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Do you know anything of the life of Jesus BEFORE he became a prophet? If you don't you should, and if you do, you know he was not a "sinless" sacrifice...The childhood of Jesus is shrouded in secrecy by the Catholic church for one simple reason, it proves that Jesus was not free of sin. In fact, in the Bible, when Jesus entered into the temple and threw out the money-changers and hawkers, did he not transgress?

2007-08-20 08:39:08 · 10 answers · asked by norcalislam 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Ever heard of the Gospel of Thomas?


2007-08-20 09:18:10 · update #1

10 answers

Threw out?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did anybody actually read the bible

He whipped them from the temple

2007-08-20 08:50:40 · answer #1 · answered by Zappster (Deep Thunker) 6 · 2 0

"you know he was not a "sinless" sacrifice."
Can you please verify that statement.

When he kicked out the money changers, what makes you think he transgressed? Is it necessarily a sin to be angry?
Unjustified anger yes, but it does say in the word to "be angry and sin not." so one can have justified anger and still not sin.

Yes, I've heard of the gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Peter, and over a hundred of other ancient writings from around that time period. There have been false teachings throughout human history. I believe that God overseen what books would and would not make it in the bible. If you can believe God inspired it's authors of the bible, than why believe his providence stops there. Why not believe he inspired the canon of the bible as well. I mean, what's the point of inspiring the authors without finishing the work and making sure only his inspired books get in.

Look you don't have to believe at all, but if you want to debate at least use books that Christians believe are really the word of God. I am just saying this for your argument sake.

2007-08-20 15:44:09 · answer #2 · answered by Mello Yello 4 · 1 0

Nothing of the childhood and youth of Christ is recorded before any of the New Testament books in the Catholic bible.
There are books that began to come out from obscure writers in the time after his death ansd ascencion. The Catholic church have not hidden any of these "books", they have not included them in the New Testament Canon because most of these childhood accounts and stories are obvious frauds that were written by writers who did not even know him. The episode in the temple does not prove Christ's "transgression" because he was casting out those who were using the Jew's temple sinnfully and disrespectfully to cheat others.

2007-08-20 15:49:58 · answer #3 · answered by electro_johnny 3 · 0 0

There was nothing to tell about his childhood, he
was clean. The Bible simply says he grew up.
He also astounded the people in the temple when
he was 12 - with his teaching.
Throwing out money-changers was not a transgression!

2007-08-20 15:45:59 · answer #4 · answered by Nickel-for-your-thoughts 5 · 0 1

The Catholic church has nothing to do with it. He lived a basically normal life until He began His ministry. He was incapable of sin since He was born without a sin nature, and is divine.

2007-08-20 15:50:45 · answer #5 · answered by BrotherMichael 6 · 0 1

He may have transgressed civil law, but He was following a higher law. No-one is required to obey a civil law when that law itself transgresses God's Law.

2007-08-20 16:15:08 · answer #6 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 0 0

No, but I heard of the Infancy Gospel of Jesus. So what?

2007-08-20 16:39:49 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Historical Jesus: A Recent Movement to Reinterpret the New Testament Record
The search for the “Historical Jesus” is a rather recent undertaking of so-called scholars and realists, who look to dissect the Biblical record and paint a real picture of the man, Jesus. For about the last 100 years, including most recently, the Jesus Seminar, intellectual debate has made its way into the mainstream media based on the supposed goal of “separating historical fact from mythology.” The problem is that the entire “Historical Jesus” movement is a product of the 20th Century philosophy of naturalism, in that all debate begins with a shared, yet concealed, presupposition – that anything outside the realm of natural explanation can never be backed by historical evidence. In a nutshell, the movement holds that it's impossible for the Gospel accounts of Jesus to be historically accurate, because they record things that simply can't happen, like people walking on water, food multiplying, and people being raised from the dead. Of course, this is not scholarly evaluation of the historical evidence or Biblical manuscripts – this is strict adherence to the philosophy of naturalism.

Historical Jesus: The Unchanging Reality of the New Testament Record
When examined, the “Historical Jesus” movement of the last 100 years has unearthed nothing that undermines the Gospel accounts. There is no "new evidence" supporting the idea that Jesus was merely a “good man.” There is no “new evidence” debunking the accounts of miracles and the resurrection based on new analysis of “myth theory” over a long period of time. To the contrary, recent discoveries have given more credibility to the nature and content of the New Testament record than ever before. Actually, except for the propagated view of the mainstream media, the trend in the last two decades has been for liberal scholars to become more conservative in their views on the reliability of the New Testament record, not less. Recent finds in archaeology are showing more (not less) consistent detail of the time, culture, religion and politics at the time Jesus walked the earth. At the same time, Biblical manuscript credibility has taken great leaps forward (not backward). Do these things prove the miracles or resurrection of Jesus? No. However, when these things are combined with the record of historical accuracy, messianic prophecy, early church growth, Christian persecution, and extra-biblical sources, we see powerful substance (not mythology) underlying the claim that the writers of the New Testament record were eye-witnesses to the events themselves.

For instance, we know from sources outside the Bible that the Apostle Paul died during Nero’s persecution in 64 A.D. We also know that Paul was still alive at the close of Acts, so Acts must have been written sometime before 64 A.D. Since Acts was a continuation of Luke's Gospel, we know that Gospel must have been written even earlier still. Any scholar, including those in the “Historical Jesus” movement, will tell you that the Gospel of Mark predates the Gospel of Luke. This supports the writing of Mark in the 50s A.D., only about two decades after the crucifixion of Jesus. Outside the Gospels, no legitimate scholar will dispute that Paul wrote Romans in the mid-50s. Why is this important? Because Paul declares that Jesus is the resurrected Son of God in the opening lines of that New Testament letter. Galatians is another undisputed letter of Paul written in the mid-50s. Why is this important? Because Paul discusses his interaction with Peter and James, two of Jesus’ primary disciples, at least 14 years earlier in Galatians 1:18 and 2:1. Finally, in 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, Paul proclaims the earliest record of the Christian creed, in which Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and was raised from the dead three days later. Why is this early creed so important? Because scholars, using the historical records of Paul and his early travels to Damascus and Jerusalem, place the above creed at about 35 A.D., just 3 to 5 years after the death of Jesus Christ.

Historical Jesus: The True Record
The “Historical Jesus” movement holds that the Gospels were fabricated or seriously distorted as the stories of Jesus evolved into the late 1st or early 2nd century. However, this theory is not supported by the evidence. Time and again the New Testament writers claim to be eyewitnesses to the facts, giving detailed geographic, political and cultural details to bolster the record. All of the manuscript evidence presented above is dramatic, because it establishes that basic Christian doctrine developed far too quickly for a myth to intervene and distort the historical record, especially when so many witnesses were still alive to contradict the alleged errors or myths.

Is Jesus God? The Historical Dispute
Is Jesus God? The answer to this question is the only real dispute surrounding the historical Jesus. No legitimate scholar today denies that Jesus is a historic figure that walked on this earth about 2,000 years ago, that he did remarkable wonders and acts of charity, and that He died a horrible death on a Roman cross just outside Jerusalem. The emotionally-charged dispute focuses specifically on whether Jesus was God incarnate who rose from the dead three days after His Crucifixion.

Is Jesus God? The Only Alternatives
Is Jesus God? Many people have dealt with this "spiritual" dispute by intellectually accepting Jesus as a great man, great teacher, or great prophet. However, Jesus and His inspired followers didn't mince words when they declared Him to be God (John 10:30-38, Matthew 16:13-17, Mark 14:61-64, John 14:6, Hebrews 1:8, Colossians 1:16, John 12:40-41 [quoting Isaiah 6:1-10]). Therefore, any type of intellectual compromise calling Jesus a "good man" is logically inconsistent. Why? Because there are really only three legitimate alternatives for the identity of Jesus Christ. He is either a liar, a lunatic or our Lord and God. Since Jesus claimed to be God, His claims are either true or false. If false, He must have been a liar, deliberately misleading the multitudes. Or, He was a lunatic, sincerely believing Himself to be God, when in reality He was just a man. However, if Jesus was a "good man," as most people now agree, how then could He be both good and crazy, or good and a liar? There is only one logically consistent alternative - He must have been telling the truth. In addition to the logical inconsistency, the remarkable historical, archaeological and manuscript evidence shows that Jesus was neither a liar nor a lunatic. Again, the only position left is that His claim is true. Jesus is Lord and God.

The only real argument that remains, is that Jesus was just a legend or myth. There is little likelihood that Jesus' claims are legend. There just wasn't enough time for any legendary development of the story to replace what really happened. For instance, we now know that the Gospels were written 30 to 50 years after the crucifixion of Jesus. More dramatically, we now date some of the early Christian creeds, proclaiming the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, to 3 to 10 years after His crucifixion. This includes Paul's letters to the Corinthians, Romans and Galatians. Finally, if Jesus' claim of deity was a myth, the early Jewish opponents of Christianity would surely have presented the fact that these claims never happened. Unlike modern skeptics, the Jewish rabbis never denied that Jesus made the claim that He was God. Instead, they called Him a liar, and tried Him for blasphemy.

Is Jesus God? The Only Answer
Is Jesus God? Once you have asked all your questions, weighed all the evidence, and tested all the arguments, you will ultimately be confronted with this question. In Mathew 16:15, Jesus put it this way, 'But who do you say that I am?' One of His disciples, Simon Peter, replied: 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.' What is your reply?

2007-08-20 15:49:22 · answer #8 · answered by Jesus thinks I am cool! I am His 3 · 0 3

He struck in anger.

What about his brothers, sisters, wife, and child?

2007-08-20 15:43:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Can you prove that? What is your source?

2007-08-20 15:47:59 · answer #10 · answered by firelight 5 · 0 1

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