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i will be entering as an married e-2 mos 19delta a.k.a calvary scout. i was wondering about the pay,also housing allowance that i would receive also my fiance was wondering as to what base life was like for women, most likely i will be deployed is there overseas pay for that also? will she be taken care of while im overseas.
she wonders what activities, clubs for women exist.

2007-08-19 18:58:47 · 6 answers · asked by ? 1 in Politics & Government Military

6 answers

plain and simple your fiance will receive NOTHING until she becomes your wife..fiances/girlfriends dont exsist in the eyes of the Army

2007-08-20 01:57:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0


Congratulation on picking a great branch. But being a married E-2 is really hard.

Enlisted BAS rates are $279.88/month. Your housing rate will vary with the base you are assigned to.

Rest assured that the people figuring pay for Privates (and E3 and E4) were basing it on the assumption that you are very young, unmarried and living in the barracks. :( Which is to say you and your bride will need strong budgeting skills.

There is help available... some links below. Check them out, but more importantly MAKE SURE SHE KNOWS THEM. Your gonna be busy keeping the world safe and learning to be Jack Bauer. SHE is the one that will have to pay the bills and live within the budget.

You need to start now -- when you leave for Ft. Knox she needs to be living at home and saving every $$ of your paycheck.

Do NOT move her to your first assignment when you go there. No base is really prepared to help a green recruit with a wife and that just puts you outside the system -- and SHE will pay the price.

Report to your first duty station and get to your unit. Tell your platoon sergeant and troop 1st Sergeant that you have a wife waiting for you in (wherever) and how can you get set up for her to come join you. After the lecture about how privates shouldnt be married those two will be invaluable in helping you get the best deals and setting up a life for your wife.

You also need to ask the deployment schedule -- there is no need for you to go thru the expense / effort to set up a household if you will just be on intensive training for 3 months followed by 14 months overseas. Better to buy phone cards and a few plane tickets and leave her at home for the deployment.

Now here is another very important point: BE A VERY GOOD SOLDIER. Seriously. Good Soldiers get consideration for time off, being late when your cheap beater car breaks down, and a thousand other things. Poor Soldiers get rode hard. For your wife's sake, be a good Soldier. It will actually make life easier for her, and make it easier for the older NCO's wives to take her under their wing.

Now, one more important point before you ship to Ft. Knox: Write down for your wife the following information:
1. The phone number to the local and state Red Cross
2. Your full name and social security number
3. a blank space for her to fill in when you get assigned a unit (will be something like B Troop, 1-81st Armor, 1st Armor Training Brigade, Ft. Knox, Kentucky)
4. A blank space for her to fill in with the name / phone number of your Troop 1st Sergeant and Troop Commander. You will have to ask special for that, but if you tell the drill sergeant you want it for your wife in case of emergency they will give it to you.

This is an important card because it is how she must contact you if there is any serious emergency at home. The Army will not listen unless the Red Cross calls... and then there is immediate action.

Good luck and God Bless you and your wife. The Army is a awesome adventure and a great life!

2007-08-19 21:11:14 · answer #2 · answered by SMBR 5 · 3 0

It all depends.

Food allowance is $279.00

Housing allowance is different depending on where your stationed, if you live on post, no housing allowance is paid.

Fort Riley $833.00 a month.
Fort Hood $862.00 a month.

If you arte deployed to iraq or Asfghanistan, you will receive some special pays.

Familiy separation pay $250 a month
Hostile Fire and Imminent Danger Pay $225 a month
Hardship pay $100 a month

2007-08-19 19:26:39 · answer #3 · answered by jeeper_peeper321 7 · 1 0

My husband and that i had agreed earlier we've been given married that we might integrate our earning and we might the two have equivalent get entry to to funds and equivalent say in the way it gets spent. we've been jointly for 5 a million/2 years, and that's how we habit our financial affairs - we've the two one in each of our names on the financial organization bills, the debit and credit enjoying cards are in the two one in each of our names, and the two one in each of our paychecks bypass into the comparable pot. He makes various circumstances better than I do, and that i paintings much less and preserve the abode greater. we do not have teenagers, yet as quickly as we do, that's been agreed upon that i could be a stay-at-abode confirm at a similar time as my husband might proceed working and earning income. i don't understand every physique between my close buddies or kinfolk who has any variety of "allowance" or "spending cut back" for a stay-at-abode better half. My maximum suitable chum and her husband the two earn earning and decide to maintain their funds separate, yet it quite is a distinctive association.

2016-11-12 23:18:25 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

BAH will be based on location.. HERS while you are in Training and during unaccompanied Orders. YOURS all other times.

The only other additional pays you get during Training is FSH. which goes into affect on day 31. also, keep in mind that BAS is to feed YOU, not your family, and it can and will betaken away when you are in the field or training or otherwise have meals provided to you. NEVER include BAS as part of your stable budget.

while deployed, there are several different pays that you could expect to receive.. but you may not get all of them.. Family Sep again, HFP/IDP, Tax free status, per diem.

Lots of opportunities to volunteer and get involved. she, however,needs to seek them out, not wait for them to come to her. as long as she is near base facilities, she will have access and support.

2007-08-20 01:53:14 · answer #5 · answered by Mrsjvb 7 · 1 1

pay, not much.
baselife, send her home when your deployed or else yes, she will be "taken care of" while you are overseas.
thumbs down me all you want, sad but true.
we used to call them WESTPAC Widows.

2007-08-20 01:50:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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