Bless you my Sister in Christ, I sure know how you feel but you are doing the Lords work. You go Girl!!!! Everyone in this r&s do not believe the same as you and I. It is a sad sad world. You keep on preaching and spreading the news of Jesus Christ and you will be rewarded in Heaven.
God Bless YOU!!
2007-08-19 15:01:26
answer #1
answered by Nancy L 3
First of all what do you base your truth on, if it is the bible then it's not a good reference to truth, because it was written hundreds of years after the death of Jesus, and for not wanting anyone to go to hell, well most intelligent people know there is no such a place because it's simply created by men not God, I am a catholic and I can tell you no where in the bible has God lent his hand or his word to that book, it's simply a story created by men, pray to God the father not to a man that is dead and buried in Israel, may God have mercy on the lost.
2007-08-19 14:46:23
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Self righteousness is not an attractive quality. You don't seem willing to understand or appreciate that there are different points of view from your own, or that most people in this world disagree with you. If nothing else that should engender a little humility into you but that doesn't seem to be the case.
Have you ever engaged in a dialog with someone of a different faith, a Muslim or a Wicca or even an atheist, and really listened to their point of view? If not then how can you expect to bring them over to your way of thinking if you don't understand where it is they are coming from?
2007-08-19 14:47:38
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Do not be discouraged if you tell people about God and you pray for the lost. There will be some that believe you and some that will not understand but don't give up that is all we can do. I think God will understand because they did not all believe Jesus either and he did all of those miracles. Jesus said they laughed at him and that they would laugh at us for following Jesus. God Bless
2007-08-19 14:40:20
answer #4
answered by Ron 3
If someone came up to you and shouted in your face "Allah is king, praise allah, allah loves you" after a while you would get annoyed. People know your beliefs, but to them thats just what they are, YOUR beliefs. People don't care that Jesus loves them because to them Jesus isn't real, and most people have a short fuse which leads to them reacting in the disliking of you kind of way.
2007-08-19 14:32:22
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
When you talk about Jesus some are always going to dislike you. Jesus said it was going to be that way....remember? Keep the faith!
2007-08-19 14:58:35
answer #6
answered by bethybug 5
Some of the people in R&S judge, and they need to know that there is only one Judge and His Name is God, and when the time comes for God to Judge you, you will wished you weren't so mean, I love Jesus too, and I pray for all the lost souls, and really they don't know they are hurting themselves, they think it is fun.
2007-08-19 14:45:08
answer #7
answered by flannelpajamas1 4
I don't know you and I don't have any feelings either way about you as a person but this board or forum is called Yahoo Answers not Yahoo Preaching or Yahoo tossing pearls to swine! Don't use it to try to convert people!
I don't know who's saying ugly things to you but perhaps you should try talking TO them rather than preaching AT them?
Ideally Yahoo Answers should be a place for sharing information so people whether you're a fundie or an atheist or somewhere between think carefully about what you're posting?
Witness or provide proof with grace intelligence and style and evidence not opinion.
2007-08-19 14:39:16
answer #8
answered by J V 6
You are just fine. No dislike from me.
The more you represent Christ, the more the world will hate you. Christians are not of this world, we are a voice and example to represent God and show the way of salvation.
Jesus Christ was hated and so His servants. Nothing has changed.
2007-08-19 14:31:01
answer #9
answered by Randy 3
Matthew 24:9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
Most nonbelievers call themselves "tolerant" and "open-minded", but a lot of them I've met hate religious people, right-wingers, just people with radically different ideals from their perspective.
2007-08-19 15:25:03
answer #10
answered by Anonymous