do athiests and agnotics honestly believe in the big bang and evolution despite the hundreds of holes in these falsehoods? or is there another theory?
12 answers
asked by
Joshua L
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
that there has to be something for it to blow up to create something
08:00:27 ·
update #1
it is logical Khard if there's another view that has no flaws
08:02:28 ·
update #2
that's not true at all it's a scientific truth that things don't grow over time they break down and decay. And all of you are refering to it as science and fact, most scientists are actually creationists because they see the design in creation. Your forgetting that no new matter is naturally created. And assuming it was all true why aren't there hundreds and thousands of other failed earths where the trillions of probability agains the entire thoery failed
08:09:53 ·
update #3
insulting only makes you look imature david
08:11:09 ·
update #4
Good question. First off I dont think of myself as either athiest nor agnostic. I am searching, but if am to be honest with regards to your question I think I should preface this by saying when I am terrified, I pray to a being I am not truly sure exists. The Big Bang theory makes more sense. We evolve and change over time. I must admit that it would be reassuring beleiving that when I die that I would enter into a place where there would be no more worry, fear, only peace and our loved ones that went before us. But who is to say that death is as terrifying as we believe. Big Bang theory, Adam and Eve, who knows.
2007-08-20 08:12:45
answer #1
answered by lauren10901 1
I'm afraid your statements betray that you don't understand what you are railing against.
"that there has to be something for it to blow up to create something"
Not true in theory, and established not true on the small scale again and again. (see virtual particles)
"that things don't grow over time they break down and decay"
And that doesn't impinge on, never mind refute, the "big bang" model of cosmology or the theory of evolution.
If you wish to attack these concepts, at least use real criticisms. The above are no problems or flaws at all.
That you think they are, is the problem.
2007-08-20 15:31:04
answer #2
answered by Pedestal 42 7
Hundreds of holes? Have you kept up with current science or are you relying on Creationist "pseudo-science"?
Given that the Bible lacks any evidence, beyond locations, of any of the events in it happening and evolution has an overwhelming amount of evidence for it, including transitional fossils, I'd accept science over belief....
There are a number of flaws in the Creation, the exodus and other stories from the Bible.
2007-08-20 15:04:11
answer #3
answered by Pirate AM™ 7
In 1890 the director of the US Patent office told the president to close down the Patent office since everything that could possibly be invented had been invented. It is only the fundies that think they have all of the knowledge of the human race that was, is and could ever possibly be. Those of us who actually think realize that we do not know everythng and continue to advance our knowledge rather than smiling and nodding and refusing to think. Are there holes, yes. Are there solutions, future knowledge will tell.
2007-08-20 15:01:54
answer #4
answered by bocasbeachbum 6
The consequences of the big bang are observable. Evolution is sound science. It is not complete, but neither is gravity. The Creationist arguments against it are merely falsehoods and deceptions, so your "holes in evolution" are actually holes in truthfullness.
2007-08-20 15:01:36
answer #5
answered by novangelis 7
Simply repeating the mantra "hundreds of holes in these falsehoods", over and over, does not make your claim true.
While it's true that neither big bang nor evolutionary theory are complete, they still have predictive power and are testable.
Can you say the same for Genesis?
2007-08-20 15:01:06
answer #6
answered by wondermus 5
There's observational evidence for the Big Bang although nobody knows what caused it.
There's evidence for evolution although it doesn't explain the origin of life.
What "falsehoods" are you referring to? Science, unlike religion, does not pretend to know the unknown.
2007-08-20 15:02:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
What are the so called "holes: in the big bang theory. I don't see any issues with a singularity. The dirac function describes is perfectly.
2007-08-20 14:57:20
answer #8
answered by joe s 6
Biotic Soup.
Also it can be documented that galaxies implode, new one appear and that the universe in in a constant state of change so how it is implausible that a plant formed, when it is an occurrence we can actually document?
2007-08-20 14:59:42
answer #9
answered by smedrik 7
Are there as many holes in the theories as in your head?
2007-08-20 15:08:45
answer #10
answered by david w 2