are you asking if there is one Denomination that is better?
Remember...denominations are disagreements about secondary's the orthodox beliefs we all agree on....that Jesus died on the cross...that He was resurrected, that He is the Son of God, the Son of Man, the Perfect Lamb, and part of the Triune God, and most important..that it is Grace, not works that gains Heaven.
2007-08-19 07:30:02
answer #1
answered by Last Stand 2010 4
No one religion is better than the rest, but most people will say theirs is best, or most on track, because they genuinely believe it. Whereever a person finds spiritual guidance, has a feeling of being a small part of something much larger, lives with a charitable heart and a clean life, that is where God and Jesus are.
Jesus didn't promote any one church or even one group of people, he was just as likely to care about a Jew, a Samaritan, or someone who was wandering without any belief. Remember, he never had a church building himself, he didn't even have a house when he was preaching. He had no wealth, and supported his work by relying on the good graces of those who he spoke to. I think Jesus would just be glad that people are out there helping others, spiritually, personally, or with financial help to those in need.
2007-08-19 07:35:34
answer #2
answered by 2 Happily Married Americans 5
Generally speaking, Christianity preaches that the only way to salvation is through the blood of Christ. Being the only way to salvation, Christianity would therefore be the "best" religion. Although most Christians are tolerant of others, provided the other religions are benevolent and serve mankind in some way. A Christian would seek to spread their teachings in order to convert others to the "true path", though if they follow the teachings of the Bible they should never attempt to force those beliefs on others.
In practice it doesn't really work that way all of the time, but that's the theory behind it at least.
2007-08-19 07:30:03
answer #3
answered by P.I. Joe 6
There is no religion, any better than another. Religion is only; a man made forum, developed to keep order and control, in a body of people, while congregated together. There is only one true faith, and that is; believing in God the father, God the son and the Holy Spirit. Believing in a religion and totally relying upon what they control, can develop bondage's. Please do not get me wrong; God does put us under tutors and governs for an appointed time; then He expects us to totally rely upon Him; for further spiritual growth; in Him.
There are so many, due to man can not come into an agreement on their beliefs, of God and how we are suppose to conduct ourselves as Christians. There are so many religions to suit many ways of coming together to worship and serve and the way they feel comfortable doing, without offending anyone. Until all believers come to one mind and accord with God's way, there will always be different religions.
2007-08-19 07:44:25
answer #4
answered by † White-Eagle Prayer Warrior † 3
There is ONE true church in Christianity. Which one is it? You probably would not believe me if I told you.
As far as why are there so many Christian denominations today, you must look at what was happening during the Reformation. GOD presented the reformers with various pieces of truth. Tyndale-->The Bible Only, Luther-->Salvation by Grace, etc. Each one noticed a few things as they read the Bible. However, not all of these truthes never fully came together. The followers of Luther formed the Lutheran church, the followers of the Wesley brothers formed the Methodist church, etc.
More can be said.
GOD bless
2007-08-19 07:40:00
answer #5
answered by Exodus 20:1-17 6
By religion, do you mean denomination? If so, unfortunately, some are better than others.
The only source for our faith, what to know, believe, and do, is found in the Holy Bible. Many denoms. and individual churches have begun to disregard the Bible. So, what becomes their foundation for belief? What then are their convictions resting upon if they doubt the Word of God?
Some denoms are more careful to follow and believe God than others. The others I think haven't really considered just how seriously they should take God, and His will for them.
I thank God that salvation is not found in anything other than in Jesus Christ.
There are many different denoms. due to mostly differing views on lesser doctrines. By and large, we all believe mostly the same, unless the person doubts the Bible. Such a person really doesn't know what to believe about their faith.
2007-08-19 07:38:13
answer #6
answered by Jed 7
One reason there are so many religions is the fact of 'The Tower of Babel'. When all the people of the earth spoke only one language and were one people. They tried to build a tower to Heaven. Made God mad and so he confused their language and scattered the people to different parts of the earth. You can read it in Genesis, chapter 11. I also believe there is right and wrong in every religion. I wouldn't say better. I believe if a religion teaches 1 God, Peace, Love, Harmony, Caring and Sharing, They are a right religion. I believe if a religion teaches dishonor, destruction, mutilation, in person, property, or land, then they are a false religion and worthy of God's wrath.
2007-08-19 07:37:37
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
John Lennon said, "no religion too." Meaning that the world would be better without it. Many years ago men used religion to get power, by putting forth a "new" belief, ie, Martin Luther, Calvin, kings of all sorts, and of course, popes.
All religion is a manner of control over people. If you can keep people frightened so that they bunch together like sheep, you can control them. Tell them that a god will protect them and help them and it allays fears.
2007-08-19 07:35:14
answer #8
answered by P S 4
Any answer to the question of which branch/denomination of Christianity is "best" will by subjective. Which one of us can stand above or outside of our experiences and allegiances and make an objective appraisal? For me, any branch which claims to be the "best" or the "true church" is by so doing blowing arrogant, deceptive, smoke! The humility to be an open seeker is missing the moment I say my "church" is number one. The truths of the universe are not unlocked by any one branch of anthropology, economics, mathematics, philosophy, psychology or theology. Each of us may have hold of a piece of the "elephant" but we need each others insights to more fully understand the "elephant." So why would we assume that all Christian truth can be contained within one church, whether it be Roman, Mormon or Southern Baptist? Each of these makes the claim of being the "true" expression of authentic Christianity (there are others also). The existence of so many christian denominations is evidence that its truths cannot be contained within one organized branch. Trust you own judgment as you examine the church scene!
2007-08-19 07:57:01
answer #9
answered by iamepiscopal 1
All religions lead unto death. Religion is made up by man. Christians do not have a religion, they have a faith in God. We have a personal relationship with God. Jesus becomes our Lord and Savior.
If you are not following Jesus you are following a thief. Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10) The devil is this thief that comes up with false teachers and religions. False teachers and religions only come to steal, kill, and destroy. So this makes the devil a liar. We have already learned that Jesus is the truth. Do you want to follow a liar or the way, the truth, and the life?
2007-08-19 07:37:05
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Worship in the home should have first place. It should never be secondary or incidental. Religion should be so woven into the warp and woof of the home life that the atmosphere will be as normal as that of the air we breath. Religion can be thus in the home if the parents will it by God's grace.
2007-08-19 07:45:40
answer #11
answered by flannelpajamas1 4