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I don't understand why creationists should care if poeple believe in evolution, it doesn't harm anyone in any way. Similarly, i don't see any reason why evolutionists should by so horrified if anyone believes in creation. Whichever you believe in, it doesn't seem to effect anyone else in any way. Whichever is true, i don't see how it makes much difference. So can anyone tell me why so many poeple make such a huge deal out of evolution vs. creation?

2007-08-20 07:31:31 · 33 answers · asked by VITCH 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

33 answers

It's gets tricky because there's so many versions of evolution and creation. Some people think evolution explains the origins of life. Some say evolution only addresses existing life. Some people allow evolution within species (micro-evolution) and forbid evolution across species (macro-evolution). Others say that macro-evolution is micro-evolution on a longer time scale. Some say belief in evolution makes one an atheist, others happily mix evolution and religion. Some say evolution is God's mechanism of creation, others say evolution abolishes God.

We can't even agree on the definition of the word but everybody seems to know for certain that their point of view is hard proven fact. Yeah, it gets a bit comical.

2007-08-20 07:42:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Simple, if you can deny the creation of all things by an all powerful, all knowing, all present individual creator, then you can deny every thing else that a beliefe system based on such an individual Holy God would be.

The peoblem with evolution is this and has always been my question ever since I was taught it, why is it that there are no mor primates becomming proto-humans, and eventually homo-sapeians (spelling sorry)

You see it is my understanding that evolution is an ongoing process and if that is correct then, there should be new life forms comming out of the ocean today, being able to survive in this toxic waste land that we are creating. New mamals able to drink tainted water, new proto humans evolving from primates able to breath in a poluted enviroment.

Science can;t have it both ways, They cant have a 50 billion year old earth with evolutionary process comming to a dead hault in the last 10K years. This is why they are frantically searching for the missing link, and for example the hoaxes that have been out over on humanity as evolution (what nebraska man was fashioned out of a single tooh and turned out to actually be a 20th century pigs tooth).

Or why is it that many scientists are now turning to the creationists view point, and it is so underpublisized, that science is loosing it's appeal, and creation and intelegent design camps are growing more popular among th scientific community? I can tell you in a nut shell.

When you ad God into the equasion of science, then you do have to do away with same sex arguments. Homosexuality and human cloning have to go out the window in the face of the natural order of God, in that "God created man, male and female created He them".

This kind of thinking the kind of thinking (that God is the creator) is that which has shaped America for approximately 150 to 170 years. It is being pushed asside for a sexual trist and an ungodly experiment, in an attempt to become god, and actually blow evolution out of the water. Create a life by genetic manipulation, and have an unending supply of disposeable souless people created for works and deeds of the flesh.

That's what the argument is all about, in my opinion. Beter to trust in God, and His plan for salvation of humanity to His Kingdom thru Christ.

2007-08-20 07:54:37 · answer #2 · answered by ImJstBob 4 · 0 0

Some Biblical Christians fear that any "old-earth" theory of our origins must necessarily preclude the existence of a literal Adam, which most Christians believe would present some problems for our theology.

However, there are old-earth creation theories that respect the complete metaphorical truth of Genesis 1 and still allow for the existence of a literal Adam. Old-earth creationists (such as myself) often remain skeptical about evolutionary theory, but without the intensity seen in many young-earth creationists.

2007-08-20 07:49:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous Lutheran 6 · 0 0

I've wondered that too. From a religious standpoint, believing in evolution (or, rather more appropriately, understanding the theory and believing it to be the best idea we have to date...), is not a sin. It simply requires that one take a non-literal or metaphorical approach to the first portion of the Book of Genesis. So, what's the big deal? Even if people who accept evolution are wrong, at worst they are misinterpreting or misunderstanding the Book of Genesis. If they do that, but otherwise accept the salvation and the grace of God, then aren't they still saved?

It's kind of like taking the story of Job or Jonah as metaphorical. I mean, if we say that Jonah didn't really survive for 3 days in the belly of a whale or a fish, do we really sin against God?

The Bible is not something to be worshipped. It is not, in and of itself, to be venerated as an idol or considered to be God. God is God, and the Bible is the INSPIRED WORD of God. Inspiration doesnt mean it was the "literal, dictated word-for-word, statements of God" -- inspiration means that the writers were infused with the Holy Spirit.

So, I agree with you, religious people should not worry about whether evolution is true or not true. Follow your faith.

2007-08-20 07:41:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Well if creation is true then it could be taught in schools as a valid explaination of how the universe came into being, and would imply that god exists and therefore we should all become Christians (or jews or muslims, depending). If creation is false and evolution is true then creationism should not be taught in schools as science (perhaps as a "great life lesson"), and the case for a god existing is severally hampered.

So yes, there is quite a bit riding on which one is true.

2007-08-20 07:41:19 · answer #5 · answered by Pirate AM™ 7 · 0 1

If I the evolutionist say that there is no god, then I can feel more enlightened in my beliefs as an evolutionist.
If I as a creationist deny evolution, then I reinforce my beliefs in God, through acts of Faith.

If the creationist does't argue for their beliefs, they feel that they are somehow abandoning those beliefs. If evolution is wholly embraced, creationsist feel that Faith will be less relevant.

The real facts are this....the majority of both groups are misinformed and misunderstand the issue entirely but feel most compelled to continue the argument regardless.

2007-08-20 07:41:33 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Its the classic battle for truth. Atheists are trying to convince people God doesnt exist so they can have a more secular society. If they can convince people of evolution, it helps to explain where we came from without God.

If thesits can convince people that the world was created, then they are much more open to the Gospel. We envision a society not ruled by a religious heiarchy but merely a society that stands for freedom that doesnt reject God and is. We prefer a society that has freedom of religion and expression of it.

2007-08-20 07:50:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Let's see:

Search for truth vs. lies to promote an agenda

Intellectual Integrity vs. The Ends Justify the Means

Seems like a fairly big deal to me, especially when the latter tries to mass-market itself.

And Vitch, I wouldn't be so horrified if they weren't trying to ensure that it is taught as truth to children. I'm kind of big on that whole honesty thing, and kind against indoctrination. But hey, whatever, right? As long as we have a president who says "Rarely is the question asked; is our children learning?" I don't think it will make much difference either way. We're clearly screwed.

2007-08-20 07:40:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Because the truth is very important! I won't say which side I am on, but what i will say is that our society is in a very lukewarm state where everyone believes what "makes them feel good" whether it is truth or not. This is an absolute tragedy! I would encourage anyone and everyone to seek out the truth whether it is desireable or not. Hope this helps!

2007-08-20 07:38:42 · answer #9 · answered by derric i 2 · 2 0

Well it doesn't make much difference in this life that is true.
We Christians are concerned with the after-life of some of these fine people. I suppose the people that are concerned about the creationists.... such as myself, are concerned that we're wrong and might possibly have influence on others.

2007-08-20 07:38:30 · answer #10 · answered by sassinya 6 · 2 1

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