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i just wonder if He truly would be as hard on me and insistint on my living my life a certain way, even if it was confusing and painful and torturous to be someone i am not, as the Church portrays itself on the issue of homosexuality. basically... can the Church really know what God would think of 2 ppl of the same sex who just want to love each other and share their lives together while striving still to serve Him and sacrifice for Him within their committed, monogomous relationship?

2007-08-19 17:15:12 · 21 answers · asked by prv275 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

ok, this was the first question i posted and i had no idea i'd get so many answers so quickly... i should clarify, i am a devout Roman Catholic, and before anyone rolls their eyes and either calls me a conservative Jesus freak, if they are not religious, or a hypocrite, if they are Catholic, i will elaborate a little on my situation... i believe in the teachings of the Church and have spent many years studying Church history, the Bible, and homosexuality, since 7 years ago i acknowledged that i am gay. i am now 29 years old. i am currently going through a really difficult break-up. even though my partner and i were really determined to have a chaste relationship, she felt, after 2 years, that might not be enough and God might be calling her away from the relationship all together. well, i love and respect her so i let her go. i guess my question has no answer. meaning, i might never know what would have happened if we had stayed together, if are life would have been "ok" with God.

2007-08-19 17:55:38 · update #1

21 answers

Absolutely yes. I personally find the obsession with homosexuality just a little creepy. You'd think they were the Borg given they way some churches have acted. Too bad these religious types don't know how to live by the golden rule any more.

It often strikes me as a bit stupid to believe that an all-knowing god can't tell the difference between homosexuality and murder.

2007-08-19 17:18:21 · answer #1 · answered by God 6 · 4 4

It's amazing how many people "know" what God thinks. It's especially amazing that so many disagree with each other. Just because someone has a book and some kind of costume doesn't mean they are right about anything. Throughout history religion has caused much war and misery. Maybe God would like for us to make up are own minds about some things. All these religions can't disagree so much and all still be right.
With or without conclusions about God or what God thinks (or what God even is), there is a reason why people are gay. A part of the brain which usually develops one way in males and another way in females does the opposite in the case of gay people. That's why they feel like they're trapped in the body of the wrong sex. It's not a moral decision on their part or in any way their fault.
Just to lighten the mood here, I sometimes think of myself as a lesbian trapped in a man's body.

2007-08-20 16:43:12 · answer #2 · answered by Incognito 7 · 0 0

If it is a good church, then It would teach what God says, and support everything with Bible verses. The Bible, God's Word, states in Romans 1:24-32 and Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 that homosexuality is wrong. Attractions don't make you a homosexual. The acting upon these attractions and desires does.

You're saying that God is insisting on you to live your life as someone you're not. But let me ask you this... Are you someone who TRULY loves God? Are you saying that a homosexual is who you are? If you TRULY love God, you would do everything to try to obey Him. Are you someone who chooses to rebel against God, sin? God is happy with you if you continue to fight against homosexuality.

2007-08-21 20:44:35 · answer #3 · answered by machurdler 1 · 0 0

Let me start by saying that homosexuality is not a reason for persecution or belittlement. A lot of churches have screwed that up and condemn it more harshly than other things that are considered sinful.

It's not so much about the blessings of monogamy as it is about the blessings of procreation.
Choosing a homosexual lifestyle takes away God's greatest gift to us in allowing us to see ourselves in a newborn's eyes.

The other issue is that the Bible consistently teaches to avoid the lusts of the flesh, except for procreation. Since life cannot be created from homosexual sex, it doesn't fall under that umbrella. People are so obsessed with the letter of God's law that they don't see the spirit of it: why He would want man and woman to be united in a way that allows the creation of life! It's not so much that it's sinful to have homosexual urges, but it's such a punishment to oneself to withhold such an incredible gift.

2007-08-19 17:59:46 · answer #4 · answered by Sir Network 6 · 0 1

An exaggeratedly homophobic interpretation of what is frankly unclear Bible scripture, helped along by biased modern translations, has now become institutionalised.
It's a kind of fascism, it's very dangerous and results in much suffering for gay people, particularly in parts of the world where human rights are less well protected... religion can be used to really persecute gays and usually is.

The Bible does not mention consenting homosexual relationships at all nor does the word "homosexual" occur in the Bible ...although the word has been wrongly inserted into some modern Bible translations commissioned by biased religious organisations.

Whilst Christians like to condemn all same-sex activity as homosexuality in fact the Bible seems to condemn only pederasty, same-sex rape and male temple "prostitution" but none of these are features of consenting gay relationships any more than paedophilia, rape and temple "prostitution" are features of consenting heterosexual relationships.

Consenting, committed relationships whether gay or straight are good and should be supported.

2007-08-19 17:32:08 · answer #5 · answered by CHEESUS GROYST 5 · 2 2

The Church has always enjoyed the full faith and backing of God himself, as promised by Jesus Christ, so don't plan on church teachings about homosexuality changing, any time soon.

Homosexual activity is and has always been considered seriously disordered and mortally sinful, and it is singled out in scripture as one of the sins that "cries out to heaven for vengeance".

There's nothing new under the sun, so a wise person would do well to realize the error if his ways and make the necessary changes to his lifestyle, difficult as they may be to implement.

You didn't mention whether you're Catholic or not, but in any case, it's important to remember that God accepts death bed confessions, and he continues to offer forgiveness, right up until the last moment of earthly existence.

You should also realize that it's virtually impossible to have one's sins forgiven unless a real possibility of repentance exists, no matter how contrite a person may be, so "living in sin" tends to become a permanent way of life, with no way out, except when one of the partners either moves out, or gets sick and dies.

So when one of those events occurs, it's vitally important for those who wish to make peace with God, to use that short window of opportunity to make a good confession, along with a concerted attempt at authentic repentance, in the hopes of making things right with God, before it's too late.

Until then, all you can do is continue to struggle faithfully, taking full advantage of any and all appropriate sacraments and devotions of the church, and hope that God's mercy exceeds his sense of divine justice.

Sexual urges tend to fade somewhat over time, so things that seem impossible today may not be quite so difficult to deal with in the future.

Just make sure you don't get so alienated from God over this that your pride keeps you from apologizing and making things right, when and if the appropriate time comes.

2007-08-19 17:46:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Saying that "God Thinks" gives the impression that He Does not already know. He Created everything and knows all of its nature. How would you feel if you knew with a certainty what everyone in a crowded room was thinking? If you knew each and every detail of their individual thoughts? Exactly, God Knows everything, so when he makes rules, people go about with ignorance questioning them until a real penalty is given then they say "man I shoulda listened".
Just like when parents warn their children about something, and the disobedient child rebels and ends up in trouble. Disobedient people always find themselves regretful.
I know that you are seeking some kind of assurance with that question. A friend tells you the truth even if it hurts; but if you prefer lies then hey... Saying that God likes those that disobey his orders via homosexuality, is like a catholic priest telling you that it is good to have crucifixes and statues in the church when their OWN doctrine of laws states: "Thou shalt not create nor bow down to graven images (statues, crucifixes all the same). In their bible, Jesus told a man not to call him (Jesus) good because only God is Good. In his (Jesus') absence, catholics don't only call him good, but they also worship him. But man is ever-rebellious.
If I told you that homosexuality is good, would be like me telling you that its absolutely okay for you to commit suicide because its your life, or that its no problem if you abuse drugs. Yes it is your life, but you did not create it,. nor did you create right and wrong. And just like gravity and hunger and fatigue, there are rules that we must abide by- some forcefully (hunger) and others wilfully (morals).

2007-08-19 17:41:56 · answer #7 · answered by Fude Fer Tawt 2 · 1 1

I think people just like to be at least one step higher on the totem pole than someone else...

So, we've all huddled together and decided that the gay guy should be on the bottom so we can all walk around being self-righteous and "perfect" all day.

It used to be the black man, but he caught on to the game and now he thinks the gay man should be the bottom rung too.

2007-08-19 17:38:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

God, in the Person of Jesus Christ, told the Church, "he who hears you hears Me"; and, "whatsoever you bind upon earth is bound in heaven". So yes, the Church can state exactly what God thinks about a subject, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. This of course would apply to the one Church Christ personally founded, the one He made these promises to, not necessarily to every unauthorized manmade denomination that claims to be founded in His name.

2007-08-19 17:41:31 · answer #9 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 0 1

I don't believe in god, but if there is a god, he must not have a problem with homosexuality since people are born gay. And yes I think the Church's stance is wrong on that issue (and many other issues).

2007-08-19 17:22:09 · answer #10 · answered by Moxie! 6 · 5 3

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