I will write nothing!
An white page!
2007-08-19 19:33:14
answer #1
answered by ? 2
First of all I would not write to GOD because that is a christian concept so I would probably address it to
Krushna or Ishwar Or Parmatma
Dear Parmatma,
Thank you for this life. I think it has been difficult. Yet, no regrets. Just bad memories to live with.
My body aches from the torture by muslims,
my feet have sores from searching for your meaning,
my eyes are still filled with unstoppable tears
but it has shown me something that I will discuss when I come to you. (here they call it heaven)
My time is not up yet I know
I have a lot to do
And I wait for the day
when we will discuss the world.
The human being and the brain power
where meaning of life means violence.
The muslim entity Allah is amazing
never knew how much cruelty could be;
and the christians are amazing too.
have you talked to Jesus yet?
Tell him how they use him here
or I will give details in my report
Yes life on earth is critical
there is no protection of Hindus any more.
Indian politicians are senseless
or maybe not cause swiss accounts are
still filled with money.
They say the only way in India
is corruption. I have not
seen much of it though.
The hindu woman suffers
and the hindu child is totally confused
maybe one day they will revolt
at so much cruelty.
(I hope because right now
they are playing games
just like the others).
Take care Ishwar
cause I long to be back home
yes last night I cried a lot.
Confusion and stress have set in
yet I have to finish my time here
I know.
I love you and all your ideas
what else could we have done.
I dont know if there will be any change
in this life time.
(They have to want it)
But not to worry.
I have opened some eyes and ears
and lets hope some have seen
and heard.
Love you lots.
Thanks for this lifetime
It has been difficult and yet
very important
for me.
The world is totally gone berserk
and there is that Allah's fellow
still thinks he is my husband
because my own keep on
recreating him like they
are the creators.
Ya someone called Mohammad
who wants to stay alive in spite of
my chasing him away 15 years ago.
You told me but I did not believe you.
You are laughing. That's not funny
Wait till I come home and give you
a talking to.
What the hell; oops no talking
about hell in front of you.
Yes I am going to give you a telling off
oh yes. Just wait.
My time is not up yet
so you have to wait.
When I am home, we will chat.
until then tra la la.
My kids are the most amazing gift
you have ever given me.
I dont have any family members
close by now but is it not
because of the muslims?
They try to kill everyone who
comes in their way.
Oh I wish I could end this thing
right now as I do not like
being humiliated so much,
but that is life and that is the
way of Allah right?
Yes it says in the koran
"Humiliate the kaffirs until
they give up".
That is what I go through.
Life has been difficult
and continues to be so.
What to do
On duty now. Got to go.
Pranaam Ishwarji
2007-08-19 18:07:30
answer #2
answered by why 2
Dear Disputed God
Hope you are still being abused by every one from this Earth. I am very sorry to say further that whatever you tried to teach the living things in this world you created for their welfare, has been misinterpreted and they kill each other. They have not started eating it. They will say that this is not told in their holy book. It is surprising you do not know what is a holy book? How you sent Tsunami only to some parts. Or are you planning to send a very big one. If it is so it is good. Please wash this earth. Kill all the human beings which are more venomous than any Cobra. Next time when you create human being there should be something inbuilt in them that whenever any one tries to propagate about their celluloid Gods he should fall dead. Please try to solve the water problem. OK
I need not disclose my id etc. you know that.
2007-08-19 16:21:55
answer #3
answered by RAVINDRAN K 2
I'd would send an e-mail to god asking that why there is a discremetation between boy and a girl?
why womens are treated as badly in their family?
why did he made soo many casts?
why only brahmins are treated as a good cast?
2007-08-19 23:45:45
answer #4
answered by Sahana 1
Ask him to appear before all the people so that even ordinary people HE himself have created may see HIM withuot anybody's intervention and crooks can not attribute to HIM characters which make HIM look like an IDIOT of the first water and make HIM the cause of all sin the wolrd and perpetuate atrocities in HIS name .I will not ask for any favour for MYSELFand ask him to take all the poeple to Heaven if HE really has made one and put me alone in hell or leave me behind on earth dead or burried or burnt in HE should put somebody to Hell necessarily. I will aks him nt to create humans with diferent colours and in diferent ethinic groups with differnet languages and create one species of humans with one language and one mind that does nt thnk of any religion and quarrles
2007-08-19 11:55:36
answer #5
answered by Infinity 7
Dear Child,
Do Not break my trust in you.
Do Not give my e-mail id to all these people.
Do Not disclose my conversations with you.
Do Not ask such funny questions ever again...
The OmniScient/Potent/Present,
2007-08-19 09:26:23
answer #6
answered by presidentofasia 3
I will ask Him: Where on earth is that real saint whom You have described in the Vedas as Shrotriya Brahmanishtha ( A theoretically adept saint who has come face to face with God in practical sense )?
2007-08-19 23:16:09
answer #7
answered by Vijay D 7
I shall write the following :-
"God, I am confused about You and Your activities. I do not know what to beg from You. You are a good Person anyway."
2007-08-20 05:27:13
answer #8
answered by Devarat 7
I can't wait to spend eternity with You. I hope You rapture the church when I'm still on earth because I think it would be the most amazing thing to meet You in the air with all my brothers and sisters.
2007-08-19 09:22:34
answer #9
answered by ChildofGod 3
Bhagwan ko Pranam
2007-08-20 16:22:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
,My dear lord Krishna kindly empower this low insignificant, fool to spread your Glories all over the world. Kindly let me be your loving servant, and a pure representative and instrument of your mercy. Please give me the strength, courage, wisdom and purity to do your will. Kindly gather the souls to help in spreading your sublime message to deliver the fallen conditioned souls, which is the only way for them to be truly happy. Let them know your Unlimited love and mercy, so they will not continue to suffer in this illusion any longer. Kindly bless me with the intelligence needed to accomplish this insurmountable task. I know with your mercy and the mercy of your Divine servant Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada, this is all possible, if it is your desire. Please forgive all of my offenses and inebriates and my lack of attentiveness towards Your Unlimited Sweetness. Kindly engage me in your loving devotional service My dear Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.
2007-08-19 13:26:16
answer #11
answered by Anonymous