us that functions on a different level and capacity. It is indeed sad if someone suffers brain damage and is not able to see or read or speak.. but deep in this person's spirit and soul there are activities taking place no matter what. The body houses the soul and the soul houses the spirit.
Good thought provoking question
tnx for the post
2007-08-20 09:12:22
answer #2
answered by Broken Alabaster Flask 6
A great deal of confusion exists around the concept of soul, and it depends upon one's perspective. Are we talking about the soul as conceived by Plato? Or the Hebrew bible? While we use the same word, the two concepts are vastly different. As others might also claim.
As a Christian my answer is much more like the biblical notion of the word used throughout the Hebrew Bible, the nefesh. The soul is the life-force that animates the body. It is not an immortal creation loosely tethered to our fleshly existence. Without our soul, our body dies. Without our body, the soul dies. But should our body suffer damage, the soul is not altered since life still exists.
When we die, the soul is cared for and remembered by God until Christ returns and we are raised to new life, with imperishable and immortal bodies and souls.
2007-08-28 08:33:08
answer #3
answered by brian_o_bennett 2
Descartes viewed the Pineal Gland as the seat of the soul. Likely something along those lines for you. The big challenge, in my view, is one of identity. We have a sense that there is something more to us than just our physical body. Until you argue and justify this sense of being into the corner, there is a sense about it. You have, somehow, convinced yourself that what you can see, or could see under dissection, is all there is to you. I disagree.
What is it, exactly, that you mean by soul? The influence of the soul on the rest of our being is subjective from person to person, depending on what the soul means to them. It does something, you'd think, if it is. It may do nothing at all, sitting or floating dormant overhead, waiting for the body to die. It may act much like a piggy bank, storing stories of good works / conduct as a token, and bad conduct on your part as a withdrawal. I don't know exactly, but still have a sense that there is more to me than what can be seen. This view is inborn.
Since, in my view, the brain and soul are separate and unique, and the soul is metaphysical, the soul doesn't suffer physical damage.
2007-08-20 10:47:52
answer #4
answered by super Bobo 6
If the brain is dead the spirit is in heaven. If the brain is alive the spirit is with the body. Unfortunately while I use the feel with your heart terminology, it just ain't so. The heart is a pump. It doesn't think. I like soulful or soul felt better. From my soul.
2007-08-27 05:03:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Your soul isn't IN your brain but your soul = your Mind, Will and Emotions! Brain damage does not detract from your soul!! Your soul is who you are - and it will last for eternity!! PS: Just as Christians who have physical illness will get new bodies when they get to heaven...(ones perfect with no illness)...so will anyone with brain damage be perfected.
2007-08-27 16:49:49
answer #6
answered by Deb 5
our souls consist of mind, will and intellect...... three. we are body, soul and spirit.......
three. God is the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit.......three. if thoughts can change thought patterns yes our brain chemistry will be affected, thats why the Bible tells us to think on these things, whatever is good whatever is pure whatever is lovely, He created us He knows that meditating on positive things will bring joy into our lives, the opposite is also true. Simple. brain damage whatever the cause obviously will affect your soul,
What is troubling your spirit?
2007-08-27 18:20:36
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If we have souls, I would imagine that they are somehow connected to our conciousness, but not necessarily located in the brain. I guess that means that the soul would have some influence on our brain chemistry. I don't think the soul would be affected after brain damage.
That's a good question....regardless of whether you believe we have souls or not, it's something to ponder!
2007-08-20 09:05:17
answer #8
answered by KS 7
i hate the word "soul". it means nothing.
its basically like asking "do you believe in something El's?"
which i think everyone does. but its been given this image, that its like a spell with in you or something. and i hate that.
i don't believe in a "soul" so no its not in our brains, however..i do believe there is more to us than what we see, hear, smell and whatever. the only reason we know we have a brain is because we have evolved the senses necessary to sense it. but i think we are probably connected to other dimensions. like we believe to have 4 dimensions right? whats to say everything doesn't have 100 dimensions and we can only see 4 because the others weren't necessary to survive, and so our brains cant even begin to understand what they would be like.
so i think that maybe the soul could be just another part of us that we just cant see or understand and never will. but it probably doesn't live forever or go to heaven or anything. it will spread into everything around it just like every thing El's does
2007-08-20 09:29:29
answer #9
answered by guitar fool 2
Our soul is attached to the brain by three hydraulic gimbals mounted to the inner frame of the basal ganglia to allow for some lateral motion while dampening vibration. The electrical connections are all through a single flexible ribbon cable with a detachable connector on the corpus callosum. The cooling fluid interchange flows through two flexible hoses that follow the inner channel of the basal ganglia frame.
2007-08-20 09:38:44
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Great question!
I believe the brain runs the body but the soul can interfere, like my diets.
Brain damage is a physiological problem and the soul is unaffected.
2007-08-20 08:57:13
answer #11
answered by Anonymous