Yeah, I think its in the grand design. I dunno about whenever we want, because of gluttony definitions. God lets em eat each other, I dont think he would expect man to starve.
2007-08-19 16:07:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I eat animal's flesh and wear their skin.
It is good...
...because I am living in animal's body (or maybe just a stupid evolved animal-not sure). While I would prefer to be a spiritual energy floating through all space and time and be at one with the universe, I and no one else really has that little blessing as of yet.
Meanwhile we are stuck having to bathe, drink fluids, use the bathroom, do nasty things to make babies, have bad breath, cut our hair, cut our nails, bleed when cut, fall apart when old and all the other fun stuff, so why?, why? why?, pray tell do people think we're not BUILT to be more compatible with eating critters than petting them. It's just a fact that some don't want to admit.
Plants are designed to supplement this here body ya got, not sustain it. Buck up and eat Bambi. Bambi would want you to.
2007-08-19 16:16:27
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Some animals evolved to eat meat, but humans are healthier if they don't eat it. That is one of the best reasons for not eating meat. The other is the cruelty involved in killing animals and eating them. Sounds a lot like cannibalism, doesn't it? I am able to eat meat occasionally, but only because I don't see it killed. The grocer calls it steak or rib-eye or some such name so we won't be too aware that we are eating another being that was living just a little while ago.
Anyway, we get many of our ailments and get older faster from eating meat.
2007-08-19 16:12:25
answer #3
answered by JiveMan 2
I mean it depends on your religious beliefs. I'm not Christian, but I know in the Bible, it says man has dominion over animal, but that doesn't mean a man should kill an animal when it can. God may have power of us, but is it ethical for him to kill us at will? I don't think so necessarily.
With power comes a great deal of responsibility. We have dominion over other creatures because we're leaders, and we shouldn't exploit that advantage to satisfy our pleasures.
2007-08-19 16:09:09
answer #4
answered by apatel1488 2
depending on who you call god, it can vary. while the bible states that it is a sin, gluttony, to over eat.....the bible at the same time allows for celebrations through feasting. muslims have periods of fasting which restrict the times at which they can eat anything. or.....hinduism, in certain regions and factions, believe in not eating "animals" all together.***though they can still drink their milk and blood that they obtain without killing the source.
for me....if you approach the issue on a purely scientific basis, the absence of a paticular carnivorous species in the food chain, would cause great stress to any environment. imagine if there were no lions eating gazelle.....we would have a lot of gazelle. hyennas eating dead diseased waterbuffalo.....then plague would be sure to follow. it is important to remember we are a function in the food chain, and most likely for an intended purpose.
the bottom line is that we were designed to eat meat, our teeth and digestive functions prove it. if you believe god intended the "master planned community" we exist in, then we were created to be partially carnivorous. it ok to eat nothing but meat....probably not, since you will catch scurvy, a disease caused by vitamin c deficiency. and....did god intend for us not to eat meat at all.....probably not. putting this all together.....god is pobably ok with us eating meat in a balanced and responsible fashion. basically, not have meat be your only source of nutrition and be responsible in the methods used to farm meat, meaning that the process of raising animals for slaughter be as humane as possible.
2007-08-19 16:47:48
answer #5
answered by CHARLES B 2
I really don't remember any ham hocks at the last supper but who knows when dealing in fable myth lore and urban legend hearsay can go anywhere . If your family Doctor recommended a vegetarian diet for health reasons would get a second opinion...?
2007-08-19 16:09:43
answer #6
answered by dogpatch USA 7
Im not sure. Animals wernt made just for food, I dont think, like horses used to pull carrages, stuff like that. People are mammals, and so are animals, so its kind of like cannibilism in a way. I dont eat meat, and people have vegtables and fruit so it isnt totally neccesary.
2007-08-19 16:09:09
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I think he put them here for us to eat, yet like anything in moderation. I mean one should not have a steak with every meal but we are permitted to kill and eat animals. They provide some very healthy things like protean and so on. Yet I think people eat to much of them as a rule. They are very tasty I do have to say.
2007-08-19 16:09:10
answer #8
answered by Prof. Dave 7
Isn't whenever we want and necessary for survival have to do largely with the hunger sensation? So...both?
2007-08-19 16:07:31
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Whenever we want. It is His way of providing a food source for us. Does He want us to eat vegetables or bread to just survive??
2007-08-19 16:09:26
answer #10
answered by hipster 2
Evolution BabY! Survival of the fittest. I'll eat anything before it eats me.
2007-08-19 16:06:50
answer #11
answered by Self Awareness 2