Jesus burial site was found with his wife and son entombed. If Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit are one in the Trinity. Does not the grandson of god Judah make for a part? Or is he just another demi god like Michael the archangel and Lucifer and Satan?
5 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Yeah he was. Don't you read your bible? His wife was Mary Magdelain. She is even in the painting of the last supper at his right hand as was the way in marriage back then. The wife always sat to the right of the husband.
08:56:56 ·
update #1
Adam's Rib
Judah, not Judas. 12 at the table, yes. his wife and the other 11.
14:35:07 ·
update #2
I never saw or read the Davinci code
14:35:31 ·
update #3
Brian l
I have read all of it and know it well. Jesus is called a teacher. Only married Hebrew men of the day could have such a title.
He did sin. You will never find anyone (including JC himself) denying this. He entered the temple and cast others out with wrath.
14:42:23 ·
update #4