Okay I hate to ask a question with a question. But for me to understand your question completely. I need you to quote at least 1 verse in the bible that says man goes to hell. Just one. Its a big bible. Just quote me one verse. Not a statement from the pope, or your minister, one verse from the bible. Just give it to me. Example Romans 2:35 *bible says blah blah balh*
Give me 1 verse I will answer your question. The fallicy in your question there is no verse in the bible that says man goes to hell. Not one. Man made that up. God said there is heaven, man assumed there had to be hell. We like the opposite. If there is good there has to be bad, right?
Is it dark? or is there just an absent of light? Is it wet or just an absent of water?
One question if its dark, how do you make it? We can make light, we cant make dark. The bible says that satan (only satan is mentioned) will be put in outer darkness. What does that mean if God is the Light. He will be without God and his light, what does light mean? Without Gods spirit? Doesnt say that about humans.
What is hell? The bible doesnt say there is one. So for me to answer your question. You have to answer mine for yours to make any sense. Just give me one verse. I just need one verse.
2007-08-20 07:57:16
answer #1
answered by financing_loans 6
Good question. I think most people will admit there is a higher power of some type of energy. I personally do not feel that this person is involved in everyday live of individuals as Christians do. With so many diverse belief systems, I too find it hard to think that only one is wright and everyone else is wrong. There are basic themes throughout all religions that are the same and I feel this is more true to the actual Truth in life. I would find it hard to believe that a loving God would condemn all Jews and Muslims to "hell". The Bible is a guideline to life. The stories in it are just that; They were written by people to help explain their world around them and to help them find a meaning to life. You will not ever convince a fundamental Christian of this, however. They are not open minded to other possibilities.
2007-08-20 08:02:43
answer #2
answered by incognito 3
See this hell thing is where things get murky.
And the Christian thing...y'all have this idea that Christian = religion = church = god = heaven and hell.
Not so.
First off, a Christian is a believer of Jesus Christ and chooses to follow his teachings. This is a little hard, cuz we don't have a real accurate script of what he said. And don't throw that bible at me, it's nowhere near accurate, having been written and rewritten too many times in the last 2k years. Don't call it a Christian bible, I don't know who wrote that thing, but it wasn't Christ.
Hell...this isn't a place, Lucifer doesn't reign supreme there, anmd nobody is headed there, atheist or not. The question isn't do you believe in God, but do you believe in yourself? There are people out there who truly don't need God. God approves and focuses on those who do need His help. God does not want anything of us, I mean think about it, what can we possibly do for him? Adore him? A litter of puppies could do that.
Christianity and God make sense dude, church does not.
2007-08-20 08:01:04
answer #3
answered by Chief High Commander, UAN 5
Yes...God knew and knows people would turn away from him. We have been sinners since Adam & Eve. Yes, he knew the masses would turn away from him and not go to heaven. We were created with sinful natures. If we weren't, how would we know right from wrong?
Does God exist in what sense? A human form? A spirit? A belief? We aren't meant to know that yet.
What I don't get it is why so many Atheists spend so much time trying to understand Christians. Are you unsure of your convictions of No-God? If you don't believe in God..don't. But why can't others believe if they want to. Could it be they know something Atheists don't?
If you are an Atheist, stand strong in your non belief and convictions. But why the need to question Christianity unless you just are that sure of yourself. Do you have a little fear that there really is a Hell and you may be headed that way?
Don't worry, you have until your last breath to change the outcome.
2007-08-20 07:59:40
answer #4
answered by Crunchy Sweet 4
Because this planet you live on, the air you breath the life you have, is a gift from God. He gave you life and he gave you free will
the ability to make your own choices on how you want to live. God is always there walking beside you and when your going through a rough time he carries you. Thats why he had his only son crucified so for the sole purpose are sins be forgivin. There would have been no point to do so if we were perfect! But becuase he knows that we ALL sin he gave us the gift of forgivness he knows we are not perfect and knows we will sin each and everyday. But you have the choice to ask for forgivness. Thats all you have to do to be excepted in the lords home. Believe in him. LOVE him. Admit you sinned, and ask for forgiviness. Thats it!! You are not judge soley and what you do in this life cause if you were you would go to hell. We all would. Because not one person, not even a preist, or the pope deserves heaven we ALL deserve hell. But because he loves us SO much we have that ability to be forgiven. You are judged by your heart and the effort you put into trying to be a good person. Never deny the lord. Because if you deny the lord before man then the lord will deny you before his father and the kingdom of heaven. As far as then why create us if he knew we would all sin? Well if I had that answer then we would be able to solve the old times question " the meaning of life" no one knows why he created us and why we are here! I hope this has made since to you and you continue to follow the love and love him. Dont beat your self up of you make mistakes he expects that! Good luck!
2007-08-20 07:54:43
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
what you are saying is completely true, we don't know for a fact what god want because if we did then there wouldn't be any non-believers out there. i am a christian, was born a christian and most likely will die a christian. i don't believe however that because you are an atheist you will go to hell. i don't think that simply because you aren't christian you will be forced to suffer hell for all eternity, i hope that all you have to do is be a good person and you will be saved from hell. the people that aren't saints (Christan's included) may have to go to purgatory or come back and try life again but i don't think that they will go to hell. because if they did then that just wouldn't make sense. Hell is a place for evil people not people to think differently then the man with the big hat. so i hope that i filled the quota for the christian that had courage.
2007-08-20 08:01:58
answer #6
answered by kel m 2
You speak as if you think all Christians have all the answers.
They don't.
Just as many Atheists arrived at their beliefs though study, life experience and soul searching, also have many Christians found their beliefs as well. (So have many people of many other faiths.)
Logic doesn't deny God in the least. And God does not defy logic.
Logic, science and God exist peacefully together---it's only humanity that demands there is to be just one. Terribly illogical and limiting of us, really. Think of NASA, and their "everyday miracles", for example.
Start thinking outside absolutes.
I'm not sure if Atheists believe in facts only, or in chance, randomness and coincidence as well. Atheism is so difficult to define that I hesitate to compare it to any religion.
Do Christians struggle with their faith, as followers of other religions do? I'd guess yes. There's no secret made of that. (I'm not sure if Atheists face the same issues, but they might.)
Some Christians are entirely, completely, and unapologetically hypocritical, and there are many who are sincere.
Some Atheists adopt their views solely for superficial reason, like chucking out ethics and values, angering family, or just to sleep in on Sundays. Yet others feel that abandoning religion will end much of the conflict, war, and other strife in the world.
Appearances are deceiving.
Christian or not, we have been given choices. And it's our choices that determine our character and ultimately, our destiny.
If you believe in cause and consiquence, that is.
2007-08-20 08:32:55
answer #7
answered by mithril 6
I have no problem admitting "...that this might all play out a lot differently than expected." In fact, I think it's presumptuous and naive to think that we know what he (or she or it) wants. I believe that many Christian ideas have been manipulated and changed over the years, but that the important things are still relevant. I believe that God is a positive force in the universe and the source of all life. I also believe that Jesus existed and that his teachings are relevant and in harmony with God. However, whether or not he was married, had children, was literally "God's son" (after all - the Bible refers to all mankind as "children of God") really don't change my beliefs or faith. I think people just need to get their priorities straight and stop nit-picking about things that simply have no bearing in the scheme of things...
2007-08-20 07:58:52
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I was raised christian confirmed and all that goodness. Any Christian should be able to say that God may not exist, as saying anything to the contrary would be an affirmation of knowledge, which runs contrary to a major principle of christianity, namely faith. Knowledge is a justifiable, verifiable, true belief, and accordingly, is not regarded as a virtue by God in the Chrisitan religion (whereas Faith is).
I don't understand why Christians are compelled to argue with Atheists on this topic, as atheists want concrete evidence (or scientific evidence), and Christians are expected to believe without it. I think it just really bothers atheists that there are people that believe in something without having scientific evidence as a prerequisite.
I myself am agnostic (and Chrisitian, just not a very good one). Note that the real definition of agnosticism is not "I have no opinion", it's "neither one of you clowns can prove your case, so there is no sense in arguing about it".
2007-08-20 07:57:31
answer #9
answered by largegrasseatingmonster 5
I'm certainly willing to admit we don't know entirely what God wants. Our scripture comes to us via humans, and we don't know what part of it is human and what part is God.
I'm not sure I believe anyone goes to hell, or even if there is a hell. I don't much worry about it. I do believe that one thing that stays consistent in all we know about God is God's care for humanity - and that God is loving and forgiving, and cares for those who are down.
I definitely believe in God - though I am not by any means convinced that Christiantity has a lock on truth - or even everything right.
Is it possible that God does not exist? Possible, but honestly if God did not, I'd not want to live my life any differently than being a committed Chirstian has led me to do so, so I am very happy where I am. And I don't really buy that,anyway.
2007-08-20 07:52:02
answer #10
answered by julie travelcaster 6
I am a Christian and I will admit to you that there are many things in the Bible and many things that have been passed down through sermons in churches that do not make sense and do not add it. Many things that are said contradict the other.
And, yes the thought of an all powerful and all knowing God creating people that He knows will choose to not serve Him and therefore spend eternity in Hell. . .well that does not seem like an all loving God and supposedly He is . . .to me it does contradict.
Sure, I believe there is free will. . .but if God knows all then He knows the ones who will choose not to serve Him. . .almost seems like they were born to go to Hell. . .which just would not be right in my book.
I believe differently then most.
2007-08-20 07:54:44
answer #11
answered by sparkles9 6