but rape and orgies are fine as long as its heterosexual?
Genesis 19:4-8 is rendered as:
“ Before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, surrounded the house, both young and old, all the people from every quarter; and they called to Lot and said to him, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have relations with them." But Lot went out to them at the doorway, and shut the door behind him, and said, "Please, my brothers, do not act wickedly. "Now behold, I have two daughters who have not had relations with man; please let me bring them out to you, and do to them whatever you like; only do nothing to these men, inasmuch as they have come under the shelter of my roof.
26 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
This is constantly cited a source of proving the "wrongness of homosexuality" and yet there are so many ways to read this passage (as with most things in the Bible).
The men of Sodom were perverts. They were already known to be sinful. This promisciuity is frowned upon by the Bible.
The men aren't evil b/c they're gay.
They're evil b/c they were trying to RAPE people.
Target the act and the motivation behind it, not the circumstance.
You should also note that Lot offered up his two daughters to this crowd of rapist (a source of contention (one of many) I have with the Bible).
2007-08-20 06:57:12
answer #1
answered by Rob 3
Ugh, absolutely not. This account in Genesis is like a newspaper story... it tells what happened, not what should have happened. Lot is not a very good guy, if you read everything that Genesis says about him.
The Bible does say that homosexuality is wrong (see Romans 1:26-27... men and women choosing to do something unnatural over what is natural) but this passage in Genesis doesn't show us anything except that Lot lived in a city of wicked people and that he was a creep too.
Deuteronomy 22:25-29 shows God's desire for justice in the case of rape. This is just one of many examples in the Bible of how God feels about rape and other sexual sins.
By the way, the daughters did not get turned over to the mob, but they were pretty messed up themselves, because after Lot and his family escaped the city (it was about to be destroyed) they were living in the mountains, and Lot's daughters got him drunk and seduced him so they could get pregnant. Not a real good family picture, all the way around.
2007-08-20 07:07:06
answer #2
answered by Amaris 2
Homosexuality is a sin before God. Orgies and rape are sins too.
Lot, who was not wise to start from (he should have moved from that city long before this event), considered homosexuality worst than the option he offerred to the men of Sodom.
2007-08-20 07:02:22
answer #3
answered by Darth Eugene Vader 7
It means that some sick f*** in the Bible was willing to allow his daughters to be raped just to spare some male guests from the same, when they should have been able to defend themselves.
By the way - had the men been raped, they definitely wouldn't become pregnant, so the correct choice would have been to offer themselves if there was no way to deter the attack. That's what decent gentlemen would do.
2007-08-20 06:58:27
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Yep. But actually Jews have a different take on this story. To them it is actually a story of hospitality and doesn't need to be taken literally.
Basiacally, strangers showed up, the town didn't like them, Lot wanted to be hospitable (which is how GOD wants us to be), and even went as far as "sacrificing" his daughters to protect his guests. And later on Sodom is destroyed by GOD not because of sexual immorality but because they were not hospitable to the guests.
But the traditional Christian view is different than this. It is about homosexuals and how evil they are.
2007-08-20 06:58:41
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It means that in the ancient Near East a man's hospitality was a matter of honor, and he would do anything --anything! -- to protect guests who had "come under the shelter of [his] roof." It has nothing whatsoever to do with homosexuality; at that time in history, they didn't even know what homosexuality was, by our modern definition.
2007-08-20 06:59:29
answer #6
answered by Stranger In The Night 5
no this is not a great section in the Bible to argue that homosexuality is wrong. But there are a couple verses that clearly discuss the fact that homosexuality is immoral in God's view.
Read 1 Corinthians 6:9-12
there are more, i just can't think of em now.
2007-08-20 07:11:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Well I heard that Lot's wife answered the door and when she couldn't convince them to take her, Lot came out and said, "let me show you how a man does it!"
Maybe everyone needs to become Pagans and enjoy themselves and stop worrying about what if and commit themselves.
2007-08-20 08:07:38
answer #8
answered by humanrayc 4
Yes homosexuality is wrong, but so is rape and orgies. Read the Laws of Moses about rape and read earlier in Gen. about a man leaving his father and a woman leaving her mother and becoming one.
2007-08-20 07:24:43
answer #9
answered by 9_ladydi 5
According to the Bible sex outside of a marriage relationcship between one man and one woman is wrong. In Lots culture when he accepted guests into his home he was also taking the responsibility of their well being, so it was his duty to protect them at all costs.
2007-08-20 07:18:22
answer #10
answered by We Watch Football 3