The scripture do not give a number...
And you can't argue tradition with those who blindly follow it.
2007-08-20 07:46:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The scripture simply states wise men. It does not enumerate how many. The wise men were agents of Herod, who upon seeing the child, worshipped him.
As for Christmas, man can not make a day holy, only God can. No where in the bible do we see the disciples honoring the birth of Christ. It isn't in the Acts of the Apostles or anywhere else. It is a tradition begun well after the bible was written, and indeed, didn't become extremely popular until probably the 1800's. So, for those of us who follow the bible literally, and use it as a guide for our lives, we prefer not to celebrate it at all.
2007-08-20 14:50:51
answer #2
answered by Capri 1230 3
I don't see where is actually states in the scriptures that there were three wisemen. The Bible just says the wisemen came. They came in good faith wanting to find the baby they had heard about. The problem was they went to King Herod who had also heard about the baby Jesus, but he wanted the baby Jesus dead. So he sent the wisemen to find the baby and come back and tell him where the baby was so he too and go and "worship" it, but in reality he wanted to kill him. The wisemen found the baby and fell down and worshiped him. An angel of the Lord told them what Herod was up to, so they went home another way and by-passed Herod's place. I guess the notion of three wisemen came from the presents Jesus was presented. He was given gold, frankincense and myrrh. Three gifts equal three wisemen, maybe. You are absolutely correct in that Santa Claus will get more attention than the real reason for Christmas will.
2007-08-20 14:49:28
answer #3
answered by Caleb's Mom 6
No friends of Jesus - definately foes. They were hired by the King of Rome to find Jesus to kill him just as history shows that the king killed all the other male babys born during that time period
2007-08-20 15:13:12
answer #4
answered by Sarah 1
The more interesting question is that if the wise men saw the star and followed it, why did no other civilization record the event, even if they didn't understand its significance?
2007-08-20 14:46:39
answer #5
answered by Pirate AM™ 7
All solar cults based on astronomy have the three kings, wise men or nobles. Which stars do you think the three are?
2007-08-20 15:01:22
answer #6
answered by ? 5
Well nobody can say the Bible is factual! They were supposed to be priests I think. I don't think there is anything to suggest there were 3 of them either. Haven't a clue why they were supposed to see Jesus, just to worshop him I think.
2007-08-20 14:48:58
answer #7
answered by Louise 6