You say that Jesus (peace be upon him) is God and he died for your sins, but why oh why would God wanna kill himself?? God can forgive you for you sins WITHOUT having to die.
And also, if he did die then who was watching over the world after his death??
15 answers
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¸.•*´`*•.¸ ℓανєη∂єr ¸.•*´`*•.¸
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
God can forgive WITHOUT having to die.
08:01:29 ·
update #1
How can I read the Bible when there are so many different versions of it??? Which one is telling the real story???
08:02:36 ·
update #2
God shows us love in many ways, blesses us with many wonderful things in life, why would he have do die to prove his love??
08:04:00 ·
update #3
Not only that, but can God (who by definition has no beginning or end) die? God is immortal and having him die is like saying he is mortal, therefore is is no better than us, istaghfirallah. I really don't understand any of it but I respect all Christians and their belief.
2007-08-20 08:16:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
A just God must have justice. The penalty has to be paid by some one. Out of love for us, He paid the penalty Himself.
In order for there to be forgiveness for sin, some one has to die. In the Old Testament, the Jewish people sacrificed animals in symbolic acknowledgment of this fact. When Adam and Eve first sinned, God killed animals and made coverings for them, indicating symbolically that sin is such a serious offense that it requires a blood covering.
Because God is a trinity, God the Father and God the Holy Spirit did not die when God the Son died as a human on the cross. At that time, Jesus paid the penalty by suffering God's wrath upon Himself for all sins committed by humans throughout time. After three days, He rose from the dead. After appearing to many people, He ascended into Heaven.
Sin (disobedience to God) brings separation from God, a breaking of the relationship with God. Jesus paid for our sins so that anyone who accepts Him won't continue in separation from God, which would mean hell.
God is holy and pure. We all want a beautiful world and right relationships. Would it be good if God allowed all the broken-ness in the world to continue forever, even in heaven? Of course not. This is why sin must be repented of and paid for.
Humans are incapable of paying for their own sins and still remaining alive, because sin leads to death. Jesus, being both fully God and fully man, lived a perfect life without sin, and is therefore an acceptable substitute for all of humanity.
For more info on this, watch the movie "The Perfect Stranger" starring Jefferson Moore and Pamela Brumley. Also check out:
2007-08-20 15:21:05
answer #2
answered by Rella 6
Forgiveness was only a part of it.
Adam's deliberate sin changed all of human history, and enslaved mankind to Satan, sin, and death ... for eternity.
Only a very special redeemer could repair the rift between God and man, and redeem mankind from slavery.
That redeemer was the God-man, Jesus.
To destroy Satan's power over man, Jesus would permit himself to be unjustly put to death by Satan and the forces of evil.
And since nobody has the power or the authority to take the life of a sinless man, let alone the only son of God, the moment Jesus died, Satan was finished.
Jesus subsequently rose again from the dead, established his church, and ascended back to heaven.
The authentic church dispenses Christ's grace and salvation to the world, today, and it will continue to do so until the end of time.
Then, Jesus will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.
And when Jesus' human body and human soul experienced death, his divinity remained alive.
2007-08-20 15:12:50
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
God is God and He chooses how He will save you. He chose to send His only begotten Son. You can accept Him or not. That is YOUR choice. You can say to Him one day, "You did it all wrong, I would have done it this way."
Good luck with that.
God created man in His own image. You are trying to create your own little god in your own image. You want your god to be just like you and do things the way you want because you think you know better than God. Sorry, it don't work that way.
There are NOT "many versions" of the bible. There are many translations. They all were translated from the earliest texts available. Check it out for yourself.
You keep saying God does not have to die. OK, HE DIDN'T HAVE TO, HE CHOSE TO. Now why don't you choose to accept His offer of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. There is no other way.
2007-08-20 15:27:53
answer #4
answered by the sower 4
First off, Jesus is not God and vice versa. Jesus is the son of God. The Bible repeatedly states that God is the father and so on. never does it say that God is Jesus. We are made in Gods image (spiritually). People have all this confused. Yes, Christians have been taught wrong for many years. Thank the Catholics specifically. The Trinity thing is a sham as well... Jesus sacrificed himself for mankind...
2007-08-20 15:27:42
answer #5
answered by wfsgymwear 3
it was the plan of salvation that God had in mind for the human race before the foundation of the world.
the OT gave us types & shadows (examples) of the New Birth to come in the NT.
This is the tabernacle plan (in the OT) in a nutshell....
Under the Law, in order for men to obtain the promises of God, there were 3 requirements:
- an innocent sacrifice (animal - the sin offering)
- the blood from the sacrifice
- the High Priest
The High Priest would wash in the mixture of water & blood from the sacrificial animal, purifying him so he could enter into the tabernacle & into the holiest of holies where the ark & God's Spirit dwelt. Once inside, the High Priest would "roll" the sins of the people ahead 1 year. This ceremony had to be performed each year.
It was an elaborate ceremonial ritual that was instituted by God to make atonement for Israel's sin.
For us, in the NT, the symbolism of the OT comes into play like this ....
- the innocent sacrifice (animal - the sin offering) in the OT... becomes Jesus... the sinless one... the lamb ... that is sacrificed for us on Calvary
- the blood from the sacrifice in the OT... represents in the NT... Jesus' blood shed for us ... (baptism) ... we are immersed in water & are covered by "His blood" (buried w/ Him in baptism) ... which acts 2:38 says remits or forgives us of our sin.
- the High Priest who entered into the presence of God & rolled their sins ahead
in the OT... is representative of Jesus Christ in the NT ... our mediator.
it simple & complicated all at the same time.
but it is the awesome plan of God created for us & for our salvation.
even tho the earth is satan's playground now ... God has allowed us to have power over the devil & his tactics ....
It's called "being infilled w/ the Holy Spirit w/ the evidence of speaking in other tongues (languages) as God's Spirit gives the ability. (acts 2:4)
It is the power Jesus speaks of in Acts 1:8,
"ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you"
Luke said in Acts 16, (this power evidenced by speaking in tongues) "is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel".
It is the promise of the Father that Jesus spoke of in Acts 1:4-5.
It is what enables the born again christian to live holy... separated from the world (sin).
2007-08-20 16:08:31
answer #6
answered by t d 5
God the Father and Jesus his son are two separate beings. God is just, therefore he gives laws and breaking of those laws requires a punishment, otherwise the laws and God have no meaning and purpose. However, his son, Jesus agreed to pay the penalty of the law and in this way, if we as individuals accept it, then we do not have to suffer the punishment ourselves. In this way God is both Just and Merciful. God was the one watching over the world when his son died.
2007-08-20 15:05:32
answer #7
answered by Someone who cares 7
Jesus was God the Son; the second person of the Trinity. Jesus wasn't God the Father. Jesus died as a perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world. All we have to do is accept him and his sacrifice and we can have our sins forgiven and have a personal relationship with God. Its also important to mention that Jesus didn't just die for us. He rose from the dead and ascended into heaven to the Father.
2007-08-20 15:02:53
answer #8
answered by arikinder 6
This is a great question! Why would an all suffecient God who has all and needs nothing kill himself? Well, it all goes back to his perfect diety. God is a God of Love. In fact, God is love. . it is not a characteristic, but a all encompassing aspect of his being. So why did God creat creation? God created creation not because he need something to do but because his desire is to love. How can God love, well, he can love by creating a "chosen people" to love. So why would God send his son to DIE on the cross? Well, to show his ultimate sacrafice of love. What is the biggest sacrafice and act of love that anyone can show? To give their life and even more, the life of the only one they love more than themself. So the answer is . . God wants to "kill himself" becuase he loves you more than you will ever know and wants to show it in the way most understandable to us. Hope this helps!
2007-08-20 15:04:47
answer #9
answered by derric i 2
No, it had to be a sacrifice of one who is sinless to take on the sins of man. God is a just God, therefore he cannot do anything unjust. He saw what Satan was doing to the people and he wanted to save the human race, therefore asking Jesus to take on the task. Only perfect deity can absolve sin.
2007-08-20 14:58:19
answer #10
answered by sassinya 6