isn't "nonbeliever" and "believe in evolution" a contradiction?
believers...please state why you think this.
nonbelievers...please state your thoughts on evolution.
i think that evolution is a very plausable theory and it makes good sense, but i don't know or believe that evolution happened. it just makes sense. go to the zoo and look at the orangutans.
32 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality need to read my question more carefully. i am saying the evolution does make sense and i can see that it makes sense by looking at (for example) the orangutans at the zoo. i don't by any means "believe" in it though.
08:03:01 ·
update #1
Thank you for making that distinction. I keep telling people that they should not believe in any scientific theory. They should study it, understand it, challenge it, question it, use it to learn new things. But never, ever BELIEVE in it.
2007-08-20 08:29:17
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
it is proven that evolution isn't completely true. not that evolution didn't and isn't currently happening but that it is impossible to create life from dust. not to mention where did that dust come from. now if you want a real debate lets talk about micro evolution. micro evolution is still very hard to prove but much more likely to be true.
as far as believer vs nonbeliever I have to ask what your talking about. i believe a lot of things and i don't believe a lot of things as well. i dont believe the moon is made out of cheese. am i a nonbeliever?
i hate it when people just assume that all christians are these hypocritical idiots that believe blindly in some book. i will give you that yes there are a lot of people out there they claim to be "Christian" or "Catholic" but if you can't see it in the way they live then they are nothing my than a hypocrite. your not born into faith. faith is an active thing.
2007-08-20 08:00:38
answer #2
answered by Kev 2
I accept that evolution is well proven to have happened. There are many mechanisms of evolution (i.e. how it happened) that we don't understand yet, but that it happened is a certainty.
This is not belief, just like I don't believe that 2 +2 = 4 or that a baseball and a cannon ball fall at the same rate - I accept these as facts.
2007-08-20 07:54:40
answer #3
answered by Pirate AM™ 7
Not at all. When religious belief is being discussed , a non-believer is one who does not go along with religious belief.
Only the most stupid of people would think that a non-believer doesn't believe in anything at all.
You mention that evolution doesn't make sense. To you, what does make sense. Do you believe that Bozo with his magic wand just hokus-pokused the whole universe ? Think about that one. If you think that someone could possibly magic wand the whole universe, I have to wonder about you.
I've seen orangutangs, but I don't know what that has to do with your arguement. If you mean that at one time they were much smaller and had poorer brains, yes, that is a sign of evolution.
2007-08-20 08:00:12
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It is just an assumption.
I personally believe in a God and accept the Theory of Evolution as generally how life adapted to current status
2007-08-20 07:51:11
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Believers have belief on the brain. They generally can't see that others could form conclusions without resorting to faith.
In regards to evolution, I see what looks to be tons of evidence supporting it in numerous fields of science. As a result, I believe evolutionary theory is probably pretty close to right. But, if evidence is forthcoming that counters it, I'll reconsider my position. I actually take a serious look at the scientific claims of creationists to see if they have a valid point.
2007-08-20 07:53:00
answer #6
answered by wondermus 5
I don't believe in your belief that believers think that nonbelievers believe in evolution. (;p That would be on over generalization.
I think either group may or may not believe in evolution and have seen these opinions from both. I agree with you that it just does not make sense from a logical standpoint.
2007-08-20 07:59:37
answer #7
answered by Someone who cares 7
i think that people who believe in god thinks that people who dont believe in god believes in evolution because its the only other logical way that we know of our existance. Me personally I dont know what to beleieve I mean why cant evelotion be true why do people need a creater is it to make them feel better to know if they are good they will go to a better place or is it becuz they feel the need to have a higher being some one they can prey to be cuz there greedy and want more then what they are given. Or evolution is people just tryina find the quickest solution we came from animals but it makes sense
2007-08-20 07:56:25
answer #8
answered by ~*[AnD]*~ 4 lyfe 2
It's the "Us vs. Them" mentality encouraged by religion. They tend to lump all the "Thems" together into one homogeneous category of "The Damned."
Atheism as such has nothing to do with evolution, nor vice-versa. Evolutionary biologists have no religious agenda. It's just that their findings tend to undercut a "literal" interpretation of Scripture. Similarly, disbelief in a Supreme Being does not imply any particular theory of the origin of species - it simply rules out theistic theories.
2007-08-20 07:51:46
answer #9
answered by jonjon418 6
Evolution is a proven theory.
Evolution from ape to man is the theory that isn't proven.
If you add 1 + 1 it equals 2
2007-08-20 07:53:18
answer #10
answered by Duke 4