Read the Stories of Horus, and Mithra. The Story of Jesus is Identical. There is no mention of his predecessors in the Bible, therefore the Bible does not make any association or claim that they have any relation. Therefore, the Story of Jesus is plagiarism. The OT can positively be attributed to plagiarism of the Sumerian Annals and the Enuma Elish. What grounds does any intelligent rational human being have to believe any of these stories as fact? The answer should be none. This applies to Judaism, and Islam as well.
27 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Judaism, the predecessor to Christianity had no concept of Satan until its introduction in Christianity. So an answer of, "Satan is trying to trick or mimic the prophecy..." .They aren't even Biblical Prophecy, they are works of plaigarism.
07:42:45 ·
update #1
He is a logical impossibility, the only way he may conceivably exist, is in the recesses of your own self-delusion.
07:46:50 ·
update #2
Jon: How is your baseless speculation a grounds for worship? That is idiocy.
07:48:30 ·
update #3
I never claimed Judaism to be the oldest religion. Any assumptions are your own.
07:49:16 ·
update #4
Willful ignorance and active denial of the truth. Some of us refer to it as "DELUSION," while others refer to it as "FAITH"...
2007-08-20 07:48:33
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I read the stories...and ? Egyptologists agee that it can not be proven that Horus had a virgin birth,twelve diciples or other aspects that were attempted parrallels. He did avenge his dead is that like any part of the life of Jesus? Horus was/is a mythical character. The life of Jesus is historically documented better than the life of Napoleon. What I appreciate is a scholarly and intellectually or emotionally honest question or debate." Identical " has a meaning in the dictionary. Whether anyone believes that the "secret" beliefs (therefore easily stated now that they were whatever...)of the Mystic Mythras or of the Egyptian God Horus is related to the origins of christianity is their own business, but "academically unsupported" is not a description of a theory that an intelligent rational human being would consider grounds for trading a personal relationship with the creator of the universe for.
2007-08-20 23:23:15
answer #2
answered by nursepixie 2
The term "The Christian God" is a contradiction in terms for 1. As a not very believing christian, who doesn't believe in a lot of the texts from the bible, all religions are the same in textual fact so to speak with similar discrepancies in text scripture etc., but religion & it's different manifestations, the belief in an aspiration to a higher state of being is an ancient concept of every human race there has ever been. This concept has far from been disproven as the mere fact that the multitudes of the earths people are of christian, islamic, bhuddist beliefs etc, etc, more people believe than dont. The belief is what it is all about, so long as we believe in something, we strive forward,& if we know for fact one thing or another absolutely,? Its just another fact of life & we go forward, it's the human "initiative" we strive to aspire to be better & the belief we can achieve that which religous ideaologies offer is a much better way of life than the opposite for people in general, it doesn't matter that ancient stories dont add up in this day in age, evil does exist i believe but i believe in the human spirit, love and goodwill also and all of its potential.
2007-08-20 15:29:46
answer #3
answered by winter gerzy 2
All prophecy is plagiarism.
Maybe the stories of Horus, Mithra, etc. were prophesying about the real incarnation, or else maybe God was instilling in the writers of those ancient texts an inkling about the true incarnation of God that was going to come.
2007-08-20 14:46:23
answer #4
answered by Acorn 7
Why would the Bible mention Horus and Mithra? I think, if you have ever really read the Bible, you read it with a smirk on your face. One of the Phaerohs was monotheistic, but that doesn't make Jehovah a reincarnation of the sun god. You can believe whatever you want, but you might want to apply a little of that pseudo-intellectualism to doing some honest research, instead of coming on like the little village atheist spouting unsubstantiated "evidence" any Biblical scholar (not me) could refute.
2007-08-20 15:03:07
answer #5
answered by babbie 6
Almost all religions have several commonalities - that's nothing new. You are merely throwing out theories about what you refer to as 'stories' - so how can you consider that fully discredited or disproven? Also, you are insinuating that there is a causal relationship here - that b actually came from a, even though you have no proof of that whatsoever.
It seems to me you have missed the most crucial aspect of religion - FAITH.
I hope you ultimately find what you're looking for, -c
2007-08-20 14:54:08
answer #6
answered by carnelionne 4
This is a community for baalei teshuva - those who have returned to the Torah-true Judaism of the grandparents and great-grandparents. I'm a bit confused by the question - what does this have to do with us?
2007-08-20 15:32:04
answer #7
answered by manway613 1
this is something i've been trying to understand forever, how when there's belief, a person can go beyond all that's logical and accept tommorow's mythology as today's truth. i've seen friends make this "leap of faith" and once they made it... their languaging changed as well. we said the same words but we talked a different language.
reminded me a bit of the tower of babel. ;)
oh well...
i hope it's relevant.
2007-08-20 14:59:29
answer #8
answered by joe the man 7
The christian God has only been discredited in the foolish minds of elitists. The Horus and Mithra comparisons are laughable. You don't even say which Mithra you are referring to...the Roman Mithra from Jesus time, of the older Mithra tradition which was very different from the later one. The supposed Horus comparisons result from twisted logic and out-right distortion.
2007-08-20 14:47:35
answer #9
answered by Graham 5
Don't even try, its brainwashed ignorance plus classic denial plus fear of the truth.
I asked a question similar to this a few weeks ago. Christians just deny Mithras and Paganism.
2007-08-20 14:48:07
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
denial and the belief that there is someone that will make everything all better...
funny, but the fundies remind me of small children. they need to be reassured and told a story to make their fears go away and told another story to give them something to hope for...
2007-08-20 14:46:50
answer #11
answered by Anonymous