This seems to be a playground for young punks to get their kicks at someone elses' expense. If someone has a real question, whether or not it might seem a dumb one, they still deserve respect. Our youth of today somehow missed out on that. I have a teenage daughter, so I know. I do not tolerate rudeness. If you can not say it nicely, don't say it at all. What makes you think anyone cares what you have to say anyway? Once they hear constant garbage coming out of your mouth...they will quit listening anyway. Maybe not your :"friends" who have the same warped mentality as you, but certainly everyone else on this planet. You kids want respect? Earn it and share it. That is how you get respect. There are a lot of young people on here that need some guidance and have no one else to turn to for support. This is the excellent forum for them, because they can be anonymous. Suicide rates are high for young teens because they bottle it all up. I would hope this group can help them.
28 answers
asked by
Sally R
Society & Culture
➔ Etiquette
But not if you guys are having your funsies and send them over the edge. Please think about how your actions affect others. It might be fun for you, but not the person being ridiculed. Being a teenager is hard enough. Why do you guys make it harder on each other???
OK, off my soapbox. I have found other forums who actually moderate posts and give the boot to the ones who do not play by the rules. Yahoo is just greedy and wants their numbers high for their stock holders...and you all play right into their hands. Anyway, I am signing out of here. I can find agrivation elsewhere. I don't need to take it here.
07:43:41 ·
update #1
BigJack...those 55's should be SS. I guess you are one of the loosers on here, huh?
07:46:36 ·
update #2
PS...I am not angry...just disgusted. I save my anger for the real crisis of life. And the other forums are art groups and specialty interest groups that I have joined...Mom groups and such. Places where people truly care to help. I thought that was here, but too many rats are allowed to scurry underfoot. It distracts from the good members. And no, I did not expect nice answers...I never do if I post here. My question? Why is everyone so darn rude on Yahoo?
07:53:29 ·
update #3
A bit over the top, don't ya think? people are going to be people no matter what and you can't control them. It's a free forum to an extent so if you see something blatant report it or move on to another question
2007-08-19 07:45:44
answer #1
answered by madison134 5
I would just like to say that not all kids are rude. You can find rudeness any where, in both adults and children, it has nothing to do with age. I do agree that it is not ok that people like to give obnoxious answers to questions. I think one reason people do it is because they don't know anyone here, and that makes them more comfortable saying certain things. But people ask these questions seeking help, not rude jokes. I'm 13 and I don't like the rudeness either. But, the rude answers can come from anyone, not just kids and teens.
2007-08-19 08:03:22
answer #2
answered by freakinelectric 2
Let's put it this way. Rude is one thing, but the use of four letter words & insults (by one user whose nickname alone indicates attitude) is going over the edge. Don't hesitate to report violations. They get on here for a few days, get kicked off & come back. They don't want respect. If you accepted email, I'd be able to help.
2007-08-20 14:54:44
answer #3
answered by Psychic Cat 6
I'm 14 and I am not rude. I take things seriously. A lot of people do. Please don't blame the whole generation for the people who are rude. We are jokingly and sarcasticly "rude" to our friends, but we're in a tight little group and we know we're really being nice and just I do think people need to realize that they can't do this to anyone they want to. You need to respect people and take things seriously and be sincere. there are only certain time and with certain people that you should be like that with. I agree with you about here though. People are so rude it disgusts me.
2007-08-19 07:46:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
1) this is not a question, you are already in violation
2) typical hypocrisy = you complain about rudeness and yet your post is one of the rudest I've ever read here
3) you are right to leave, obviously you can't handle it
4) not to be rude, but you may at least consider getting some professional seem like a couple of sandwiches short of a picnic
2007-08-19 10:50:50
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think some people see the Internet as not being like they have to be in the real world. I think that kids can be rude but don't think most of them would say the things they say on here.
I get what your saying but your being a bit of a hypocrite by calling that kid a loser. You think they need to have respect but teenagers can only learn by example.
2007-08-19 07:44:29
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I agree with you 100% about people on this site being rude, but please don't just hang the label of "rude" on the teenagers of Yahoo Answers. There are plenty of adults hiding behind their computers typing snide answers to people's questions on this site too. Unfortunately rudeness is universal and it is not exclusive of any one age group.
2007-08-22 16:03:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I don't know where to begin.
First, perhaps you have problems with the youth of America because you are extremely condescending like we owe you something. You said it yourself " Earn it and share it. That is how you get respect," a statement that to me goes both ways,and as a young person, 21 if you would like to know, you have not earned my respect. I have been raised to respect elders so you started a notch up on my chart, but your blanket inaccurate assumptions and rude tone have made me loose whatever respect I started your question with. "Maybe my friends with the same warped mentality," please, I think you should realize statements like that are extremely disrespectful. Let me reiterate some of your points you seem to have hypocritically ignored yourself:
"I do not tolerate rudeness"
"What makes you think anyone cares what you have to say anyway?"
"Earn it and share it. That is how you get respect"
P.S. My god this woman is on one
2007-08-19 08:04:56
answer #8
answered by chrigity 3
I agree with you. The world is a ruder place than it used to be. But I think teens have been rude for quite a few generations, and it's a way of rejecting their parents' values. Now I also feel that the parents are rude too.
But your anger won't change things, and you're only hurting yourself by keeping it inside you. Have you been feeling depressed? With all due respect, you have a job to do, raising your daughter. Your anger can't help but make her angry, too.
I don't read one liners here. I only read substance with paragraphs. Those people usually have something to say.
There is an old saying, "fools names and fools faces always appear in public places." Yahoo! Answers is no exception.
2007-08-19 07:46:31
answer #9
answered by P S 4
You appear to be very hypocritical! You rebuke rudeness then portray it in your so called 'question'. I am 15 years old, does this automatically mean i have a warped mind and suicidal tendencies? Perhaps you should learn to tolarate other peoples opinions before construing them as disresfectful and rude!
2007-08-19 07:54:33
answer #10
answered by *Lily*Moe* 2