The Bible does not describe homosexuality as a “greater” sin than any other. All sin is offensive to God. Homosexuality is just one of the many things listed in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 that will keep a person from the kingdom of God. According to the Bible, God’s forgiveness is just as available to a homosexual as it is to an adulterer, idol worshipper, murderer, thief, etc. God also promises the strength for victory over sin, including homosexuality, to all those who will believe in Jesus Christ for their salvation (1 Corinthians 6:11; 2 Corinthians 5:17).
2007-08-19 17:06:42
answer #1
answered by Freedom 7
NO, the scriptures don't say anything like that. There are some sects or denominations that hold to some translational REVISIONS that makes homosexuality a sin.
Most use the Leviticus Covanent to support such a stance; but if a person ACTUALLY reads it, First a person has to offer up a peace offering sacrifice just to enter INTO that covanent and secondly have to uphold EVERY tenent within leviticus to remain a part of it. Secondly, a cannot lay with another man like they do with a woman---a man doesn't have a vagina!!!! or are the scoffers saying that anal sex is the norm in str8 sex?
There is also 1 Cor 6:9 where Paul adds homosexuality in a list of sins. The thing to remember that in the old hebrew languages of sanscrit and aramaic nor in the koptic greek there wasn't a term that meant 'homosexual'. Sure there are many words that expressed many 'homosexual acts' but not a word that meant 'homosexual'. Thus if you are reading a TRANSLATION take any reference with the term 'homosexual' in it with a grain of salt.
There is even the whole sodom/gamorrah references which was created over the mistranslation of the term "to know', that a monk in the 9th century took to mean 'have sex'. Hheheee like IF there were enough gay men at the time to have 2 whole cities, secondly IF they did they sure wouldn't have called their cities by THOSE names....sodom comes from the sanscrit word s'dom--which means BURNT and gamorrah comes from amorrah which meant 'ruined heap'.
On the contrary though, there is scriptural references to a 'gay marriage' in the bible. 1 samual 18 concerning David and Jonathan does contain ALL the definitional qualifiers for marriage the loving, the covanent, the merging of souls, and from the text we also get the cleaving--leaving your parents home to live with your mate.
Some people say that they were just 'good friends'....but get real, when a guy strips naked in front of another guy and swears his UNDYING love and ya go home with him---they are alittle MORE than 'good friends'...wink, wink.
Truth is no man can say who is going to hell or heaven---only the Creator gets to say THAT in the bible. Some people will claim that another will go to hell for this or that---mainly just to make themselves feel MORE self-righteous.
There are many different covanents---rules about what is a sin and what isn't in the bible and how to clean it up. There is a covanent in genesis, another in exodus, one in deuteronly, one in leviticus, even 'jesus' had a covanent with only two tenents---love god, and love others are you would want to be loved.
By the old definiton of sin---it would ONLY be a sin if you swore NOT to do it. One reason that another cannot say that you sinned, since they cannot really know what you swore to YOUR god to uphold. You'd have to be one of those 'twisted' gays to be gay and then swear to god that you won't do it.
Just BE what the Creator made ya and be respectful to that creation.
2007-08-19 17:27:29
answer #2
answered by Lion Jester 5
Hi and welcome to the age old debate.
I however must remind you of one thing. The bible as it is today and for the past several hundred years has been edited by many people. Books have been omitted and removed.
To know what the bible really says about this subject, read it in its original Hebrew or what ever language it was written in. (been so long I forget.)
Secondly and most importantly if you are christian, John 3:16 says it all. Any one who can argue that scripture and say you are condemned to hell, well I guess the skipped that chapter and verse.
I am not christian thought I graduated from a southern baptist school. My graduating thesis was Modern religion vs the occult. Needless to say I was not a popular person with the christian school, but I did learn a few things about the bible. The new testament over rules the old testament and well John 3:16 resolves any and all questions.
Blessings Be
2007-08-19 17:18:13
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
The Bible consistently tells us that homosexual activity is a sin (Genesis 19:1-13; Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9). Romans 1:26-27 teaches specifically that homosexuality is a result of denying and disobeying God. When a person continues in sin and disbelief, the Bible tells us that God “gives them over” to even more wicked and depraved sin in order to show them the futility and hopelessness of life apart from God. 1 Corinthians 6:9 proclaims that homosexual “offenders” will not inherit the kingdom of God.
The si of homosexuality is no greater sin than adulterer, idol worshipper, murderer, thief, etc. God also promises the strength for victory over sin, including homosexuality, to all those who will believe in Jesus Christ for their salvation (1 Corinthians 6:11; 2 Corinthians 5:17).
No I have never seen it in the bible where it states you will go to hell for judging. That is the excuse people always use when they do not want some telling them what they are doing is wrong. No one should judge and there is a way to talk to people and tell them they are living in sin without judging. Christians should do it in love, and the person who is recieving it shouldn't always consider it to be judging.
If you believe you can go to Heaven and remain gay, you are definately wrong. You need to repent, be baptised for the remission of your sins and recieve the Holy Spirit. God will cleanse you from all of your sins if you ask and believe, you will recieve!
2007-08-19 17:13:57
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
OK here's the deal-
Being gay is just like any other forms of sin like being jealous, gossiping, judging, lying, etc.
we all sin. The problem is being gay isn't just missing up every once and awhile because it's a life-style. Your making a decision to live in sin for the rest of your life.
And the bible says "the wages of sin is death" which basically means the punishment is hell.
But Jesus Christ died on the cross for everyone sins.
The bible says if -
you admit you a sinner to Jesus and ask him to forgive you and to be your lord and Savior. And ask him to come into your heart.
you will be saved and go to heaven.
Here is a bible verse.
"If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."
2007-08-19 17:19:33
answer #5
answered by John 4
In reality the Bible says nothing against homosexuality as a modern, monogamous and loving relationship between two people. In the original language (Greek) and context of the world of two thousand odd years ago, the terminology applied meant something considerably different. In the Old and New Testaments the words that we've come to understand to mean homosexual actually meant sodomite, pedophile and eunuch. Now, obviously, Sodomy or anal sex is what gay men do. But, in the Biblical context it was referring to a specific type of it used in the worship of a Canaanite or Babylonia god called by various names (Astarte, Baal and a few others). In this cult, men would engage in gay sex to give of themselves to the god or would do something even worse: mutilate themselves. A eunuch is a man that has been castrated for purposes of worship. In one process of doing so for the gods, a high priest would lay a man onto an altar, castrate him on the spot and penetrate him anally to commune with the goddess. As you can imagine, this disgusting and bloody sight was so offensive to the Jews that they were against it and in the Old Testament, this is the type of gay activity the writers were speaking of. Not two men in love. In the New, this type of activity is spoken of. But, in the book of Romans, the words of the Apostle Paul speak of paedorasti, or pedophilia. A common practice in the Roman world (both east and west) was the cohabitation of a young man or boy with an older, more learned one in which the older man would mentor the younger. In many cities, it was illegal the pair to have sex. But, in others, it wasn't and much of this practice was endorsed by the local religious (Pagan) authorities. Making it even worse. There is no mention of two men in a legitimate relationship being wrong anywhere in the Bible. In fact, gay marriages were sanctioned by the church right up through the beginning of the Spanish Inquisition in the fifteenth century. A pair of saints were apparently lovers, several known rulers and it even had its own offices.
2013-12-24 19:18:49
answer #6
answered by What? 4
As far as i know, the bible does not specifically say "you will go to hell if you are gay". The book of Leviticus, however, does classify homosexuality as an "unlawful sexual relation". Even so, i find it odd that most christians consider homosexuality a sin, because most christians brake the other commandments in Leviticus (and the other books in the Torah) on a daily basis!
And yes, the bible does say not to judge others.
2007-08-19 16:59:30
answer #7
answered by VITCH 2
No, the bible does not specifically say that you will burn in hell if you are gay =) But it is true that it says that judging the others is a sin.
2007-08-20 02:26:41
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Rev 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
You can't be a sodomite and believe the Word of God, no matter what you say. Thus, the queers are not only among the "abominable" and "whoremongers", they are among the "unbelieving". Sodomy is clearly condemned in both testaments and under every covenant between God and men.
PS - to all you moron posters who are Biblically illterate, it is INDEED the believer's place to judge SIN in others. Read the Bible for a change:
1Cr 6:2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?
1Cr 6:3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
1Cr 6:4 If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church.
1Cr 6:5 I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren?
2007-08-19 17:06:05
answer #9
answered by imaji 2
Johnathan, I am a Christian, and have been for over 20 years. I am also Bisexual. I am not going to Hell because Jesus promised me life, and that I will never die. If you want the part in the Bible that says that, e-mail me.
If you trust God, then you are counted as righteous. That's also in the Bible. I don't know where you are on all this, but I am telling you the truth.
Many Christians have all this wrong, and I hate the way they ignore the Gospel so that we can hear their pastor's pet peeve. But the truth is there for any to see, but as Jesus said, " For those who have the eyes to see, and the ears to hear."
2007-08-19 17:13:13
answer #10
answered by Christian Sinner 7