Religion is a choice. People are free to believe in what they want. People that try to tell you that you are right or wrong based on your spiritual beliefs are just ignorant.
2007-08-19 14:21:45
answer #1
answered by dpymp 3
It's a mistake to assume that just because someone's religious, they have blind, unquestioning faith. There are many different religions, denominations, and sects. Some of them are quite open to questioning and seeking. Your beliefs sound not unlike the faith of a Unitarian friend of mine (but since every individual Unitarian has freedom of belief, those beliefs can very from person to person). You are ultimately responsible for your own beliefs, and nobody else can make that decision for you. Your friend probably means well, but possibly hasn't had much experience in dealing with people outside of his own religion, or he would've been more tactful. Just remember that he cannot make spiritual decisions for you. Only you can do that.
2007-08-19 18:54:51
answer #2
answered by solarius 7
You do have a right to your own opinion. The earth will unfold as it should, we just believe that God has designed it to unfold that way and is in control too. Don't be mad at your friend, he must really care about you. It is wonderful to have such a friend. We could probably discuss this matter til the cows come home and neither one would change their mind. Have a great day.
2007-08-19 19:11:25
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
God never asked a Christian to have blind faith. He has given us reason for our faith. The chirality all life code is written in (DNA) is a very strong evidence that God is there. Then there is fulfilled prophecy concerning the coming of Jesus Christ given in the Old Testament. I don't mind if you develop your own faith. I don't care if you think of yourself as your own savior. I do mind when you BLINDLY call me blind in my acceptance of God in my life. You haven't studied either life sciences nor the Bible long enough to make such judgments.. I am sorry but you seem very young and very self important... Jim
2007-08-19 18:58:27
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You have faith. Even people belonging to a specific religion have differing insight into their beliefs because everyone is at different "levels" of spirituality and are in the experience of a unique life situation.
2007-08-19 18:59:59
answer #5
answered by dhamca 3
That is perfectly fine. i never said it wasn't, I don't really appreciate you calling my faith blind, however, Just as much as you don't.
Just keep that in mind
2007-08-19 18:49:38
answer #6
answered by danksprite420 6
Yes, blind faith is flawed.
That is why I do not subscribe to it.
2007-08-19 18:49:21
answer #7
answered by Tim 47 7
Well Randy, so you have your faith. Did you hear me call it blind faith?
So please, start out on the right foot. Do not call my faith blind faith.
2007-08-19 18:49:10
answer #8
answered by Randy 3
The Bible is not just "some book." It is God revealing all that we need to believe and live in a manner that pleases Him.
2007-08-19 18:48:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
"everyone has a right to define their own faith"?!?
i'm sorry but you are wrong
there is only one truth, and i pray that you find it
2007-08-19 18:49:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous