it cant possibly be that simple. as long as people hail from different backgrounds, there will be people that gain pride in that background. pride leads to ethnocentricity, which leads to an unconscious feeling of superiority. religious wars are a specific example of this, but hardly the only case.
2007-08-18 20:43:11
answer #1
answered by Mr. Gentleman 3
There never will be world peace. Accept it.
As soon as ppl realise that and start focusing on what they can improve i.e. themselves, rather than focussing on an unattainable utopia, (by trying to imporve everyone else) then the sooner the world will become a better place.
It will never be perfect the best we can hope for is an improvement from where we are at the present time.
2007-08-19 10:07:49
answer #2
answered by Louise H 3
As long as religion is allowed to exist (as opposed to being treated as a mental illness) there will always be fundamentalists that will try to start holy wars.
Though if religion is marginalised to the point at which the non religious people are the majority then they religious will probably find it very hard to start a religious war and even harder not to get their asses kicked although when the world gets to that point religion probably won't have much life left in it anyway.
Whilst there may still be things to fight about after religion is gone we should have a world full of democracies which won't fight each other.
2007-08-19 03:26:27
answer #3
answered by bestonnet_00 7
there can never be world peace, even without religion. religion may contribute, but there are usually other hidden reasons.
in the extremely unlikely event that all religion fades away, we'll still have wars over resources and prejudices.
2007-08-19 03:30:48
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
i think it would take alot of time for religion to be banished completely. and i dont really see it happening any time soon maybe never.
cuz alot of people are hardcore about there beliefs. i think it would be more simple just to let people believe in what they want too without telling them they are wrong and acting violently about it. no matter what someone believes they are still a person with feelings, so i say agree to disagree, let them believe what they want and not wage war about it.
2007-08-22 21:51:06
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Religion itself isn't the problem, it's the fanatics.
If only people would practice the TRUE values of their religion (which seems to be get along with everyone) then there will be world peace.
Unfortunately, people like to use religion to spread hatred, so to answer your question, it's doubtful.
2007-08-19 03:36:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yes, as we understand that religion has one offspring and that we basically mean the same!
Because we do not understand that, it brings confusion and misunderstanding.
So, let us realize and focus on that what we have in common
and us binds, and not on all the differences that are secondary and less important than the basic knowledge or belief in One Offspring and that we are all connected.
2007-08-19 07:16:10
answer #7
answered by murray 1
Nah. Even if religion was gone, people would use some other type of ideology in its place, and get defensive about it, and want to cast out the "outsiders". History has shown this.
2007-08-19 03:26:54
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Religion is not the problem it is people. Pride creates things like sexism, prejudice or racism.
2007-08-19 03:26:04
answer #9
answered by Muslim 1 3
There will never be world peace - but you can at least achieve peace within yourself.
2007-08-19 03:26:15
answer #10
answered by Anonymous