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2007-08-20 08:41:09 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality


If mary had better access to God,
why didnt jesus pray through his mother?

2007-08-20 08:43:04 · update #1

13 answers

Jesus = God = Holy Spirit, therefore, you pray to Him because He is God....not Mary. He died on the cross to forgive our sins so that we could have direct access to Him. There is no longer any need to go through a prophet, priest or king (i.e. back in the Old Testament) or anyone else to get in touch with Him.

2007-08-20 08:51:02 · answer #1 · answered by prazegrl7 2 · 1 0

Some people are shy. Seriously, they feel intimidated by their image of a judgmental male authority figure. It may be due to some childhood experience with their own fathers or just a general mistrust of patriarchal social structures.

So they appeal to Mary as a compassionate influence. Trinitarians intellectually consider the Son identical with the Father and find themselves praying to God by either name. But as human beings, they can't help having completely different attitudes when addressing either "God" or "Jesus". So among those who believe in the intercession of saints departed, praying through Mary is a natural extension. She is obviously closest to the Big Guy without being the Big Guy. Is this silly? Perhaps, but people usually pray to reduce anxiety, not increase it. It's a matter of what works for the supplicant. God can certainly hear as well either way.

2007-08-20 16:43:19 · answer #2 · answered by skepsis 7 · 0 2

Jesus is the One Mediator and in Him all the members of the Body of Christ are intercessors for each other.

All the asking others to pray for me goes to the Father through Jesus in the Spirit and there is no other way and that is Catholic teaching.(Check Catechism of the Catholic Church paras 946-975)

Why pray alone when you can pray a million-fold by joining the praises and prayers of the whole Mystical Body of Christ on Earth and beyond,in time and beyond?

We have a personal relationship with Christ not just a private one,but one that takes in the whole Family of Grace.

2007-08-20 16:34:04 · answer #3 · answered by James O 7 · 0 1

The Catholics honor Mary as the Mother of Christ.
Jesus answered the request of his Mother at the marriage in Cana. He made water into wine to please her request.
The Catholics feel that Mary will ask Jesus and their prayer will mean much more if Mary the Mother intercedes for them.
You can ask Jesus direct or God Direct. This is only my learned explanation of their actions. This would be the same for them to ask a Saint for help. Intercession.
Rev. TomCat

2007-08-20 15:48:08 · answer #4 · answered by Rev. TomCat 6 · 2 1

She asked.. Why would you choose Mary over Jesus? He will put a better word in for you too God.

2007-08-20 15:49:47 · answer #5 · answered by Balla 4 · 1 0

Mary was a sinner that needed saving by Jesus like everyone. She was no longer a virgin after the miracle virgin birth of Jesus (she and Joseph had sex and had many children together)

And she's been dead for 2000 years, and can't hear anyone "praying" to her, or "asking her intercession".

2007-08-20 15:46:54 · answer #6 · answered by CJ 6 · 0 2

There is nothing wrong with going directly to Jesus, it is just smarter to ask Mary to intercede, for Jesus listens to His Mother

2007-08-20 15:53:31 · answer #7 · answered by Gods child 6 · 0 2

All prayers should be directed at the Son, and the Father at this point in time, which is Revelation and Tribulation.

2007-08-20 15:47:42 · answer #8 · answered by Son of David 6 · 0 0

some believe Jesus was God and vise-versa... in that case, Mary would be second closet...

2007-08-20 15:44:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

we pray to the virgin and the saints (not through them)to intecede for us. kind of like having someone put in a good word for you.

2007-08-20 15:47:16 · answer #10 · answered by racer 51 7 · 1 0

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