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but many people do not believe in god? Why do you think this is? Why is such a universal truth to you so ridiculous to an atheist? Is this because you were brought up with religion or is it because you were simply looking for a way to avoid the reality of death?

2007-08-20 06:50:03 · 15 answers · asked by thethinker 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Jesse A
Nice answer but I am not a christian!

2007-08-20 07:14:29 · update #1

15 answers

It is because Christians were lucky enough to be born into a country were there are only churches for what happens to be the one true religion, and into the household that happens to worship the one true God. Must be God's will, right?

2007-08-20 06:54:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Well the idea that Christians are only so because of their environment is complete and utter nonsense. Thats just folly for the ignorant.

The reason why all worldviews, (monotheism, polytheism, deism, agnosticism, atheism, nihilism, eastern philosophy, animistic, mystical/new age) seem obvious to their respected believers and ridiculous to the others is because there is a lack of understanding. You just admitted yourself you have no idea what makes a theist tick. This is the way it is who those who only understand their worldview and not others.

With that being said, it is best understood that Christians are what they are out of love and faith over fear. In my experience fear alone isnt a lasting and dependable motivation and only leads to loathing.

I wasnt raised in a Christian home, and eventually became an atheist. But after a few experiences, I sought out whoever it was that created everything and has the answers. Jesus took that opportunaity to reveal himself to me.

Everybody has to deal with the reality of death somehow and the implications of the afterlife. I think the question is simply more relevant to theists because that state of being embodies and involves much of what they believe and has eternal implications.

In the case of atheists however, they view death as the end and everything past that is meaningless. There are different approaches to idea of death under atheism and one is nihilism

2007-08-20 14:20:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

i was raised christian. the reason you all think the same and have the same "privvied information" is because your false information is crammed down your throat from birth by the same people that have never understood or tried to learn about any other "much older by the way" faith. christianity is one of the newest "cults" that just got lucky that a roman emperor decided that he was going to spread the word far and wide. if the romans had just left it all alone we would all be much more happy. we wouldn't have jerks like jimmy fallwell deciding what was right and wrong, we could just live our lives. oh and by the way, in the history of the planet your god has caused more wars and death than all the other gods ever, combined.

2007-08-20 14:12:40 · answer #3 · answered by handsomeguyLA-CA 4 · 0 1

if 20 people see a traffic accident, each one will see a different thing, even though theres only one actual situation occuring.

some differences will just be simply from the different angle of view.
some differences will be based on biases of the person (even if its subconcious) or experiences they have had.they may notice something more on one person involved, or NOT notice, or be distracted by another... or something liket hat.

theres countless variables that can change the perception of exactly what they see happen.

now with that in mind, have you considered that perhaps, in a way, this extends to religious views?
if 2 people are presented the same information, depending on their experiences and personality, how they process things, how they feel about various things, ect, can make it so the two people come to absolutely contradictory conclusions about what they are given. neither are neccesarily "wrong" as such, or in fact, BOTH could be "wrong" as both would be biased by their experiences and perspective.

if someones experienced certain things, then they will be likely to come to certain conclusions, some of these might be tracable, some might not.

if you visited a group of people who were all born without functional eyes, and developed all their technology without vision-related references. ... even a medicine to help people who had delusions of sight. ... would the fact that these people didn't belive in vision, change that you can see?

if you were the minority, would it change? no.

if their technology, due to being developed without vision references, had not developed to a point yet that it could find vision to be real, mean that you could not see?

personally my experiences prove to me that continuation of distinct conciousness after death, is as much of a certainty as the sun rising and setting and the passage of days and months and years.

the fact that science cannot prove this yet, changes nothing.
the fact that not all people experience things that I have, that proves it to me, does not change the fact that I have.

it would take infintely more blind faith, contrary to reason, for me to NOT belive in the "afterlife" and the metaphysical world.

2007-08-20 14:22:08 · answer #4 · answered by RW 6 · 0 0

Perhaps atheists are the ones trying to avoid what comes after death? I think its noteworthy to look at the former Soviet Union. Religion had been basically outlawed and churches closed. After decades of communist rule administered by atheists the people flocked to the churches after the fall. Neither communism nor atheism stymied the peoples belief in God and neither quenched man's desire for a higher truth.

2007-08-20 14:04:19 · answer #5 · answered by monte54que 7 · 1 1

Privvy ? What information do you mean? I access any information that I would like. And, yes, I am a Christian.
I made that decision myself.

Many do not believe in God, and this being their decision. God has given man the freedom to decide for themselves and they will someday probably need to re-evaluate this decision.

God gives us choice. He does not decide for us.

Reality of death? Yes, it will happen. But my spirit/soul will move on and will not die.

2007-08-20 14:41:33 · answer #6 · answered by blueskys 1 · 0 0

Some of us sought after and found truth. Some of us are afraid to admint even the possibility of God. So making fun of believers as "less-intellegent" or "shallow" is the defense mechanism. If you truly didn't believe, then why would it bother you that I do? I was "brought up" to weigh the evidence I discover and decide for myself. To me the truth of God's existence is irrefutible. I stake my life on it, I doubt if there is anything you would stake yours on.

2007-08-20 14:08:32 · answer #7 · answered by Scott B 7 · 1 1

I think everyone has their reasons.
I do think being raised with religion is a big reason though. I was raised by an atheist so I have always questioned religion.

2007-08-20 13:54:03 · answer #8 · answered by alana 5 · 2 0

What Christians regard as a 'universal truth' is nothing of the sort... it is a faith-based 'belief'.

'Belief' is an insidious mind-killer... it cuts one off from the open-minded and intellectually honest consideration of alternative possibilities.

'Faith' (magical, wishful thinking) is a lame and pathetic substitute for 'evidence'.

Faith-based 'belief' (the internalized certainty that you are privy to the 'truth' pertaining to vital aspects of existence and reality) is a lame and pathetic substitute for 'knowledge'... in fact, it is the ILLUSION of knowledge.

Faith + belief ---> Self-delusion and willful ignorance.

"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called Religion." ~ Robert M. Pirsig

"The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance... it is the illusion of knowledge." ~ Daniel Boorstin


2007-08-20 13:58:56 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I was brought up with religion and I found out it has alot of inconsistencies. I don't need the idea that angels and heaven this fabulous place is their for me when i die. I can except that once you die that is it, their is nothing after death. but if other ppl need that comfort who am I to judge.

2007-08-20 13:57:29 · answer #10 · answered by mommym00n 3 · 0 1

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