In 6th Century BC Judaism was already more than 3,000 years old.
Most of their holy Scriptures were already written.
2007-08-19 08:52:34
answer #1
answered by Anthony M 6
Zoroaster was sent by God, indeed. But later prophets such as Moses received revelations from God, fully compatible with what had been handed down to Zoroaster. Every religion absorbs influences from surrounding cultures. E.g. The idea of the Logos went from Greek philosophy, via Alexandrian Judaism to early christianity.
2007-08-19 09:28:10
answer #2
answered by Jerusalem Delivered 3
,truth seeks purification and completion.
Zoroastrian influences and predatings are often ignored by or unknown to the Western Monotheists,
especially in such topics as the All Goodness of God the Supreme and Universal,His demand that His followers be ethical and morally upright,angels,Paradise, Hell and revealed inspired scriptures.
2007-08-19 08:54:24
answer #3
answered by James O 7
No, its quite modern by some cultural standards - religion is a patchwork quilt of many cultural ideas. Zorastorism was the first to tie them up in a neat package and it influenced the Romans. However, the much older tribes of the globe had equally different but important ideas that have been swollowed up by the big three.
2007-08-19 09:01:23
answer #4
answered by DAVID C 6
I would argue that it is both monotheistic and dualistic. Monotheistic as it holds to one creator of all being. Dualistic with respect to the idea that there is the creator being that seems to be a seperate entity from the rest of the 57 million things. The very idea of powers of good and evil suggest "not one" as there are powers opposed to each other. If there is only one power, then there is nothing leftover for opposition unless the creator is at war with itself. All of the major monotheistic religions are dualistic. God as an entity separate from everything else. Non-dualism is "not two"
2016-05-17 09:07:07
answer #5
answered by ? 3
You are kind of mixed up a little there. Age does not prove truth. Jesus started Christianity in the first century.
But think on this, if we were all born from one man and one woman then all of us and our religions had a common start.
Just like the branches of a tree, true religion split into many off shoots. That does not mean that the true religion is not still going strong. It is up to us as individuals to find it.
2007-08-19 08:52:17
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
This is an enormous simplification I will not go into. I hope that if you stand back and think for a minute you will see the flaw. You reduce the history of religion to the level of a cross-words puzzle.
Is it possible to name your sources? Your quote is from the wikipedia page on Zoroastrianism.
Have a nice day.
2007-08-19 09:01:40
answer #7
answered by kwistenbiebel 5
Paganism predates all religions. It's a few thousand years old. So yeah, I'd say it proves that not only A) all future religions were influenced by it, but B) it's the most true religion one can practice.
2007-08-19 08:47:29
answer #8
answered by Meatwad 6
If Zoroastianism is true than the other three are based on truth, right? Does anybody know if Zoroastriansim is true?
2007-08-19 10:24:55
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Ah... the truth that the worlds major religions dont want to hear, that their set of myths are actually derived from earlier myths from earlier religions.
2007-08-19 08:51:08
answer #10
answered by Anonymous