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I want to know if it is wrong to be lesbian or gay and where in the bible would it say so?

2007-08-19 13:08:50 · 25 answers · asked by anna_n_bunch2007 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

The Christians (homophobics) believe so.

Their fictional book supports their ignorant ways in three different passages: Leviticus 18:22; Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:26-27.

2007-08-19 13:12:26 · answer #1 · answered by gruz 3 · 7 4

It does not say that it is wrong to have the inclination to homosexuality, but acting on it is where there comes to be a problem because no matter how many ways you slice it sex outside the bonds of a marital union is still fornication, and for that reason alone sex homosexual or heterosexual is wrong.

We can look at the story about Lot, and Sodom and Gomorrah (Chapter 19 of Genesis), to see how God dealt with a City where no righteousness existed, and was in the midst of a great deal of homosexual intercourse.

Also fornication is spoken of directly in Ephesians 5:5 and 1 Corinthians 6:18

Beyond that there are scriptures speaking of homosexuals, along with drunkards, and idolaters, and other basic sins not inheriting the Kingdom of God, but then the next scripture says some of you were these things, so it is not about having homosexual urges, or desires, it is about suppressing the urge so as to stay in harmony with God's word. (1 Corinthians 6:9-11)

2007-08-19 20:58:09 · answer #2 · answered by Michael 2 · 0 1

"is wrong to be lesbian or gay ...?" No, it is never wrong to be true to the person looking back in the mirror, in the morning. I thought people did not hide who they are anymore, (since the 80's)?

I do not know religious fevor on this subject. Usually a persons community has a more important impact on enjoying a life style than a religions.

2007-08-19 22:19:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

If the Bible is actually read in a rigorous way it would be found that it is the sexual that the Hebrew God abhors not the inner feeling or the admission of mono-sexual feelings. The very verse that is quoted so often is buried within many other pronouncements of law that are completely ignored by the 21st century religions purporting to dispense Christian morals and the law of the Christian God.

2007-08-19 20:33:53 · answer #4 · answered by Terry 7 · 0 1

I'm telling you this because you asked, not because I think you ought to pay any attention.

Leviticus 18: 22, God laying down the law to Moses: "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination." (New Revised Standard Version).

In other words, God told Moses that men shouldn't have sex with each other. He never explicitly said anything about women having sex with each other, however.

Just because it says in the Bible that something is wrong, doesn't mean you ought to pay attention. Later in the same book, Leviticus 19:19 -

"You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your animals breed with a different kind; you shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed; nor shall you put on a garment made of two different materials."

In other words, if you wear socks made of cotton/lycra mix, you are disobeying a direct order from God. Now that, in my opinion, is crazy and not worth paying attention to.

2007-08-19 20:19:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

There's plenty of Christian passages that say "Judge not lest ye be judged." As far as I'm concerned, most of the time the onl things worth living your life by are the words out of Christ's mouth: Peace, love and understanding NO MATTER WHAT. The rest is ancient Jewish law and some random critiques.

2007-08-19 20:14:50 · answer #6 · answered by Amanda 3 · 1 3

nature is more powerful than religions... and no the gods of religions did not create nature... religions rob pagans of knowledge and condemn them as evil then murder them so they can't help the world fight back.... so no matter what anyone says about the bible, it become irrelevant... mother nature says accept yourself as you are and you will feel better in your own skin...

2007-08-19 20:33:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

1 Corinthians 6:9:
"What! Do you not know that unrighteous persons will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be misled. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, nor men who lie with men* [* nor, sodomites], nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God’s kingdom. And yet that is what some of you were. But you have been washed clean, but you have been sanctified, but you have been declared righteous in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and with the spirit of our God. "

definitions of 'sodomy' include: "anal or oral copulation with a member of the opposite sex, copulation with a member of the same sex, bestiality"

Also, the ancient Sodomites in the account in Genesis tells that one of the reasons the ancient cities Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed was because of these acts.

Its brings out the before Lot and his family and his 'guests' (materialized angels) could retire for the night,
"The men of the city, the men of Sod´om, surrounded the house, from boy to old man, all the people in one mob. And they kept calling out to Lot and saying to him: “Where are the men who came in to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have intercourse with them.”

Lot's response?

"Please, my brothers, do not act badly."

Why had the angels come in the first place?

They say: "For we are bringing this place to ruin, because the outcry against them has grown loud before Jehovah, so that Jehovah sent us to bring the city to ruin.”
The city was destroyed.

Romans 1:27 says
"Therefore God, in keeping with the desires of their hearts, gave them up to uncleanness, that their bodies might be dishonored among them, even those who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created, who is blessed forever. Amen. That is why God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature; and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error. "

Leviticus 18:22

"And you must not lie down with a male the same as you lie down with a woman. It is a detestable thing. " -- Notice what this act is parallel to in the Bible
"And you must not give your emission to any beast to become unclean by it, and a woman should not stand before a beast to have connection with it. It is a violation of what is natural. " According to the Bible, sodomy, and bestiality are both detestable and unnatural.

2007-08-19 20:36:35 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

No, it is not wrong. It is how some people are born. They did not choose to be gay any more than I chose to be straight. They can misquote the Bible to justify any bigotry they have, as they once did to justify slavery and condemn interracial marriage.

2007-08-19 20:22:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

Homosexuality is not "wrong," but it does say that it is in Leviticus, and various places in "Paul's" letters. The Bible is wrong. And not just about homosexuality!

The earth revolves around the sun for all it says in the Bible. But if people want to pretend that they take the Bible "literally" (an impossibility, in fact), and they choose to interpret the passages mentioned as condemning all homosexuals to burn in hell, I suppose that's their prerogative.

2007-08-19 20:14:20 · answer #10 · answered by jonjon418 6 · 3 5

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