Among other things, it is a game. To quote Robert Anton Wilson, "They don't want to rule the world, they just want to play with it."
I have a copy of the original game by Steve Jackson Games, as well as Expansion Set One and Expansion Set Two. How much should I ask for them on eBay?
2007-08-20 07:32:57
answer #1
answered by auntb93 7
To get past the garbage, it boils down to the Illuminati capstone, the all seeing eye, is Lucifer.
Then down thru the pyramid he uses organizations, bankers, secret groups, etc to do his bidding to create a one world order or as we know it, the New World Order, NWO.
Within this pyramid are the other fallen angels as well, assisting in this plan. They lie and decieve all they come into contact. These fallen ones are what most call the reptile or gray aliens. They are not aliens.
Illuinati are who control this world and doing all the evil we see. Most of what we are taught is fake and part of the ploy to create what they want, NWO.
Best I can say is sit on YouTube for a day and watch every video you can about them. Read Wikipedia's page on them. Research all the smaller groups like Skull n Bones, Freemasons, Masons, Knights Templar. Even Red Cross, Shriners are part of this pyramid as well, if you can believe it.
Goodle image "illuminati pyramid" and you should see a picture of all the levels, divisions and titles within the pyramid. My site goes over them and their web stringing. Feel free to go thru it as well,
Like Pink Floyd said..... Us and Them. Them is Illuminati. Pink Floyd actually was telling us about them and the NWO. Read the lyrics as you listen and you'll realize. Many other songs by other groups do the same. Even Iron Maiden number of the beast song is telling us.
2007-08-20 14:38:08
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It is a secret society that is filled with rich and powerful men that control the world banks among other positions. They believe that they will control the world. One was quoted as stating "Give me control of a countries money, and I don't care what laws they pass". They are numerous and are always in a position of power. It is so secret that they don't know many of the others. Just who they need to know to get the task done.
2007-08-20 14:35:12
answer #3
answered by michael m 5
a group of powerfull individuals who hold power within thier respective groups that work behind the scenes to guide the fate of the universe. the need for this was after the first kree-skrull war heroes and super teams could unite against a common threat.
The members are: Professor X, Doctor Strange, Mister Fantastic, Namor, Iron Man, and Black Bolt
2007-08-20 14:38:13
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There is no Illuminati.
Forget you ever of heard of it.
Ask nice simple questions.
Your governments are in control.
Be kind to animals.
Go to church.
Good citizens are happy citizens.
Have you forgotten yet? Keep forgetting.
2007-08-20 14:37:34
answer #5
answered by Raven Winterstide 3
A 70's metal band that played mostly small bars around the cleveland ohio area. They were most weel known for their frequent fist-fights with bar patrons.
2007-08-20 14:33:44
answer #6
answered by Graham 5
a secret society, within a secret society. They are the ones who pick out who will be president next.
2007-08-20 14:32:24
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
My evil opposite
2007-08-20 14:29:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
they have a secret knowledge. i think david icke says they're aliens. i know he talks about them a lot. u could look up his name and maybe find out more.
2007-08-20 14:37:36
answer #9
answered by j.c. 3
this took all of a second...
2007-08-20 14:30:36
answer #10
answered by Anonymous