Well i kinda dont really belive in god right now and i wouldnt really do anything because i still belive in it but if i knew for sure that he didnt exsist i would probley remain the same might steal lol.
2007-08-20 07:53:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I'm not doing anything any different since I have learned the
truth. I do miss the enthusiasm of the religious holidays tho.
And Christmas is no longer the joy it was when I was younger.
There is a force out there, that seems to reward us with
blessings or gifts of good fortune, and remedied good health,
and other goodness. Is it our own inner selves that control
this aspect in our lives? Or is there a God, but never the
son of a god? Jesus we know, did live. But from accounts I
read, he was not a savior. Or the son of a god. He was what
he was, a Jewish rabbi who married Mary Magdeline and
they had several children. He was never hung on a cross.
He died from old age. I can't take the time to go into more.
But the truth is available to anyone to find and read. There's
no need to be against one church or another, they are all
teaching the same lies that have been propogated since
early time. It's all to control the masses, thru fear, so that there
won't be mass destruction. Without the control thru religion,
people would feel free to anialate their neighbors on a whim.
That's why we have laws and punishments too. Even without
the control of religion, we now have laws to give us the guide-
lines to live by. That's it, plain and simple.
2007-08-20 08:10:20
answer #2
answered by Lynn 7
I already know god doesn't exist, and I don't do any of that stuff.
People really don't need a religion to develop good morals. Religion likes to pretend that it is the sole source for morality, but that is demonstrably not true. People have had morality all over the world, no matter which of any of the world's superstitions they had, if any at all.
The value of morality is allowing people to live close to each other. If you put any group of people together for a period of time, they will invent rules. It helps us survive.
Acts like killing, stealing, and raping really disrupt society and make it difficult to live together. That's why it is strongly discouraged in most thriving societies.
2007-08-20 07:52:47
answer #3
answered by nondescript 7
I'd remain the atheist I still am. I don't believe in God already and don't do those thing you state. Are you saying that Christians really want to do those things so are really all evil and only don't because they believe in God and not because they know, as atheists do, that they are wrong full stop!?
2007-08-20 07:58:54
answer #4
answered by Eye see! 6
I too know that there's nothing specific called God. It's just you and me who are the gods who don't do the wrong things despite knowing the truth. In fact, God is the best ever invention of human.
2007-08-20 07:54:39
answer #5
answered by greatganesh 3
The mind is a powerful thing. If you believe he is real he will be if you believe he is not he won't. If he did not exist I believe that I would keep on believing simply because even tho I don't see him I still have expirienced many blessings and that to me shows me that there trully really is something out there not sure what but must be good enough to give me what i have now.
2007-08-20 07:54:49
answer #6
answered by Elva G 1
Nothing different; I already know that, at least, within a reasonable certanty, and unquestionably that the god(s) described by all known religions is a silly myth.
2007-08-20 07:54:07
answer #7
answered by Brent Y 6
I would continue to do what I am doing now:
Leading decent, happy, crime free existence and focusing on raising my children to be productive, free thinking members of society.
2007-08-20 07:53:45
answer #8
answered by All I Hear Is Blah Blah Blah... 5
god means the source of science for me so ı would get mad without answers to my questions. no ı would not do anything which will hurt others not because of god because of empathy
2007-08-20 07:56:38
answer #9
answered by zubeyde 3
If God didn't exist would be know that these things were not supposed to be done?
2007-08-20 07:54:32
answer #10
answered by Nance_1010 3