According to both Judaism and Christianity, when you die you're dead. On judgment day, everyone rises from the dead and is judged. So, all the dead are still dead, and that's what happens immediately after you die. Now, it might seem to be instantly judgment day to the dead, but you can't say your dear dead grammy is in heaven right now.
Its funny how people are supposedly well versed in their religions, enough so that they feel comfortable pushing them on others, or just blindly accepting them, while they hold misconceptions that even the most casual observer can see with minimal effort.
2007-08-20 07:36:20
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Both. Problem is, the body becomes another carbon footprint for mother earth to handle, and that's something the liberals don't want to hear, even though it's a trendy global warming term.
2007-08-20 14:33:21
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The bible says that if one is a true believer on the Lord Jesus Christ then "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord"
Meaning if a true believer dies they go to Heaven to be with their saviour, If a non believer dies then they go to hell!
It is as simple as that.
Jesus said "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and Ye shall be saved"
2007-08-20 14:48:30
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The minute you die the silver cord is severed and the spiritual body is free.
Your old physical body is discarded as you will not need it any more, and in your perfect spiritual body you will go to the spiritual world.
In the spirit world there is a place already
prepared for you according to the way you conducted your life on earth.
2007-08-20 14:44:18
answer #4
answered by ? 5
Your body yes! Your soul? No one knows threy only think they know or they just believe. As Christian I can not really say anything else.
2007-08-20 14:37:18
answer #5
answered by Scouse 7
If they are saved, they soul goes to heaven, their bodies are buried.
So yes to both your questions.
2007-08-20 14:31:16
answer #6
answered by Mulereiner 7
Soul "jumps" to heaven if you accepted Jesus as your savior and lived according to what He says.
Soul "jumps" to hell if you did not followed Jesus instructions (see above).
Body start to decay after death.
2007-08-20 14:51:24
answer #7
answered by Darth Eugene Vader 7
The bible says that the person dies so the soul dies too.
Ezekiel chapter 18 verse 4
2007-08-20 14:48:26
answer #8
answered by Jadore 6
Yup, Just like fireball said, the mammaries go right up to God.
2007-08-20 14:30:43
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It's either Heaven or Hell buddy, no exceptions, no excuses.
2007-08-20 14:33:57
answer #10
answered by Titus M 4