Wow, it's astonishing that they apologized. That's great news.
I still think "ex-gay ministries" should be fined. It's odd that if you work on a building, you need to have an engineering/architectural license or you'll be fined. But if you **** with human beings, it's your "religious freedom."
They act like they're unlicensed mental health professionals.
2007-08-20 07:40:52
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think it's possible they have done a great deal of harm. Mostly, I think they are laughed out of the gay bars and ignored. But gay people who have problems with their families because of religious beliefs are drawn to this organization rather than confront their families (usually parents) with their homophobia.
Fact is, we all need to be accepted for who we are, not who someone else things we ought to be. If someone cannot accept who you are, stay away from them, or be cool but polite when you need to be around them. Don't, for goodness sake, take their efforts to change a fundamental part of your self identity seriously, or let them persuade you it would be a good thing IF they could do it, and therefore give them a chance to try. Grief and misery, guilt-trips and all sorts of negative results are virtually inevitable.
It's like those tacky people who say "all you need is one good [man or woman, as the case may be] and imply that they are the ones to "cure" you with their overwhelming sexual attraction. It don't work, it only hurts.
2007-08-20 07:45:53
answer #2
answered by auntb93 7
From the article --
"God's love and forgiveness does indeed change people," said Bussee, who remains an evangelical Christian. "It changed me. It just didn't make me straight."
I agree 100 percent. Except, I didn't chose to be heterosexual. They didn't chose to be homosexual.
I think Christians of all types do all sorts of damage to all types of people, because their view or expectation isn't the same as the person sitting in the next pew.
It's sad enough people don't have Christ in their lives, without so-called Christians finding more reasons to drive other people further away.
But at least we don't cut each other's heads off or plant IEDs.
2007-08-20 07:44:06
answer #3
answered by jimmeisnerjr 6
Now you point out it I say it replaced into merciless what they did to Jade even in spite of the undeniable fact that she wasn't being very actual looking and have faith the nail in the coffin for Jade, replaced into while they despatched her out on eviction night without the group booing in all their vulgarity. It replaced into like they felt she mandatory to have an humiliating occasion made out of her. and found it incredibly OTT and unfair to be trustworthy because of the fact the different 2, who have been additionally being stupid college women, fantastically did not come out on their own decrease than those circumstances. incredibly the stress this led to Jade could have exacerbated any maximum cancers cells working amok in the undesirable lady. There incredibly wasn't any harm in her in hassle-free terms slightly ignorant and perplexed approximately her identity they completely took an hassle-free count too a strategies. Unconvincingly C4 acted all ask your self and horror like it replaced right into a great revelation that there replaced right into a robust hint of racist perspectives ingrained in the British public while, enable's settle for it, those women weren't stylish this replaced into sparkling, and partly why they promoted them in the 1st place. I shamelessly watch it at cases and sense to blame we could desire to consistently probable boycott it incredibly. human beings say those human beings positioned themselves in the area yet i could have theory a topic, which ameliorations in accordance to circumstances, can truthfully be borderline negligible.
2016-10-16 06:04:32
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I know, this made me very sad. How can you convert gay to straight? Like trying to turn brown eyes blue. Come on! I always thought those "ex-gay" ministries seemed like a great meeting place for the gay folks. hehe!
2007-08-20 07:44:46
answer #5
answered by I.J. Riley 3
Any gay person who would enter an "ex-gay" program obviously has a lot of self-esteem issues already - which are, of course, the direct result of being abused and treated as sub-human their whole lives by people who are so deluded as to think they're acting in God's interest - or who make their religion the excuse for their petty bigotry.
2007-08-20 07:43:23
answer #6
answered by jonjon418 6
i don't know why this kind of thing still amazes me, but it does.
they said there is nothing wrong in giving people options... they wouldn't need those options if they weren't told constantly that being gay is evil and a sin.
i hear a lot of god doesn't make mistakes. if that's true why do people think that being gay is wrong? it is not a choice. it's the way they were born.
even in nature there are gay pairings. if god created nature how can nature be evil?
people need to learn to accept others for who they are not what they are.
2007-08-20 09:29:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It's unfathomable. Not only are they damaging the people that they are trying to "convert", but they are doing untold damage to the families, the people that the so-called "converted" marry while they're still in a state of denial and delusion, and children produced in such marriages. It's disgusting.
2007-08-20 07:43:14
answer #8
answered by Jess H 7
Why are these guys all of a sudeen "former leaders"?
Sounds like self serving, sour grapes to me.
I wouldn't be surprised if some cash changed hands recently, too.
2007-08-20 08:45:40
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
there is no such thing as ex-gay...either you are gay or you are the article says, it is not a light switch, that you can turn off and on.
some may deny themselves, the way God made them,. and live a Ted Haggard...but, they will end up ruining many people in the end.
2007-08-20 07:42:43
answer #10
answered by Anonymous